Wrestling Thread Jan 19-25 | 1/25 - THE ROYAL RUMBLE - Hardy vs Edge; Cena vs JBL (p18)

It's only fitting that Santino is the new record holder for the shortest RR stint ever. I think it's hilarious, just like Santino.
Big Show and Taker stare down.

Kane goes after Show.

Hacksaw tried to slam Show. Show dumped Hacksaw.

Taker almost threw Punk out.

Show press slammed Truth out. No way to hold on from that.

Rhodes almost out.

Punk has almost been dumped about 15 times.

He was hanging out, and Show hit him with the knockout punch to eliminate him.

Mysterio and Knox both went out by the Big Show.

Rey was in 49 minutes.

Hornswoggle is in the ring.

Kane went for a chokeslam on Finlay, but Hornswoggle chopblocked him. Kane ended up dumping Finlay anyway.

HHH is now the longest entrant in the match
Implant DDT on HHH by Orton.

Big Show and Taker stare down again. They are still slow and boring.

5 STAR ON RHODES, but when RVD popped up, Jericho dumped him. Good showing from RVD.

Jericho came off the ropes but was dumped by The Undertaker.

Why is Kane still in?

Taker, Kane, Show, HHH, and all of Legacy still in.

Legacy eliminates Kane.

Down to 6.
HHH goes after Show. Legacy attacks Taker.

Show chokeslammed HHH. Legacy beating Taker in the corner.

Taker fights back with clotheslines and chokeslams for all 3.

Taker and Show trade blows. Taker takes him down with a running clothesline. Taker kicked Show over the top, but Show held on!!!

Orton went for an RKO on Taker, but Taker threw him off.

Both Taker and Show on the apron. Orton hits Show with an RKO, and Show its the floor.

Show pulled Taker off the apron and Taker is out.

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