Wrestling Thread Feb28-Mar6 | 3/4 Smackdown - The Undertaker Addresses HHH, Edge vs McIntyre

Jesus Christ stop with "The Network" bull****. It sucked when ECW did it 10 years ago. It sucks even worse now.
Ink Inc sucks. I hate Shannon Moore as much as the rest of the Hardy clan idiots. If they even come close to beating Beer Money....
Ink Inc sucks. I hate Shannon Moore as much as the rest of the Hardy clan idiots. If they even come close to beating Beer Money....
Good interview by Brett. Hopefully he appears at the HoF ceremony or even WM maybe. And yeah 4w, it does make a difference since the crowd is actually decent
Good interview by Brett. Hopefully he appears at the HoF ceremony or even WM maybe. And yeah 4w, it does make a difference since the crowd is actually decent
@TheRock I dont know what was more fun - calling Stone Cold a "bald headed suuumbitch" or getting Stunned! Cant wait to watch my bro on Raw..Epic!
@TheRock I dont know what was more fun - calling Stone Cold a "bald headed suuumbitch" or getting Stunned! Cant wait to watch my bro on Raw..Epic!
@ Kurt smashing Karen into the cake.

@ Tenay saying "That takes the cake!"

Having Hogan back in every other segment makes me realize how much I didn't miss him.
@ Kurt smashing Karen into the cake.

@ Tenay saying "That takes the cake!"

Having Hogan back in every other segment makes me realize how much I didn't miss him.
Hulk Hogan has always been my hero since I was a little kid, but I do wonder sometimes if Hogan doesn't sit at home in his La-Z-Boy jerking off to footage of Wrestlemania 3 when he body slammed Andre.
Hulk Hogan has always been my hero since I was a little kid, but I do wonder sometimes if Hogan doesn't sit at home in his La-Z-Boy jerking off to footage of Wrestlemania 3 when he body slammed Andre.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Hulk Hogan has always been my hero since I was a little kid, but I do wonder sometimes if Hogan doesn't sit at home in his La-Z-Boy jerking off to footage of Wrestlemania 3 when he body slammed Andre.

Nah. He's probably doing it to re runs of Brooke knows best.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Hulk Hogan has always been my hero since I was a little kid, but I do wonder sometimes if Hogan doesn't sit at home in his La-Z-Boy jerking off to footage of Wrestlemania 3 when he body slammed Andre.

Nah. He's probably doing it to re runs of Brooke knows best.
If she really IS his x-wife and not an actor, then is pretty #@#!#* up. Damn...I almost don't like watching the segments with her, Kurt, and Jarret because you can almost feel the awkwardness in the air.
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