Wrestling Thread July 5-11 | 7/11 TNA Victory Road - RVD vs Hardy vs Anderson vs Abyss | Heyman?

Here are other upcoming WWE and TNA DVD releases.

WWE Ricky Steamboat: Life Story of the Dragon - 6/29
WWE Satan's Prison: The Elimination Chamber Anthology - 7/13
WWE Fatal Four Way 2010 PPV - 7/20
WWE The Best of Raw Season One and Two - 8/10
WWE Money in the Bank 2010 PPV - 8/17
WWE Summerslam 2010 - 9/14
WWE Chris Jericho DVD - The Highlight Reel - 9/21
WWE John Cena DVD 11/19
WWE Bobby Heenan 12/18

Also in the works
Best of Smackdown 2010
WWE's 100 Craziest Moments (expected in time for the holidays)
Randy Orton DVD set
Jericho DVD is copped.
This is why I love Tommy Dreamer and you should too. Wasn't anyone else wondering why iMPACT has been surprisingly decent these last 2 weeks?

As many of you have noticed Impact has improved. Dreamer is now apart of the creative team. Dreamer met Dixie months before joining TNA. Many have spoken of Heyman to TNA. That still is a very strong possibility at the moment. Thing is, if Heyman comes, Dreamer will still book. Heyman wants to spend his time in marketing. Dreamer has become Dixie's right hand man. Dreamer's the reason we see no Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and Rosie Lottalove on Impact. Dreamer said the only way he'll join TNA is if he was apart of creative. Dixie was very impressed with him. Bubba Ray also helps out in creative.

Dreamer wants to cut and add certain wrestlers. Most the guys he booked in WWE developmental, and ECW are excited about his new role. Dreamer's made it known he wants Daniels back in TNA. He also asked Hogan, and Sting to take an Undertaker type schedule. Dreamer is very well liked around the industry. He created atmosphere backstage where talent can make suggestions. Unlike Russo who hated talent bringing him different ideas. Dreamer isn't a fan of Anderson being a face at all. Dreamer also wants the X Division to have a more international feel about it.

Dreamer has singled out AAA stars Aerostar, Jack Evans, Extreme Tiger, and the Apache Sisters. He also wants Sarah Stock do her Dark Angel gimmick. Dreamer's a big fan of Alissa Flash(Cheerleader Mellisa) and wants to revamp the KO division. He has setup another tryout match for Ken Doane. He knows Doane very well from OVW and WWE. Dreamer put in good words for Jimmy Yang, Carlito, Mike Knox, and several indy stars. Dreamer is also taking suggestions from Raven.

Dreamer has convinced TNA to hold off on signing guys not ready. The idea is to try and create new stars by elevating personal feuds. The feeling he has TNA needs to give fans a reason to cheer for talent or hate them. Just recently he told Red to use his old ring gear again. Dreamer told Red his old gear was a better way to market his image. The shirtless look made him look plain in the eyes of most viewers. Red went back to his old gear on the house shows this past weekend. Dreamer wants to make Red a big star.

TNA will see the return of a few NJPW stars. Creative plans on trying to make the Guns, Red, Wolfe, and Pope bigger stars in the eyes of viewers. Many may look over the fact that Dreamer booked ECW. He also was a big part of OVW when Heyman booked. Dreamer from all accounts know what he's doing. The guys who he wants to see excel most is Joe and Abyss. He want to make sure those two become the standard bearers of TNA new direction. So in the coming weeks look for a more edgy in your face show. No matter who TNA hires rather it be Sullivan or Heyman. Dreamer will still have alot of say in the booking.
This is why I love Tommy Dreamer and you should too. Wasn't anyone else wondering why iMPACT has been surprisingly decent these last 2 weeks?

As many of you have noticed Impact has improved. Dreamer is now apart of the creative team. Dreamer met Dixie months before joining TNA. Many have spoken of Heyman to TNA. That still is a very strong possibility at the moment. Thing is, if Heyman comes, Dreamer will still book. Heyman wants to spend his time in marketing. Dreamer has become Dixie's right hand man. Dreamer's the reason we see no Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and Rosie Lottalove on Impact. Dreamer said the only way he'll join TNA is if he was apart of creative. Dixie was very impressed with him. Bubba Ray also helps out in creative.

