Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,

Just bought tickets to Smackdown tonight 
I haven't been in the wrestling thread for awhile. What's the John Saboor ordeal? Needing Wrestlemania to come to Arlington.
- WWE officials are not souring on Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel but there has been some second-guessing about the booking of his character. Some feel that the cheap count out victories have hurt getting Axel over as a credible heel and they need to make sure to “protect him” because the initial idea isn’t working.

- There was heavy praise for Daniel Bryan and Antonio Cesaro after their match on this week’s RAW. Many were calling it another match of the year candidate for Cesaro. As soon as Cesaro returned backstage after the match, he was greeted by Triple H. Cesaro received an ovation from the talents standing there.

The count out wins were stupid to begin with. As for Cesaro, I hope it's only a matter of time before dude gets his due. There's just too much talent that they're wasting with the dude.

- For what it’s worth, The Sun newspaper in the UK reports that former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler may be returning to the company. Their report says WWE officials want to pair Stacy with Daniel Bryan. The Sun says:

“Stacy is considering lots of offers from WWE to capitalize on her name. She was one of WWE’s most-loved divas and this is the perfect time to get her back, as she has never been more famous than since she dated George Clooney. They’re convinced a return would attract hundreds of thousands of viewers.”

Take this as a rumor for now.

Dat boy D-Bry keeps on winning :smokin
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- For what it’s worth, The Sun newspaper in the UK reports that former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler may be returning to the company. Their report says WWE officials want to pair Stacy with Daniel Bryan. The Sun says:

“Stacy is considering lots of offers from WWE to capitalize on her name. She was one of WWE’s most-loved divas and this is the perfect time to get her back, as she has never been more famous than since she dated George Clooney. They’re convinced a return would attract hundreds of thousands of viewers.”

Take this as a rumor for now.
Seems about right for a GHIMSlater "source"
I was never a big fan of Cesaro, but after mondays match against D' Bry, I instantly became a supporter, dude also has great mic skills.

I guess I just never noticed it or overlooked it because hes always caught up in these dumb midcard programs that dont fully show what he can realy do in the ring.

Wans't he also recently loosing matches on a weekly basis? :smh:

He definitley needs that push.
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- There are plans for CM Punk to “absolutely destroy” Brock Lesnar with some sort of gimmick on an upcoming episode of RAW leading up to SummerSlam. WWE officials want it to come across that despite the size difference, Punk is “capable of anything” because he has “snapped” after being betrayed by Paul Heyman.
So much for Curtis Axel being a Heyman guy.

Seems like that part of the story has been dropped and burried.

I can see Axel dropping the strap soon and being sent back to NXT by the end of the year.

Has he even been on TV these past couple of weeks?
- There are plans for CM Punk to “absolutely destroy” Brock Lesnar with some sort of gimmick on an upcoming episode of RAW leading up to SummerSlam. WWE officials want it to come across that despite the size difference, Punk is “capable of anything” because he has “snapped” after being betrayed by Paul Heyman.

I hope they make this match No DQ, No Holds Bar or even a Cage Match....

Thats the only way I can see Punk going over, Cant see him win clean with no weapons.
punk could talk about Brock's terrible sword tattoo but that might anger him for real.
i watched lesnar's last ufc figth the other night where he lost to overeem. punk should talk about kicking his liver in.
I was never a big fan of Cesaro, but after mondays match against D' Bry, I instantly became a supporter, dude also has great mic skills.

I guess I just never noticed it or overlooked it because hes always caught up in these dumb midcard programs that dont fully show what he can realy do in the ring.

Wans't he also recently loosing matches on a weekly basis? :smh:

He definitley needs that push.

He was definitely losing a lot of matches a couple of months ago. I think he only started winning again when he was teamed up with Colter. And I would definitely recommend checking his matches on NXT. Specifically the ones against Zayn (El Generico).
- There are plans for CM Punk to “absolutely destroy” Brock Lesnar with some sort of gimmick on an upcoming episode of RAW leading up to SummerSlam. WWE officials want it to come across that despite the size difference, Punk is “capable of anything” because he has “snapped” after being betrayed by Paul Heyman.

this has gotten my attention...word to Leo in Django Unchained
From the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

While this is elementary, there has been a call internally to try and create an African American superstar babyface. The idea is to create him both to attract that demographic and to sell merchandise, similar to the role Mysterio played with the Latin community.

Welp, here's to another "very aggressive" Kofi Kingston push, or Brodus Clay winning the Royal Rumble :lol:

- Backstage at RAW this week, Triple H reportedly “blew a gasket” on Ryback for his botched spot at the end of the match with Daniel Bryan where he was supposed to protect Bryan and catch him then put him through a table.

It was seen as “careless and reckless” that Ryback just let Bryan bump to the outside and didn’t know how to improvise after completely botching it. According to a source, Triple H got in Ryback’s face and was screaming “carelessness” at him.

This continues to hurt the stock of Ryback. Not only was Triple H upset with the spot but CM Punk and John Cena were vocal about it as well. Cena is someone that rarely calls out others, so when he does, people listen.

This is a no brainer.

- WWE officials are not souring on Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel but there has been some second-guessing about the booking of his character. Some feel that the cheap count out victories have hurt getting Axel over as a credible heel and they need to make sure to “protect him” because the initial idea isn’t working.

- The feud between Paul Heyman and CM Punk has a lot of fans within WWE but one main supporter is Triple H. He called the Heyman-Punk segment on this week’s RAW some of WWE’s best promo work in years. Triple H is said to be really high up on the realism and feels the feud shows a side of Punk’s character that hasn’t been seen on WWE TV. While both Vince McMahon and Triple H feel Punk plays a better heel in the ring, they are “very happy” with this current direction and feel it’s a completely different kind of babyface.

- There was heavy praise for Daniel Bryan and Antonio Cesaro after their match on this week’s RAW. Many were calling it another match of the year candidate for Cesaro. As soon as Cesaro returned backstage after the match, he was greeted by Triple H. Cesaro received an ovation from the talents standing there.

- Vince plus this current group of the "creative" team have to be the dumbest most oblivious group in a long time. How would they not know this before going through with it on tv?

- :pimp: :pimp: Good. Any time something personal is put into story lines, way more often than not it is better and more entertaining.

- Give Cesaro some love :pimp:

- Word is that WWE officials are to call-up 3-5 NXT developmental talents from now until the end of this year. This could mean roster cuts but nothing is confirmed.

JTG will still be employed after those cuts.

As he should :pimp:
How long has JTG been employed? :lol:

I'd be interested in knowing how Stacy Keibler got her income post WWE. You didn't see her anywhere. No modeling or acting. Probably returning for a check like everyone else.

Of course Curtis Axel wouldn't get over with the roll up wins and count outs. He'll never be seen as legit by winning cheap.

So now Kofi is going from Jamaican to Ghanian to African American? :lol:
Stacy Keibler is legit A-list because she dated George Clooney for a couple years.

A return to WWE right before her new tv show debuts makes perfect sense.
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