Wrestling Thread Feb28-Mar6 | 3/4 Smackdown - The Undertaker Addresses HHH, Edge vs McIntyre

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Bret Hart Answers Twitter Questions

Best all around in ring performer in WWE: "Right now Orton, Sheamus, McIntyre, and Mysterio. Super dedicated."


Last time he spoke to Owen's kids: "It's been so long, I can't remember. Maybe six months after he died."

Anyone know the story here?

Edit: Thanks RJ

Thoughts on who the greatest NTWT'er is: "Toss up between Je Ne Sais Quoi or hombrelobo."

^ Yup Yup.... Nice dining set too man.

side bar. Never ever have i liked Hogan. He has done A Lot of wrestlers and organizations mad dirty. Is he smart? Yep, he knew he could do it. But this just kills me, lol and yea he is a dickhead. exmaple:
(Larry) KING: Do you believe in the second act? Do you believe in forgiveness?
HOGAN: Like I said, this is in God’s hand. Things happen for a reason. This is to make Nick a better person. In my belief, this is to make John a better person. It is like I said before, you know, it is god’s will where we’re at with this situation. I refuse to accept any negativity, any nay sayers. I firmly believe there is a plan. It is god’s plan and god’s will.
i just never liked the cat, still don't like the cat.
^ Yup Yup.... Nice dining set too man.

side bar. Never ever have i liked Hogan. He has done A Lot of wrestlers and organizations mad dirty. Is he smart? Yep, he knew he could do it. But this just kills me, lol and yea he is a dickhead. exmaple:
(Larry) KING: Do you believe in the second act? Do you believe in forgiveness?
HOGAN: Like I said, this is in God’s hand. Things happen for a reason. This is to make Nick a better person. In my belief, this is to make John a better person. It is like I said before, you know, it is god’s will where we’re at with this situation. I refuse to accept any negativity, any nay sayers. I firmly believe there is a plan. It is god’s plan and god’s will.
i just never liked the cat, still don't like the cat.
that WM card needs a MITB match. usually one of or THE ONLY highlight for me every year. without it its too weak.

Originally Posted by Club29

Thoughts on who the greatest NTWT'er is: "Toss up between Je Ne Sais Quoi or hombrelobo."

that WM card needs a MITB match. usually one of or THE ONLY highlight for me every year. without it its too weak.

Originally Posted by Club29

Thoughts on who the greatest NTWT'er is: "Toss up between Je Ne Sais Quoi or hombrelobo."

Earlier this week, it was reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart is leaving TNA Wrestling to appear for WWE at WrestleMania weekend. Hogan tweeted the following about what Hart will be doing at WrestleMania:

“I think it’s great for Jim Hart to go back to the WWE as Jerry Lawler’s manager at WrestleMania.
Earlier this week, it was reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart is leaving TNA Wrestling to appear for WWE at WrestleMania weekend. Hogan tweeted the following about what Hart will be doing at WrestleMania:

“I think it’s great for Jim Hart to go back to the WWE as Jerry Lawler’s manager at WrestleMania.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Earlier this week, it was reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart is leaving TNA Wrestling to appear for WWE at WrestleMania weekend. Hogan tweeted the following about what Hart will be doing at WrestleMania:

“I think it’s great for Jim Hart to go back to the WWE as Jerry Lawler’s manager at WrestleMania.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Earlier this week, it was reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart is leaving TNA Wrestling to appear for WWE at WrestleMania weekend. Hogan tweeted the following about what Hart will be doing at WrestleMania:

“I think it’s great for Jim Hart to go back to the WWE as Jerry Lawler’s manager at WrestleMania.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Bret Hart Answers Twitter Questions
Thoughts on who the greatest NTWT'er is: "Toss up between Je Ne Sais Quoi or hombrelobo."
It's an honor to receive such high praise from the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

Thank you Hitman Bret SHart. I salute you.

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Bret Hart Answers Twitter Questions
Thoughts on who the greatest NTWT'er is: "Toss up between Je Ne Sais Quoi or hombrelobo."
It's an honor to receive such high praise from the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

Thank you Hitman Bret SHart. I salute you.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Earlier this week, it was reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart is leaving TNA Wrestling to appear for WWE at WrestleMania weekend. Hogan tweeted the following about what Hart will be doing at WrestleMania:

“I think it’s great for Jim Hart to go back to the WWE as Jerry Lawler’s manager at WrestleMania.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Earlier this week, it was reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart is leaving TNA Wrestling to appear for WWE at WrestleMania weekend. Hogan tweeted the following about what Hart will be doing at WrestleMania:

“I think it’s great for Jim Hart to go back to the WWE as Jerry Lawler’s manager at WrestleMania.
haven't been watching smackdown but keeping up with the spoilers but...
edgecator > spear

and what's the deal with bret and his brother bruce?
also he could have easily avoided that "killer" pun
haven't been watching smackdown but keeping up with the spoilers but...
edgecator > spear

and what's the deal with bret and his brother bruce?
also he could have easily avoided that "killer" pun
Originally Posted by third world wonder

and what's the deal with bret and his brother bruce?
also he could have easily avoided that "killer" pun

Yea... he really could have found another word.

Bruce wanted to be a great wrestler, booker, promoter, and mind of wrestling. He wasn't any of those. And just kept pushing things too far, him and Bret fought a lot. They just don't really like each other, don't see eye to eye. Can't remember the rest tho.
Originally Posted by third world wonder

and what's the deal with bret and his brother bruce?
also he could have easily avoided that "killer" pun

Yea... he really could have found another word.

Bruce wanted to be a great wrestler, booker, promoter, and mind of wrestling. He wasn't any of those. And just kept pushing things too far, him and Bret fought a lot. They just don't really like each other, don't see eye to eye. Can't remember the rest tho.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Earlier this week, it was reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart is leaving TNA Wrestling to appear for WWE at WrestleMania weekend. Hogan tweeted the following about what Hart will be doing at WrestleMania:

“I think it’s great for Jim Hart to go back to the WWE as Jerry Lawler’s manager at WrestleMania.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Earlier this week, it was reported that WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart is leaving TNA Wrestling to appear for WWE at WrestleMania weekend. Hogan tweeted the following about what Hart will be doing at WrestleMania:

“I think it’s great for Jim Hart to go back to the WWE as Jerry Lawler’s manager at WrestleMania.
It makes SUCH a huge difference with the feel of the show to not have Impact in Orlando.

Now as far as the show itself....
It makes SUCH a huge difference with the feel of the show to not have Impact in Orlando.

Now as far as the show itself....
Jesus Christ stop with "The Network" bull****. It sucked when ECW did it 10 years ago. It sucks even worse now.
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