Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

just cancelled my subscription.

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Well hopefully we get the Viper 2morrow in Hartford. Ill be booing Roman. Hopefully the rest of the crowd is smart enough. But im not gonna count on it. 

Only thing is the snow storm might keep most of Marks at home. 
They didn't even end brayy looking strong right. They started him off looking believable but then he also gets rag dolled out the ring. How does that make anyone look strong.
i see the subtle masking boos... they tried to mask it by making dolph an obvious crowd favorite enter last with a little hope....then they let the rock come out to mask the boos....

it's like they know what the crowd wants and doesn't want but they'll just continue ******** in your mouth....word to the dude that wanted cameron and rosa **** in his hand....
Fans will boo every year if D Bry doesn't win it.

Don't hate Reigns winning at all. His promos have been bad because Vince scripts them that way. Hell, i'm confident that between now and Mania, Heyman will make him look great.

BTW, great triple threat match. Rollins looked great. Corkscrew 450 splash was :wow:

Lesnar looked like a monster out there.
Ziggler or Dean would've got a good response
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