Wrestling Thread Jan 18-24 | 1/22 Smackdown - Batista vs Finlay | Jericho/McIntyre vs Morrison

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by AlanDutch

nobody peeped Cody on that entrance? that boy had tooo much swag

Honestly my favorite part of the show. I can't remember the last time someone came out swaggin that tough.

lmao what did he do

i think i switched to the basketball game during that part
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Anyone know what a WWE Supershow consists of? I can not find it anywhere online. Someone mentioned it in this thread about ti coming to San Jose, I am thinking of going. Its on a Monday, so I am assuming no RAW?
The show in San Jose on Mar 22 is the last Raw before WM. All three brands will be on the show, making it a "supershow".
Swear??? Sick. Looking forward to it then...

So I got a feeling that the powers to be may see it fit to somehow get HBK over to Smackdown(via ending the 'Takers streak and gaining the belt maybe?) togive it some more life. Also, don't they usually mix up the rosters after Wrestlemania?
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

28 Participants confirmed for 30 Man Royal Rumble Match.

Following last night's edition of WWE Raw, the official WWE website posted 28 confirmed participants for the 30-man Royal Rumble match. The list is as follows:


Big Show - Very slim chance
Cody Rhodes - no
Carlito - hell no
Evan Bourne - hell no
Jack Swagger - hell no
John Cena - Possible, but not probable
Kofi Kingston - no
Mark Henry - hell no
MVP - no
Santino Marella - hell no
Shawn Michaels - Very probable
Ted Dibiase - no
The Miz - no
Triple H - Very probable


Batista - Very probable
Chris Jericho - Possible, but not probable
CM Punk - Possible, but not probable
Dolph Zigler - no
Drew McNtyre - no
Finlay - hell no
John Morrison - no
Kane - hell no
Matt Hardy - hell no
R-Truth - hell no


Shelton Benjamin - hellllllllll no
Vladimir Kozlov - hellllllllll no
Yoshi Tatsu - hellllllllll no
Zack Ryder- hellllllllll no

It comes down to Cena, HHH, HBK, and Batista. I really don't see the WWE breaking the mold, and we'll end up with the same main event we see everymonth.

And the only reason I put Cena as possible but not probable is because I still think the WWE is going hard to have him face The Rock.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

It comes down to Cena, HHH, HBK, and Batista. I really don't see the WWE breaking the mold, and we'll end up with the same main event we see every month.

And the only reason I put Cena as possible but not probable is because I still think the WWE is going hard to have him face The Rock.

For some reason, I have a feeling that we may see a Cena heel run again.

Also found my answer of how the Kofi and Orton ending should of went.

More On The Botched Orton-Kingston Finish From RAW

Date Added: January 19, 2010
Story By: Amish Patel
Source: F4WOnline.com

-- With regard to the botched Orton-Kingston finish last week, what was supposed to happen was that Orton would miss with an attempted punt, Kofi would go for the trouble in paradise, miss, and then Orton would hit the RKO for the pin fall.

It looks as if Kingston forgot about dodging the punt, got up too early, which forced Orton to just RKO him and make it look like a weak victory.

It was clear to see that the finish had gone wrong by Orton's reaction, however it was not even discussed backstage.
Originally Posted by Physicx

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by AlanDutch

nobody peeped Cody on that entrance? that boy had tooo much swag

Honestly my favorite part of the show. I can't remember the last time someone came out swaggin that tough.

lmao what did he do

i think i switched to the basketball game during that part

Dude came out with the backwards trot, then he halfway around and just stared for hella long. Ted was yellin and gesturing at the crowd like a herb, so itmade Cody's swag look that much more on point.
i still remember the shock of awesomeness when RVD came out for the rumble last year.....I'm going Chris Jericho( Orton if he is it ), but does it reallymatter since we'll probably see a fatal three way or some other malarkey.

Yea rvd coming out last year got me to actually jump outta my seat. Didnt know it was coming, but i thought he was back for a while. And i read the tnaspoilers and i have a question- WHERE THE HELL IS SAMOA JOE?
IMO Taker loses the title before Mania that way he and Michaels have the match at Mania. I don't see Shawn winning the Rumble.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

i read the tna spoilers and i have a question- WHERE THE HELL IS SAMOA JOE?

1st victim of being lost in the shuffle

where is my dude Steiner?
I feel like Ted Dibiasi will win the Royal Rumble thus, facing Randy Orton at Wrestlemania
jus heard that Edge's rehab for his achilles injury is ahead of schedule and WWE officials are expecting him to return at the Royal Rumble PPV in twoweeks. It's possible that Edge will cost Chris Jericho the Royal Rumble match, setting up their bout at Wrestlemania 26
I know a few of us have been pondering this...and I just came across some stats to support what most of us already knew...

Including the last match they had on the Mike Tyson RAW, Triple H is 25-6-1 vs. Chris Jericho. 13 of thosewins are in tag matches, 9 are singles and 3 are Chamber matches. 1 of the Jericho wins was his Title victory on RAW (one of the biggest pops I've everheard)...which ended up being overturned that same night. Another was in Smackdown back in '02 which Jericho won with a roll-up. Another was the Tag matchthat had the changed finish because HHH tore his quad.


25 wins in 32 matches.

Did Y2J bone Stephanie or some @%*$? Triple GOD has no mercy on this dude. I had the
combo when I read that HHH wanted Jericho to cut his hair beforehe made his Y2J debut in '99 because he "resembled" him too much and didn't want to confuse the fans.

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

I know a few of us have been pondering this...and I just came across some stats to support what most of us already knew...

Including the last match they had on the Mike Tyson RAW, Triple H is 25-6-1 vs. Chris Jericho. 13 of those wins are in tag matches, 9 are singles and 3 are Chamber matches. 1 of the Jericho wins was his Title victory on RAW (one of the biggest pops I've ever heard)...which ended up being overturned that same night. Another was in Smackdown back in '02 which Jericho won with a roll-up. Another was the Tag match that had the changed finish because HHH tore his quad.


25 wins in 32 matches.

Did Y2J bone Stephanie or some @%*$? Triple GOD has no mercy on this dude. I had the
combo when I read that HHH wanted Jericho to cut his hair before he made his Y2J debut in '99 because he "resembled" him too much and didn't want to confuse the fans.


that's ridiculous
just saw Cody's entrance. That's legit.

I'm mad about Miz's music changing though. They could have at least kept the AWESOMMMEE intro.
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