Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

I guess I'll unsubscribe to the network after this blizzard is over, will need something else to watch when other tv's are occupied.

My take on why the RR sucks, we have so sports entertainment down our throat that they deliver such crappy product...3 hrs on Monday, Main Event, Smackdown. Give me 2 hrs on Monday and advancing new wrestlers and storylines, and maybe my interest will be there, but for now, old school wrestling and everything else out there but Vince Jr's crappy product.

When is the Austin podcast with Trips?
Was thinking how Vince could rectify this and thought he could come out and openly back Roman and say he's the golden boy, say he doesnt give a damn what anyone thinks and then play on with the storyline from there. Pretty much how he did it when he turned heel in 97/98.

Have Ambrose as the anti establishment type guy and the rest could be a solid supporting cast.
I guess I'll unsubscribe to the network after this blizzard is over, will need something else to watch when other tv's are occupied.

My take on why the RR sucks, we have so sports entertainment down our throat that they deliver such crappy product...3 hrs on Monday, Main Event, Smackdown. Give me 2 hrs on Monday and advancing new wrestlers and storylines, and maybe my interest will be there, but for now, old school wrestling and everything else out there but Vince Jr's crappy product.

When is the Austin podcast with Trips?
you keep the network 30 days from when your billed, regardless if you cancelled.
Was he even considered a contender for the any titles besides his the tag-team titles? Did he face anyone that even holding a belt? This is mind-boggling

I've seen arguments that "Reigns is just chasing his dream," he's just doing his job, etc. It's just at this point we just want good writing and matches that take advantage of the talent that the WWE has

Only ppv singles match he has had was against orton at summer slam and orton carried the hell out that match. Roman was winded by the end
Was he even considered a contender for the any titles besides his the tag-team titles? Did he face anyone that even holding a belt? This is mind-boggling

I've seen arguments that "Reigns is just chasing his dream," he's just doing his job, etc. It's just at this point we just want good writing and matches that take advantage of the talent that the WWE has

Only ppv singles match he has had was against orton at summer slam and orton carried the hell out that match. Roman was winded by the end
brock is gonna destroy roman. then somehow they'll make roman look "strong" and we'll get a real cheesebag finish that leaves everyone shaking their head.
I think we can agree that, we are not mad at reigns. simply mad at vince and his stupidity.

a la rey mysterio back lash last year.

What would you guys think about Cena/Rusev for the US Title and Bryan/BNB for the IC title at WM? Assuming Lesnar/Reigns is still on and both faces go over in this situation. I know these titles are devalued but having two of your top faces holding them couldn't hurt, right?
You are going to look back in 5 years and this is either what killed the WWE or this is what picked them up

My guess is if Trips has any say he will fix it, if it's all on Vince then RIP

I have never seen universal backlash like this against them
What would you guys think about Cena/Rusev for the US Title and Bryan/BNB for the IC title at WM? Assuming Lesnar/Reigns is still on and both faces go over in this situation. I know these titles are devalued but having two of your top faces holding them couldn't hurt, right?

Cena holding the US title will seemed odd to me at first but the more I think about it, the more I like it.

Don't think Bryan should chase the IC belt. He's worked so hard to get in the main event picture, he'd fall right into The Authority's hands by confirming he is a B+ player. It could be a slippery slope for Bryan. I keep feeling as if he'll become a midcard act any minute and be phased out of the Main event.
You are going to look back in 5 years and this is either what killed the WWE or this is what picked them up

My guess is if Trips has any say he will fix it, if it's all on Vince then RIP

I have never seen universal backlash like this against them

I really don't think he cares. The more we *****, the more he stuffs this crap down our throats. I'd say 2014 was the worst year in wrestling history and that was after the Bryan debacle, and 2015 has already got off to a terrible start.
According to Meltzer on his audio show, Vince doesn't want to do a three-way at Mania because he feels like it'd be a repeat of last year. They expected the backlash but not to this degree. And Rock is NOT HAPPY.

EDIT: Apparently they are also trying to paint this as a Philadelphia issue. Blaming the city and the crowd and such. Basically they think it wouldn't have been this bad if they were somewhere else.
Just skimmed through the last 80 pages to catch up to you guys :smokin


-Triple Threat was incredible. Brock is truly what is best for business. He brings a whole other element to the table that nobody quite has. Cena taking a back seat and letting Brock and Seth shine was really dope.

-Bubba Ray was the best part of the rumble. :lol: at R-Truth filling in for D-Von

-Didn't completely hate Reigns winning the rumble, but hated the manner in which it happened. There is no freaking way that we should be having both Kane and Big Show in the final four of the rumble in 2015. It should've been Roman/Ambrose/Wyatt/Rusev or some variation of that. Even if the crowd knew that Reigns would win, they would at least be hyped up for that foursome.

-I am truly hoping that we get some sort of swerve at WM31. A couple weeks ago I thought that Heyman would turn on Brock and join Reigns, making him "The New Beast" of sorts. Not sure that will be possible though if Rock is going to be in Reigns' corner but we will see.

-If WM31 ends with Reigns beating Brock and then Seth cashing in on him, I wouldn't even be mad. Would be a great way to reward Seth for his fantastic work over the last year.
The fact that the main thing Reigns had to say after winning the rumble is: "I'm gonna go study some tape"

Damn these dudes are delusional. Too many god damn yes men in the wwe. Someone needs to grow a pair and slap Vince with some reality.
**** them if they would've had bryan won philly would've tore the roof down

I kinda didn't want bryan to win. He wasn't there the whole year. Not his fault but I feel that spot should go to somebody who earned it. Dean, ziggler or bray would have been cool.
i could've tolerated that. hell i could've tolerated roman winning as well since we knew about it. but having show and kane in the final 4 is what really bothered me the most.
I was okay if Bryan didn't win but at least leave him in at the end

I wonder if he was supposed to be in longer and they panicked backstage and changed it, the Rock's reactions pretty much told it all. Last night was legit the 1st time I heard the Rock's music and didn't care AT ALL.
They didn't let any of the fan favorites cook whatsoever. They were each in there for like 5 minutes and then dumped out. It was a total **** you to the "universe".
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