Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

Shane being tossed offstage
Came across this article talking about greatest wrestling transformations, here's one:

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Originally Posted by Peep Game

Shane being tossed offstage
Came across this article talking about greatest wrestling transformations, here's one:

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that hair
It appears that Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show for the IC title is now official for WM 28..
I don't think it'll open WM..I think they'll go with DBry vs Sheamus first, then the diva match, then Show/Rhodes..
IC title match should definitely be the opening match for wrestlemania.. but I will not be shocked at all. . If the world heavyweight championship is the first match @ wrestlemania..
I agree Deek..Cody has slowly been getting better, imo, since last years mania..This would have been a great opportunity to give someone else some shine..They could have started a turn for Santino's character into a more serious wrestler or maybe give a shot to Truth or Kofi..I just think Cody vs. Show won't live up to WM standards..
This definitely would have been a great time to capitalize on making Santino into a slightly more serious competitor with him going for the IC at Wrestlemania.

I can't remember the last time I was impressed with a Big Show vs smaller competitor match.
Just got back from the Smackdown tapings. Tons of fun as the Seattle crowd is ALWAYS hot.

One of the highlights of the night was the debut of a new Daniel Bryan chant. When he hit his repeated kicks, after each kick the crowd would chant YES!

Sheamus is insanely over. I really don't even know how he got so popular.
Big Show versus any non-monster sized wrestler always just seems like a side show match no matter if it's supposed to be serious or a gimmick..I'm sure they could have started an angle with Santino and Cody and let them have 12-15 minutes and let them two have a legit match with a clean finish..Which would have been a perfect way to show off their skills and help put both of them over as a wrestler that has a shot at the next level..
Drew did, no new gimmick yet. I'm pretty sure it was his last appearance before he's repackaged.

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He got "fired"
Cody Rhodes is my dude and deserves someone he can actually put on a 10 minute show with.

+1 to a Cody/Santino match, man. !%+$. I hate the damn Big Show.

I loved that old angle when Shane was just talking @*%% to The Big Show for like two months after Big Slow sucked hella @$@ in the WM2000 fatal 4 way
Smackdown Spoilers for Friday

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Sheamus cut a promo burying Daniel Bryan.  Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler came out and this leads to a Sheamus vs. Ziggler match.

Sheamus b Dolph Ziggler clean in a very good match.

John Laurinaitis and Teddy Long were backstage previewing next weeks trading places week of shows.  Long ordered Big Show vs. David Otunga for tonight.

Santino Marella b Heath Slater with the cobra.

Eve Torres did another interview. She didn't get that much heat.  Then Natalya came out with her farting gimmick which killed the segment dead.

Eve Torres b Natalya in a quick match.

Cody Rhodes did another interview making fun of Big Show.  Show finally had enough and came out. Rhodes ran away.  Show asked him to come back, said he wouldn't hurt him.  Rhodes wouldn't come back.  So Show chased after him.  Teddy Long stopped him and told him that at WrestleMania, it's Show vs. Rhodes and the IC title will be at stake.  Show seemed excited about that.  He's the first non-prelim guy who has even cared about that title.

Show b Mark Henry.  Henry took the whole match until Show came back with a knockout punch.  Fun for the two big guys kind of match.

Teddy Long told Drew McIntyre that this is his last chance.  If he loses, he's fired.  We've heard that one before.

Justin Gabriel b Drew McIntyre with the 450.

Long then fired McIntyre.  Nobody cared.  People see through this stuff these days.  Most likely Laurinaitis gives him his job back next week.

Daniel Bryan did a promo.  Not sure if this is just to make sure he didn't get cheered over Orton.  He talked about growing up in Aberdeen, WA, but then talked about how lousy it is and he's moved to Las Vegas.

Bryan vs. Orton main event.  Orton got cheered a lot.  Bryan still had people chanting for him during the match, and got the dueling chants.  Very good match with a lot of heat and a crap ending.  Bryan and A.J. went to walk out.  Kane then came out as Orton chased after Bryan.  Bryan and A.J. escaped from all this.  Kane laid out Orton with a choke slam and they seemed to be building toward a match between the two.  TV ended with that.
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