Wrestling Thread Mar 1-7 | 3/5 Smackdown - Edge vs Show, McIntyre vs Hardy

jim ross hints he might be at mania

raw dark main event

- When RAW went off the air Shaemus came back and threw HHH into the ring. Batista's music hits and he said you don't just beat down a guy like HHH, you take them out, let me show you. He runs to the ring and just before they start beating on HHH, Cena's music hits and he runs to the ring. The Shaemus and Batista clear the ring and Cena gets on the mic and says something to the effect of "let's have a tag team match right now" They all get up and a tag match begins. Went back and forth for a little bit in a real good match and eventually Cena hits the ring and tears up Shaemus does the five knuckle shuffle on Shaemus and then looks at Batista begging him to come in the ring. Dave then decides to walk out of the arena, looks like we wont get to see them go at it until mania. Cena turns back around and gives the AA to shaemus then looks to HHH who wants in. HHH is tagged in and gives Shaemus the suck it before pedigreeing him and getting the pinfall victory. HHH and Cena then spend about 10 minutes walking around the ring high fiving all the fans. Good times were had by all.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^heeltista was great on the mic

switch it, it will be kofi for the save on orton
^ I think The Batista promo was a set up for Stone Colds upcoming Guest Host edition of Raw. I think Sheamus vs. HHH will happen and Kofi will be in the Money in the Bank.

Wait, I take it back. I know that's what is going to happen.
alright, good for u

now see how i didnt say anything negative or post a stupid gif., do that when i post, pay no mind to what i say, which goes for illiam n others..its tha simple

i post things like tha cuz i like twists n surprises, thats all....i don't care if i get it wrong
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

alright, good for u

now see how i didnt say anything negative or post a stupid gif., do that when i post, pay no mind to what i say, which goes for illiam n others..its tha simple

i post things like tha cuz i like twists n surprises, thats all....i don't care if i get it wrong

Lighten up..it's a freaking pro wrestling thread for goodness sakes.
Originally Posted by MoNeyLiCiouS

Batista is getting worse on the mic. How is this possible?

No way.  Give credit where credit is due.  The promo between Batista and Cena last night was outstanding.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by MoNeyLiCiouS

Batista is getting worse on the mic. How is this possible?

No way.  Give credit where credit is due.  The promo between Batista and Cena last night was outstanding.

yes.....The whole body guards here to protect you from me was awesome. the fat chicks comment was awesome. The whole anti WWE posterboy thing is awesome. I hope the match is just power move after power move. lol.

edit: know what would be cool? If Legacy was beating the snot out of Randy and the Texas rattle snake came out to help the viper. Corny I know, but I'd geek seeing the stunner and RKO at the same time.
could batista be hurt n they hiding it? or dude just wont wrestle till mania?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

alright, good for u

now see how i didnt say anything negative or post a stupid gif., do that when i post, pay no mind to what i say, which goes for illiam n others..its tha simple

i post things like tha cuz i like twists n surprises, thats all....i don't care if i get it wrong
The hell you're so hurt for? We're just **@@#%% with you man. We all like twists and surprises too but we rib you 'cuz yours are always wayyyyyyyy out there.

You don't see TeflanDon crying every time we mention something about DX.

Calm down.

N&N in a few...
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

could batista be hurt n they hiding it? or dude just wont wrestle till mania?

I am guessing they are doing that on purpose to build heat and anticipation.


  All three preview images are of Daniel Bryan.  I'm not complaining, I just think it's funny.  Since the show is still new, I'll once again post up the Mentor/Rookie combos.


My take:
Daniel Bryan - Obviously the focus of the show, and the WWE is putting a strong push behind him.  Shockingly, the fans actually took to him last week.
Darren Young - CM Punk is the star here.  His reaction to Young last week was priceless.  Young looks to be the jobber of the show.  And is he black or just really tan?
David Otunga - Looks to have a lot of potential.  Not a great match, but a ton of potential and charisma.  And the WWE obviously loves his semi-celebrity status.
Heath Slater - Douche bag


My take:
Justin Gabriel - Nothing last week, but I think the WWE will give him a good shot this week as he is the FCW champion, and other past FCW champs include Sheamus, Swagger, and McIntyre.
Michael Tarver - He got beat, but I still like the upside on him.
Skip Sheffield - Nothing last week.  My initial reaction is I don't like him, but we will see.
Wade Barrett - Jericho sonned him.  That was about it for him last week.  Again, we'll see.
true....u saw hitman with the crutches and the so called pain on his face, horrible

hitman/vince match gonna be sloppy
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by MoNeyLiCiouS

Batista is getting worse on the mic. How is this possible?

No way.  Give credit where credit is due.  The promo between Batista and Cena last night was outstanding.

Word.  I don't know what got into my man Promotista, but that was the best mic work of his life.  The "kissing babies and hugging fat girls" line had me dead, and when he completely shut down Cena's "you wanna know what I think" I was impressed.  It is absolutely amazing what a heel turn has done for Dave.

something else, shouldn't they have described these rules on the first episode...?
Striker looks like he's going to a 70's disco.

And yeah, they really should have explained the rules ahead of time.

Again... is this dude Darren Young black or super tan?

Punk and the SES wanting nothing to do with him is PRICELESS.
I really hate CM Punk's dude.  He's a douche only 2nd to Heath Slater.

Otunga going after Truth

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Again... is this dude Darren Young black or super tan?

I'm just throwing this out there, I want to say that maybe he's indian?
"These are the things you're going to have to deal with in the WWE"

I really starting to dislike Striker.  He went from a smart, funny, intelligent announcer to just another lackey with Vince yelling in his ear.
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