Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,

thanks guys, if i go in that direction i'll make sure run my stuff by uncle jesse first lulz.

is that cesaro generico 2/3 falls match online anywhere yet? couldn't find it on daily motion or youtube.
Randy Orton's injury is almost certainly a work.  It is a way to take him off TV and keep him out of the public eye so if he cashes in at Summerslam, it will be a bigger surprise.  The only problem was that WWE decided on the injury angle and reported it on their website without alerting Orton first, so that is why he tweeted that in fact, he was not injured.
Justin Gabriel is another slow footed high flyer. Those are always funny to me.

La Parka

RVD (He was never FAST)

Come to mind.


Had to pick my cousin up from the hospital and take him back home earlier, and when I got there I noticed one of my younger cousins (maybe 11 or 12) watching Main Event. It was the Justin Gabriel vs Heath Slater match. She was yelling at the tv saying Slater sucks and he's a loser, and cheering on Gabriel. I thought that was cute :lol:
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It's always funny when I watch wrestling with my little brother, he always starts shouting "cheater!" at the T.V when the heels distract the refs to take the advantage.
Brings back memories of when I did the same.
I might be late but I was flipping through channels and passed by TMZ and they had a preview before commercial with a pic of Brock with Suni. :lol: Or is it someone that just looks like him? Just so random.

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:rofl: yah my bad. Looked like him with the quick glimpse on tv. Ijust remember him mentioning he was going to meet him from an auction or something.
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OMG What the hell happened to Lex Express :wow: :x :\ |I

At least Hall is improving but damn.
Good to see RVD maybe getting a run with the WHC. :smokin Was hyped for that match vs Y2J on Monday. :lol:
Clicked wrestling thread, took a quick glance at Recent Images In This Thread box, and was wondering how the hell Suni got to meet up with Brock before Summerslam and where was the lil' homie at.

Got me too.
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