Wrestling Thread Jan 18-24 | 1/22 Smackdown - Batista vs Finlay | Jericho/McIntyre vs Morrison

Bobby Lashley is TNA, so him breakin' the Masterlock is null and void.

I'm diggin' this heel vs heel scenario.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Chris Masters could be a big deal with the right push
The problem is that they bury guys like Masters, Swagger, Bourne, Carlito, etc etc etc so much that if/when they ever do decide to push them,it's impossible for the fans to take them seriously.
Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Did King really say he doesn't remember seeing anybody escaping the Masterlock? WOW

I was
when he saidthat.

Bobby Lashley did it and so did Cena
i jus came in the house, flipped to Raw, and see DX and Hornswoggle vs The Miz, Big Show, and Napoleon Dynamite.......

Time for bed. Goodnight ya'll.
Terrible main event. But let me guess, it will end with DX crotch chops and pyro...
Lol is no one else not loving John Heder? Dude is getting into it and actually enjoying this whole thing. Dude was cracking me up.
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

I've seen that damn KFC commercial like 7 times already.
Originally Posted by chino905

i jus came in the house, flipped to Raw, and see DX and Hornswoggle vs The Miz, Big Show, and Napoleon Dynamite.......

One more thing, so what are they going to do with Punk/Festus since they just earned a tag team title shot? What a mess.
HHH has had the same theme song for about 9 years now...I guess the recession has hit the WWE hard too.
@ King & Cole creaming because HHH,HBK, Show and Cena are in the Rumble, like they all haven't been in it @ the same time before.
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