Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

Lol and I was so hyped for this Royal Rumble :smh:

Where was Orton? So many wasted spots...

Reigns is alright but WWE messed up this guy's push to basically lose his credibly. Now this guy is going to be shoved in our faces...what happen to the days where you climb the ladder and won mid card title and then go for the WWE title? I don't get what happen to that format...

Even though Rock's appearance was wasted...:smokin It's always great to see my favorite wrestler. lol I can't with the post interview...a mess.
I haven't watched a Royal Rumble in 20 years and I must say that this was AWFUL.  I still remember how hard it was to save up $30 and convince my parents to take me to my grandparents every year to watch it since they were the only ones with cable lol.  I don't know how most of you have stuck around for so long...I'd be canceling any subscriptions as well!

My interest peaked when I saw that Boogeyman character.  I thought to myself, hmmmm well that looks like a character that could be a pretty big name....I was disappointed to see that he'd been around for quite a while 
  Made me remember the good ol' Papa Shango days lol

*sigh* Oh well, I'm sure I'm beating a dead horse.  I just can't believe the production and character development has gotten that bad.  
The sad part is is that tomorrow night, it will be a normal crowd and they're gonna cheer for Roman
Fans will boo every year if D Bry doesn't win it.

Don't hate Reigns winning at all. His promos have been bad because Vince scripts them that way. Hell, i'm confident that between now and Mania, Heyman will make him look great.

BTW, great triple threat match. Rollins looked great. Corkscrew 450 splash was :wow:

Lesnar looked like a monster out there.
there is no coming back for Reigns

only way to save him is turn him heel and let Seth cash in at WM31
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