Wrestling Thread Mar 1-7 | 3/5 Smackdown - Edge vs Show, McIntyre vs Hardy

u think the tie will be gabriel/byan or brian/y2js rookie, forgot his name
News & Notes

Latest on the future of Bret vs. Vince storyline.

Thestreet fight stipulation will also be added to Vince McMahon vs. BretHart at Wrestlemania in the next few weeks. They've opted against theidea where Bret wins the title, however, it was given serious, seriousthought.

What Chong did on last night's RAW that made Vince McMahon "livid".

VinceMcMahon was reportedly "livid" when Chong mimed smoking a pipe with themicrophone during his in-ring promo. Mixed reactions when that story hit the locker room, considering Vince said nothing about him wearing at-shirt on the show that had someone blowing smoke. All in all, Vincewas very "down" on their hosting and continued to reiterate that thecurrent hosting gimmick had run its course.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Real talk, I said to myself last night "they're not gonna like this in the back" when I saw Chong doing that.
No surprise there.[/color]

Christian's first big feud on RAW will be against...

Randy Orton vs. Christian is on WWE Raw house show booking sheets after Wrestlemania.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Has the potential to be good.
BUT...if Orton is indeed transitioning to tweener or face, does that mean Christian turns heel? Orton is obviously way more over than Christian is and I think it'd be a mistake to leave them both as "good guys" in a feud. Especially if Christian wins MITB.

Backstage news on the booking of the MITB match.

Thebooking of the Money in the Bank ladder match took a bit of a turn thisweek, with different entrants being slated for the match than wereoriginally planned. Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston were, as of this pastweekend, the ones who were scheduled to qualify for the match on thisMonday's Raw. There is also talkof having one more qualifying match on Smackdown this week then having a battle royal to fill the finalslot next week on Raw.

Tentative plans for Sheamus after Wrestlemania.

Sheamus'main event run is scheduled to continue despite losing the WWEChampionship at Elimination Chamber. He is expected to make it on theWrestlemania card in some capacity and company officials are hoping hewill fill the void of losses after Wrestlemania.

- Sheamusis being advertised as a member of the Smackdown roster in ads forshows after the 2010 WWE Draft on April 26th. As always plans aresubject to change but this could be the current direction.

Latest on the future of the guest host gimmick on RAW.

It'snot yet official Steve Austin will be the last guest host of Raw. WWEofficials like the idea of the guest hosts, but Vince McMahon hasreportedly told the writing team to find ways to "tweak" the format ofthe guest host gimmick if it is to stick around as a regular staple ofthe show.

Umaga's cause of death revealed.

Wrestling author and journalist, IrvMuchnick, is reporting that Eddie "Umaga" Fatu died from "acutetoxicity due to combined effects of hydrocodone, carisoprodol, anddiazepam." Hydrocone is a painkiller. Carisoprodol, commonly calledsoma, is a muscle relaxer. Diazepam, commonly called Valium, is ananti-anxiety medication.

Fatu died on December 4th, 2009,shortly after being released by the WWE for failing his second drugtest and refusing rehab. His death was not mentioned on WWE television.

Latest on Sting.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Despite the factthat he’s one of the biggest names that TNA has access to, one big namethat’s been conspicuously absent in recent weeks is Sting. The companyknows that he’s not interested in being too involved in the productthese days and his name isn’t mentioned too often by TNA officials.[/font]

Awesome Kong suing Bubba the Love Sponge and AT&T for alleged hate speech incident; Bubba responds to the accusation.

AwesomeKong (a/k/a Kia Stevens) is suing Bubba the Love Sponge (a/k/a ToddClem) & AT&T for a 'hate speech' incident that occurred onFebruary 10th.

According to an article on Court House News,Kong received a phone call at her Tampa home at 5:00 a.m. on February10th from a caller that said, "This is Bubba the Love Sponge here (thecaller alluded to the fact the call was being broadcast on the radio)."He started talking in a stream, threatening to come to Kong's house and'sucker punch' her until she stopped breathing. The caller went on touse racial slurs about Kong and the deaths in Haiti.

Kong claims that when she did not respond the caller identified himselfas 'Bubba the Love Sponge' and stated, "What d'ya think about that,Monkey Kong?' ... 'What? Those big fat Jimmy Walker lips ain't talking%*#% now, huh?'" Kong says she recognized his voice from hearing theradio show.