Dreamer wants to cut and add certain wrestlers. Most the guys he booked in WWE developmental, and ECW are excited about his new role. Dreamer's made it known he wants Daniels back in TNA. He also asked Hogan, and Sting to take an Undertaker type schedule. Dreamer is very well liked around the industry. He created atmosphere backstage where talent can make suggestions. Unlike Russo who hated talent bringing him different ideas. Dreamer isn't a fan of Anderson being a face at all. Dreamer also wants the X Division to have a more international feel about it.

Dreamer has singled out AAA stars Aerostar, Jack Evans, Extreme Tiger, and the Apache Sisters. He also wants Sarah Stock do her Dark Angel gimmick. Dreamer's a big fan of Alissa Flash(Cheerleader Mellisa) and wants to revamp the KO division. He has setup another tryout match for Ken Doane. He knows Doane very well from OVW and WWE. Dreamer put in good words for Jimmy Yang, Carlito, Mike Knox, and several indy stars. Dreamer is also taking suggestions from Raven.

Dreamer has convinced TNA to hold off on signing guys not ready. The idea is to try and create new stars by elevating personal feuds. The feeling he has TNA needs to give fans a reason to cheer for talent or hate them. Just recently he told Red to use his old ring gear again. Dreamer told Red his old gear was a better way to market his image. The shirtless look made him look plain in the eyes of most viewers. Red went back to his old gear on the house shows this past weekend. Dreamer wants to make Red a big star.

TNA will see the return of a few NJPW stars. Creative plans on trying to make the Guns, Red, Wolfe, and Pope bigger stars in the eyes of viewers. Many may look over the fact that Dreamer booked ECW. He also was a big part of OVW when Heyman booked. Dreamer from all accounts know what he's doing. The guys who he wants to see excel most is Joe and Abyss. He want to make sure those two become the standard bearers of TNA new direction. So in the coming weeks look for a more edgy in your face show. No matter who TNA hires rather it be Sullivan or Heyman. Dreamer will still have alot of say in the booking.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Here are other upcoming WWE and TNA DVD releases.

WWE Ricky Steamboat: Life Story of the Dragon - 6/29
WWE Satan's Prison: The Elimination Chamber Anthology - 7/13
WWE Fatal Four Way 2010 PPV - 7/20
WWE The Best of Raw Season One and Two - 8/10
WWE Money in the Bank 2010 PPV - 8/17
WWE Summerslam 2010 - 9/14
WWE Chris Jericho DVD - The Highlight Reel - 9/21
WWE John Cena DVD 11/19
WWE Bobby Heenan 12/18

Also in the works
Best of Smackdown 2010
WWE's 100 Craziest Moments (expected in time for the holidays)
Randy Orton DVD set

I wonder if they are going to have the elimination chamber..where benoit was in it?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Here are other upcoming WWE and TNA DVD releases.

WWE Ricky Steamboat: Life Story of the Dragon - 6/29
WWE Satan's Prison: The Elimination Chamber Anthology - 7/13
WWE Fatal Four Way 2010 PPV - 7/20
WWE The Best of Raw Season One and Two - 8/10
WWE Money in the Bank 2010 PPV - 8/17
WWE Summerslam 2010 - 9/14
WWE Chris Jericho DVD - The Highlight Reel - 9/21
WWE John Cena DVD 11/19
WWE Bobby Heenan 12/18

Also in the works
Best of Smackdown 2010
WWE's 100 Craziest Moments (expected in time for the holidays)
Randy Orton DVD set

I wonder if they are going to have the elimination chamber..where benoit was in it?
he's biting his lower lip in the 2nd pick 4 dub posted

someone photoshop sunglasses on him
he's biting his lower lip in the 2nd pick 4 dub posted

someone photoshop sunglasses on him
here was the big thing planned for smackdown

Spoiler [+]

*Rey Mysterio retained the world title with a 619 on Jack Swagger while Swagger had the ankle lock on the Big Show. And the Nexus vs. WWE 7 on 7 became a 6 on 3 when Edge, Chris Jericho, and Sheamus walked out on John Cena, Randy Orton, and John Morrison before the match even started. However, Randy Orton got the RKO on Otonga for the pin and the win for the WWE.
here was the big thing planned for smackdown

Spoiler [+]

*Rey Mysterio retained the world title with a 619 on Jack Swagger while Swagger had the ankle lock on the Big Show. And the Nexus vs. WWE 7 on 7 became a 6 on 3 when Edge, Chris Jericho, and Sheamus walked out on John Cena, Randy Orton, and John Morrison before the match even started. However, Randy Orton got the RKO on Otonga for the pin and the win for the WWE.
- As noted before, TNA wants Paul Heyman to appear at the upcoming Victory Road pay-per-view. Heyman has made it clear he will not be there. As of this past weekend, some in the company are under the impression that Heyman will be there but there has been no deal reached.

