Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

King has the worst logic ever.

'how about warning Punk before jumping him from behind'

really? you're gonna warn someone about a surprise ambush?
And I have to admit... AJ is looking pretty, pretty good.  I never thought she didn't look good.  I just hated her character.  Now that she dropped it, she's good with me 

But as for her fat friend.... 
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

If we end up with Teddy vs John Laurenitis at WM I'll run into on coming traffic
Wasnt Cole v. Lalwer last year?  Wear extra padding, bro

I don't know why, but I love WWE's highlight packages..They always seem to get you hyped up..
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

If we end up with Teddy vs John Laurenitis at WM I'll run into on coming traffic
It'll be a team vs. team thing. Winner gets control of both shows.
Originally Posted by casekicks

I don't know why, but I love WWE's highlight packages..They always seem to get you hyped up..
It's the one thing they're consistently good at.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And I have to admit... AJ is looking pretty, pretty good.  I never thought she didn't look good.  I just hated her character.  Now that she dropped it, she's good with me 

But as for her fat friend.... 
I know your not talking about my sexy Kaitlyn cause shes a fitness model
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And I have to admit... AJ is looking pretty, pretty good.  I never thought she didn't look good.  I just hated her character.  Now that she dropped it, she's good with me 

But as for her fat friend.... 

Originally Posted by casekicks

I don't know why, but I love WWE's highlight packages..They always seem to get you hyped up..

They do screwy stuff, but the one thing you can always be certain is WWE video packages are on point...
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Makes me so so sad that JR won't be calling Mania this year.

Are you serious. Is this confirmed?

It will be Cole, King, and Booker T.
Speaking of announcing...

Fire Lawler, Hire JBL sign 
Yeah,that was a nice start by Jericho,hopefully they keep him looking dangerous until mania. Funny how everyone hates Sheamus now,I remember little hate for him in this thread when he won the Rumble. I disliked his character from the beginning.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

If we end up with Teddy vs John Laurenitis at WM I'll run into on coming traffic
Sadly, you know it wouldn't be Wrestlemania w/o the pointless filler match....RIP
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