- Bubba the Love Sponge issued the following statement today on his official website regarding Awesome Kong's accusations he made a racist prank phone call to her. Below is his full statement:

"This morning I was made aware of allegations made in a petition forfull bill of discovery by Ms. Kia Stevens, a [former] professional wrestler withTotal Nonstop Action Wrestling. The allegations in this petition areone hundred percent false. To be clear; everything contained in thispetition is not true. Ms. Stevens attributing outrageous raciststatements and physical threats to me is disgusting."

"We can prove without any doubt the allegations made in this petitionare false. First Ms. Stevens claims that she was called on the air, at5:08 AM on February 10th, we are not even on the air until 6 AM Easterntime. We have phone records and eye witnesses that account for my everymovement that day from 4:50 AM forward. No call was made to Ms. Stevensat all."

"We will be pursuing all legal remedies available to us in the State ofFlorida to fight these deliberately malicious allegations."

More on Kong being gone from TNA.

I'mtold Awesome Kong was indeed granted her release from TNA Wrestling andis officially gone from the company. No word on what the company plans on doingwith the TNA Knockout Tag Team Championship at this time.

Kong's problems in TNA started with a backstage altercation with Bubbathe Love Sponge at the 1/18 TNA Impact taping and later Kong requestingher release because she did not want to go on the company's Januarytour of the United Kingdom. Kong's initial request for her release wasdeclined and she served a short suspension for her backstagealtercation.

Awesome Kong on WWE's radar.

AwesomeKong is on WWE's radar still, according to a few officials. She'dlikely come on board after Wrestlemania and would work at FCW to builda debut under her original name of Amazing Kong, or simply Kong, on theSmackdown brand. This is far from official at this point, but simplythe rundown from someone in WWE pushing to make this happen. She wouldcome on board as a sort of "anti-Diva," but Vince isn't yet sold on theidea - but is "receptive."

Edge requesting more ring work before Wrestlemania.

Edgeworked Smackdown house shows this weekend and has requested more ringwork before Wrestlemania to continue to work off ring rust that hasaccumulated during his time off. Despite many people feeling there isno way his Achilles tendon is 100%, Edge maintains he is 100% healthy.

Possible Dark Match for Wrestlemania.

There is early talk of a NXT 10-man tag being the pre-show match at Wrestlemania.

Possible Divas Match for Wrestlemania.

Maryse,Michelle McCool and Layla vs. Eve Torres, Mickie James and Beth Phoenixwith both the Women's and Divas titles on the line is also beingdiscussed for the Wrestlemania card.

Miz and Maryse storyline to pick back up.

Look for the love storyline between Maryse and The Miz to pick back up,with the idea being that she's into him now since he has more belts.

Hulk Hogan interview; speaks on Ric Flair, his financial situation, advice for Mark McGwire and more.

St. Louis' RiverfrontTimes.com has aninterview with Hulk Hogan, who talks about wrestling against Ric Flairin a tag match on March 8th and his financial motivation for gettingback in the ring. He also takes a shot at The Rock's movie career.Hogan admits that his body is broken down, but he's getting back in thering because the fans demanded it, brother! Here's what Hogan said:

Is He Able To Still Wrestle? "Oh, I can't,brother. I was in Australia recently and did four dates wrestling RicFlair. The first day I ran into Ric with a shoulder tackle and knockedhim down. He popped up and came right back at me. I didn't have myfooting right. I was turned in when he hit me and my right hip poppedout of its socket. The pain shot like a piece of electricity to my headand right behind my ear. I felt like my head exploded. I fell anddumbed it up against the rope until I could pop my hip back in. Thatwas my first day back. I really didn't want to wrestle, but I got intoa situation with TNA when the fans are chanting 'Hogan! Hogan!' It'shard to say no. I painted myself in a corner. Now I'm fighting atag-team match March 8 with Abyss against Ric Flair and A.J. Styles. Idid that to myself, but I really shouldn't be wrestling anymore."

On Ric Flair's greatness:"I think it's the fans. There's a real energy there. On a personal noteI think he's the greatest wrestler ever. He's better than Lou Thesz,Gorgeous George -- you name it. But it's the fans. They are the onesthat keep this going."

Some Advice For Mark McGwire: "Idon't know his situation too well. But the only advice I have is don'tplay a game with the fans. You've got to come to come clean. Don'tcling to half truths, either. I tried that during an interview onArsenio Hall. I said I wasn't on steroids, which was half true. Iwasn't when he asked me. But had I been? Yes. My advice is to lay itall out there."

