Wrestling Thread Feb 7-13 | 2/13 TNA Against All Odds - Angle vs Jarrett | Anderson vs Jeff Hardy

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I see NO future for McGuillicutty. He's a poor mans Ted Dibiase Jr.

which is saying something, considering Ted Dibiase is a poor mans Ted Dibiase
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I see NO future for McGuillicutty. He's a poor mans Ted Dibiase Jr.

which is saying something, considering Ted Dibiase is a poor mans Ted Dibiase
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I told you bums last week it was Taker. And confirmed it in N&N.

Let go of the Sting dreams, folks...

EDIT: That's if they can't come up with a hail mary agreement with him before the date, of course.

I also think Rocky finally comes back for Wrestlemania...he was gonna come back to guest host RAW, why not guest host their biggest event?

only way it happens is if the studio gives him $$$ to push Fast Five
The Rock was the first and only name that came to mind for me too, although I still won't believe it until I see it.  Anyone other than Rock will be a letdown for me.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I told you bums last week it was Taker. And confirmed it in N&N.

Let go of the Sting dreams, folks...

EDIT: That's if they can't come up with a hail mary agreement with him before the date, of course.

I also think Rocky finally comes back for Wrestlemania...he was gonna come back to guest host RAW, why not guest host their biggest event?

only way it happens is if the studio gives him $$$ to push Fast Five
The Rock was the first and only name that came to mind for me too, although I still won't believe it until I see it.  Anyone other than Rock will be a letdown for me.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I also feel that We will either be all happy that it is the rock hosting WM or they struck a deal with freaking Bieber.
+1...Didn't think of that. I assume the negotiations with Bieber are for a performance or promo...I don't know about Vince finally coming out to announce the kid. But if it's not Rock, it might be Biebs.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

I think Morrison wins MITB this year
Yeah, you have to pencil him in as the favorite right now...
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I also feel that We will either be all happy that it is the rock hosting WM or they struck a deal with freaking Bieber.
+1...Didn't think of that. I assume the negotiations with Bieber are for a performance or promo...I don't know about Vince finally coming out to announce the kid. But if it's not Rock, it might be Biebs.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

I think Morrison wins MITB this year
Yeah, you have to pencil him in as the favorite right now...
Perfect's son needs to go back to FCW.
Have him grow out and bleach his hair, perfect the Perfect-Plex, and feud with Dolph Ziggler's "I am Perfection!" gimmick.
Perfect's son needs to go back to FCW.
Have him grow out and bleach his hair, perfect the Perfect-Plex, and feud with Dolph Ziggler's "I am Perfection!" gimmick.
If they dropped the R Truth gimmick and let him just be Ron Killings, I think a militant gimmick for him could work. Although he's been a botch artist lately, I think he has some in-ring ability and is only 35 which in wrestling years is not too old.
If they dropped the R Truth gimmick and let him just be Ron Killings, I think a militant gimmick for him could work. Although he's been a botch artist lately, I think he has some in-ring ability and is only 35 which in wrestling years is not too old.
Pretty good promo here, it's funny how they're really trying to make it seem like he might win though
Pretty good promo here, it's funny how they're really trying to make it seem like he might win though
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