Wrestling Thread Jul 2-8 | 7/5 TNA Impact LIVE 8p et- Destination X Go Home Show, More CLAIRE LYNCH

why did Punk and Bryan come out with no music, but Jericho came out to music??

LMAOOO "Mr. Bonjovi"

No smoke for Kane?
Starting Raw right now. I'm a little worked up right now. A week after getting the Yeezys, this punkass sob if filing a claim against me that I sent him used shoes. I just got off the phone with eBay. I feel like I'm about to get royally @#$%*! right now.
I've never been happier to see Big Show. And did Kane basically save Cena??? After Kane was making Cena embrace the hate just a couple months ago,
or does that not exist anymore?
Good opening segment IMO at least they didn't bring out AJ so I can still look forward to her little tushy
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Starting Raw right now. I'm a little worked up right now. A week after getting the Yeezys, this punkass sob if filing a claim against me that I sent him used shoes. I just got off the phone with eBay. I feel like I'm about to get royally @#$%*! right now.

Damn, hate to say it but cue the Vinnie Mac music. 
It's funny how Taker, Orton, Kelly Kelly, and Miz are all featured in the opening video package. All people who aren't currently active.
Of course Cena wouldn't be mad about losing.....

Is this the first time Cena has ever got the WHAT treatment? It's the one time I approve of it.
Otunga & Rhodes: What's our cue to walk out?
Production Assistant:  Wait, what? Just walk out now, nobody will notice you anyway.
I know it won't happen, but Cena would be the perfect person to win MITB and then lose. It won't hurt him one bit and then it opens the intrigue that future MITB winners may not cash in and win.
The good old a million guys come out to the ring to cut promos to start the show. We haven't had one of these in a while, at least on Raw. I don't watch Smackdown.
Big Show would be a lot more threatening if he didn't wear all his stupid merchandise to the ring.
How long has R-Truth been a good guy? Same with Christian?

I think they both are better as heels.
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