Wrestling Thread July 5-11 | 7/11 TNA Victory Road - RVD vs Hardy vs Anderson vs Abyss | Heyman?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't know WHERE this is but you all can see who it is.


Damn Jeff got like 3 chins. 

DCAllAmerican wrote:

I don't know WHERE this is but you all can see who it is.


Who is the woman?

AND I call that the leader of NEXUS is Khali's handler...I don't know why, but the E could really ruin a good thing...


DCAllAmerican wrote:

I don't know WHERE this is but you all can see who it is.


Who is the woman?

AND I call that the leader of NEXUS is Khali's handler...I don't know why, but the E could really ruin a good thing...

News from today's WrestlingObserver:

-- I don't know what it is, but something big has been planned for tonight's Smackdown/NXT taping.
-- The new WWE Magazine promotes the return of the king, that being Triple H, so he's back sooner than later. Thanks to Gary Graham.
-- No idea who the GM will be in the end, and most likely they don't know either (or if they do it'll change), but right now it's not going to be Steve Austin.
-- Atlanta will get the news tonight on the on-sale date for WrestleMania 2011 tickets.
-- The injury angle for Truth last night took him out of Money in the Bank and so the idea is they'll determine the final person on the Raw side on next week's show.
-- Whatever the plan is for NXT based on Raw last night, it has changed from the original plan earlier last month.
-- Florence Henderson will, in fact, be hosting Raw last week despite no mention whatsoever of it on Raw.
-- Drew McIntyre is back working house shows against Matt Hardy despite his deportation angle.
News from today's WrestlingObserver:

-- I don't know what it is, but something big has been planned for tonight's Smackdown/NXT taping.
-- The new WWE Magazine promotes the return of the king, that being Triple H, so he's back sooner than later. Thanks to Gary Graham.
-- No idea who the GM will be in the end, and most likely they don't know either (or if they do it'll change), but right now it's not going to be Steve Austin.
-- Atlanta will get the news tonight on the on-sale date for WrestleMania 2011 tickets.
-- The injury angle for Truth last night took him out of Money in the Bank and so the idea is they'll determine the final person on the Raw side on next week's show.
-- Whatever the plan is for NXT based on Raw last night, it has changed from the original plan earlier last month.
-- Florence Henderson will, in fact, be hosting Raw last week despite no mention whatsoever of it on Raw.
-- Drew McIntyre is back working house shows against Matt Hardy despite his deportation angle.
- It’s being speculated that the reason WWE did the injury storyline on R-Truth last night is because of his legit groin injury he suffered a few weeks back. It’s possible Truth wasn’t going to be ready for Money in the Bank so they pulled him from the match. No word yet on who Truth’s replacement will be.

- The dark match after last night’s RAW saw John Cena and Randy Orton defeat Edge and Sheamus in tag team action. Orton and Cena hit the RKO and the Attitude Adjustment at the same time on their opponents to win.

The non-title match between Samoa Joe and TNA Champion Rob Van Dam that will be televised on this Thursday's edition of TNA Impact was an outstanding match. Wrestling News WorldOrlando correspondent Tim Capturewrote the match was of "PPV quality".

- For those of you wondering, Sheamus had his visa situation taken care of in late May, so he didn't end up with the issues that Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett went through. Everything is fine now, although a lot of people in WWE thought last week that McIntyre and Barrett would be gone for months.

- According to Bryan Alvarez, the script for this week's RAW hadn't been written as late as Sunday morning. Many feel that this will be done for future raw shows and ppv's to prevent internet leaks.
- It’s being speculated that the reason WWE did the injury storyline on R-Truth last night is because of his legit groin injury he suffered a few weeks back. It’s possible Truth wasn’t going to be ready for Money in the Bank so they pulled him from the match. No word yet on who Truth’s replacement will be.

- The dark match after last night’s RAW saw John Cena and Randy Orton defeat Edge and Sheamus in tag team action. Orton and Cena hit the RKO and the Attitude Adjustment at the same time on their opponents to win.

The non-title match between Samoa Joe and TNA Champion Rob Van Dam that will be televised on this Thursday's edition of TNA Impact was an outstanding match. Wrestling News WorldOrlando correspondent Tim Capturewrote the match was of "PPV quality".

- For those of you wondering, Sheamus had his visa situation taken care of in late May, so he didn't end up with the issues that Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett went through. Everything is fine now, although a lot of people in WWE thought last week that McIntyre and Barrett would be gone for months.

- According to Bryan Alvarez, the script for this week's RAW hadn't been written as late as Sunday morning. Many feel that this will be done for future raw shows and ppv's to prevent internet leaks.
i havenet been keepin up with wrestlin for years but i tuned in a week or two ago
and those NXT cats came out and washed a few guys (i think cena and i cant remember the other) and even had the announcers scared

my question is why?
i havenet been keepin up with wrestlin for years but i tuned in a week or two ago
and those NXT cats came out and washed a few guys (i think cena and i cant remember the other) and even had the announcers scared

my question is why?
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