Heyman noted that TNA has came to him but they even gave Jim Ross a low-ball number. As noted before, Heyman wants a deal with TNA similar to what Dana White has with UFC. Heyman said if he doesn’t get something like that for many millions of dollars, then he’s not interested in returning. TNA also wants Heyman to lead the ECW invasion angle but Heyman has said he does not want to be a character on TV.

Some in TNA say that the two sides are so close on signing a deal that Heyman has began working on ideas. Sources say that while Heyman doesn’t want to be a TV character, he’s willing to make at least one TV appearance just to show that he’s arrived

- As mentioned before, this year’s SummerSlam pay-per-view is scheduled to be built around the returns of Triple H and The Undertaker with Triple H facing Sheamus and Taker facing Kane in a casket match. Another match penciled in is a rematch from Fatal 4 Way, The Hart Dynasty and Natalya vs. The Usos and Tamina. This match may be scrapped or already changed as The Harts vs. The Usos was just announced for Money in the Bank.

- MVP will be getting new entrance music soon.

- Mitch Monteiro, who placed 5th as a heavyweight in the 2010 NCAA wrestling tournament, recently had a one-week tryout with WWE developmental in Tampa. Monteiro, who has been a wrestling fan since he was a kid, was recruited by Gerald Brisco, who attended the tournament. Monteiro is 6 foot 2 inches and 285 pounds.

- Several people are raving about NXT 2 Rookie Husky Harris, the son of WWE Hall of Famer Mike “IRS
- As noted before, TNA wants Paul Heyman to appear at the upcoming Victory Road pay-per-view. Heyman has made it clear he will not be there. As of this past weekend, some in the company are under the impression that Heyman will be there but there has been no deal reached.

Heyman noted that TNA has came to him but they even gave Jim Ross a low-ball number. As noted before, Heyman wants a deal with TNA similar to what Dana White has with UFC. Heyman said if he doesn’t get something like that for many millions of dollars, then he’s not interested in returning. TNA also wants Heyman to lead the ECW invasion angle but Heyman has said he does not want to be a character on TV.

Some in TNA say that the two sides are so close on signing a deal that Heyman has began working on ideas. Sources say that while Heyman doesn’t want to be a TV character, he’s willing to make at least one TV appearance just to show that he’s arrived

- As mentioned before, this year’s SummerSlam pay-per-view is scheduled to be built around the returns of Triple H and The Undertaker with Triple H facing Sheamus and Taker facing Kane in a casket match. Another match penciled in is a rematch from Fatal 4 Way, The Hart Dynasty and Natalya vs. The Usos and Tamina. This match may be scrapped or already changed as The Harts vs. The Usos was just announced for Money in the Bank.

- MVP will be getting new entrance music soon.

- Mitch Monteiro, who placed 5th as a heavyweight in the 2010 NCAA wrestling tournament, recently had a one-week tryout with WWE developmental in Tampa. Monteiro, who has been a wrestling fan since he was a kid, was recruited by Gerald Brisco, who attended the tournament. Monteiro is 6 foot 2 inches and 285 pounds.

- Several people are raving about NXT 2 Rookie Husky Harris, the son of WWE Hall of Famer Mike “IRS
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Here are other upcoming WWE and TNA DVD releases.

WWE Ricky Steamboat: Life Story of the Dragon - 6/29
WWE Satan's Prison: The Elimination Chamber Anthology - 7/13
WWE Fatal Four Way 2010 PPV - 7/20
WWE The Best of Raw Season One and Two - 8/10
WWE Money in the Bank 2010 PPV - 8/17
WWE Summerslam 2010 - 9/14
WWE Chris Jericho DVD - The Highlight Reel - 9/21
WWE John Cena DVD 11/19
WWE Bobby Heenan 12/18

Also in the works
Best of Smackdown 2010
WWE's 100 Craziest Moments (expected in time for the holidays)
Randy Orton DVD set
I'm still behind on a couple that dropped last year. 

And suggestions? 

Last WWE DVD I bought was Hell in a Cell.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Here are other upcoming WWE and TNA DVD releases.

WWE Ricky Steamboat: Life Story of the Dragon - 6/29
WWE Satan's Prison: The Elimination Chamber Anthology - 7/13
WWE Fatal Four Way 2010 PPV - 7/20
WWE The Best of Raw Season One and Two - 8/10
WWE Money in the Bank 2010 PPV - 8/17
WWE Summerslam 2010 - 9/14
WWE Chris Jericho DVD - The Highlight Reel - 9/21
WWE John Cena DVD 11/19
WWE Bobby Heenan 12/18

Also in the works
Best of Smackdown 2010
WWE's 100 Craziest Moments (expected in time for the holidays)
Randy Orton DVD set
I'm still behind on a couple that dropped last year. 

And suggestions? 

Last WWE DVD I bought was Hell in a Cell.
Originally Posted by 650sGABE

batista retired because he wanted to pursue acting, plus he hated wwes pg era

it happened early june

Met him today.


was this in the Bay area/ Daly city area?? cause i saw him on monday at the century theater at daly city
Originally Posted by 650sGABE

batista retired because he wanted to pursue acting, plus he hated wwes pg era

it happened early june

Met him today.


was this in the Bay area/ Daly city area?? cause i saw him on monday at the century theater at daly city
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Here are other upcoming WWE and TNA DVD releases.

WWE Ricky Steamboat: Life Story of the Dragon - 6/29
WWE Satan's Prison: The Elimination Chamber Anthology - 7/13
WWE Fatal Four Way 2010 PPV - 7/20
WWE The Best of Raw Season One and Two - 8/10
WWE Money in the Bank 2010 PPV - 8/17
WWE Summerslam 2010 - 9/14
WWE Chris Jericho DVD - The Highlight Reel - 9/21
WWE John Cena DVD 11/19
WWE Bobby Heenan 12/18

Also in the works
Best of Smackdown 2010
WWE's 100 Craziest Moments (expected in time for the holidays)
Randy Orton DVD set
I'm still behind on a couple that dropped last year. 

And suggestions? 

Last WWE DVD I bought was Hell in a Cell.
i don't know about picking up the elimination chamber dvd, but word is all the Benoit stuff is cut out of the matches and the blood is censored or cut out. WWE PG TV FTL.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Here are other upcoming WWE and TNA DVD releases.

WWE Ricky Steamboat: Life Story of the Dragon - 6/29
WWE Satan's Prison: The Elimination Chamber Anthology - 7/13
WWE Fatal Four Way 2010 PPV - 7/20
WWE The Best of Raw Season One and Two - 8/10
WWE Money in the Bank 2010 PPV - 8/17
WWE Summerslam 2010 - 9/14
WWE Chris Jericho DVD - The Highlight Reel - 9/21
WWE John Cena DVD 11/19
WWE Bobby Heenan 12/18

Also in the works
Best of Smackdown 2010
WWE's 100 Craziest Moments (expected in time for the holidays)
Randy Orton DVD set
I'm still behind on a couple that dropped last year. 

And suggestions? 

Last WWE DVD I bought was Hell in a Cell.
i don't know about picking up the elimination chamber dvd, but word is all the Benoit stuff is cut out of the matches and the blood is censored or cut out. WWE PG TV FTL.
- We noted last week that former WCW star Kevin Sullivan had met with Dixie Carter about coming in to TNA creative and had already booked out a year of TNA storylines. Actually, Sullivan has presented an idea that involves a year-long main event storyline. The angle involves bringing in a top star who the company would have trouble signing.

Monday's edition of WWE Rawdid a 3.35 cable rating off hours of 3.21 and 3.49 with an average audience of 4,780,000 viewers.

Possible MITB Spoilers
Spoiler [+]
As of right now, there are plans for a Swagger/Kingston feud for the IC belt after the MITB PPV.

This would mean that Mysterio will retain his WHC and Kofi will come up short in the Smackdown MITB Ladder Match.

Plans may change between now and the PPV.
- We noted last week that former WCW star Kevin Sullivan had met with Dixie Carter about coming in to TNA creative and had already booked out a year of TNA storylines. Actually, Sullivan has presented an idea that involves a year-long main event storyline. The angle involves bringing in a top star who the company would have trouble signing.

Monday's edition of WWE Rawdid a 3.35 cable rating off hours of 3.21 and 3.49 with an average audience of 4,780,000 viewers.

Possible MITB Spoilers
Spoiler [+]
As of right now, there are plans for a Swagger/Kingston feud for the IC belt after the MITB PPV.

This would mean that Mysterio will retain his WHC and Kofi will come up short in the Smackdown MITB Ladder Match.

Plans may change between now and the PPV.
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