His Financial Situation Pushing Him To Wrestle Again:"I was in a situation where I was kind of lost and I happened to walkby a ring in a gym. I reached out and touched it, and I got goosebumps.I knew I had a problem, kind of like being an addict. I said, 'Oh boy.'It's like driving a fast car or being on a date with a beautiful woman.So, that was part of it. The other was necessity. After the last coupleyears, financially, I needed to do something. I was devastatedfinancially."

Hogan Takes a Shot at The Rock: "I thoughtabout moving out to L.A. and doing the movie thing cause I haveseventeen movies under my belt -- mostly low-budget kid movies, kind oflike what The Rock is doing now. My agent said they could put me insupporting roles. I'd never be a Gene Hackman or anything, but there iswork for me. But I just wasn't into it. I needed to to work and thoughtwhy not get back to what I love, wrestling?"

Brother Devon interview; speaks on current state of TNA, Hogan and more.

Brian Fritz of AOL FanHouse has a new Q&A online with Team 3D's Brother Devon. Below are the highlights:

Current state of TNA: TNA has been doing fantastic. I'm lovingthe arrival of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff and I'm ready to start theMonday Night War again. Every federation we've even been in, at thatpoint in time, has been so successful and has reached tremendousnumbers whether in ratings or people in attendance. It's a tribute toeverybody's hard work. It's a tribute to everything that's going on nowwith Hulk Hogan being with TNA. Some people thought it would be a badidea to bring him in. I think a lot of us were iffy about it because wedidn't know what he could bring to the table. Since he's been with TNA,he's done nothing but good things in my opinion and I think the ratingsare showing it lately.

Most impressive thing from Hulk Hogan: It would have to be thislast TV taping. Young talent is being pushed. Young talent is beingmade from stars to superstars and what better person to do that thanHulk Hogan. A lot of people thought he was going to come in and try tostill be Hulk Hogan, try to go in there and run the show the way HulkHogan wanted to. Well, Hogan proved a lot of people wrong. He's inthere pushing young talent. He wants to make a difference. He wants tosee TNA prosper. He wants to see them succeed. To do that, you bring insome stars from yesterday but you mix them in with today's stars andthere you go. And that's exactly what he's doing.

If TNA moving to Mondays rejuvenates him: Absolutely. Everyoneasks me are you looking to run Vince (McMahon) out of business and Isay no we're not. We've seen what happens when there is only onecompany left and the rival company is run out of business. That onecompany that stays in business holds a monopoly and that's never goodfor anyone. With TNA, we're not trying to run Vince out of business.What we want to do is give him competition yet we want to be numberone. That's what we're striving for. We want to be the number onecompany in professional wrestling. We want to have the number oneratings. We want to have the number one talent. That's what we'relooking for. We're not looking to run Vince out of business. I don'tthink anyone would want to see that. I think competition is very goodfor the business and knowing that it's going to keep both companies ontheir toes. There will be times when TNA will lose. Their may be timeswhen WWE may lose. But then, knowing when we lose that we regroup, getback together and try to kick their behind. I'm sure they're saying thesame thing with us. So either you're on board and going full tilt andyou're bringing your best or you have to ship out.

Click here to read the full article.

Vince McMahon's reaction to Daniel Bryan.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Vince McMahon wasreportedly pleased with Daniel Bryan's performance on thepremiere episode of WWE NXT as he felt they made him "a star" in onenight as a result of his interaction with The Miz and match with ChrisJericho.[/font]

Evan Bourne's future plans.

Evan Bourne is lined up for a big push on the Smackdown brand after the impending WWE Draft.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'll believe it when I see it. [/color]

Recent releases only beginning of "future endeavors".

Thereleases of Shane Helms, Paul Burchill and Maria are only the beginningof the future endeavors to be handed out. It's not fair to name nameswho are said to be on the block, but there are quite a few nervousmembers of the roster right now. The releases are expected to continuethrough Wrestlemania.

WWE signs another Colon.

WWEhas signed Puerto Rican superstar Orlando Colon to a developmentalcontract. Colon is the cousin of Carlito and Primo and the nephew ofCarlos Colon. He'll report to Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa.

Update on Lance Cade.

LanceCade is expected to be called up to the main roster after Wrestlemania.He has been working out in Tampa at FCW, but not appearing on shows.

Shelton Benjamin officially on Smackdown.

SheltonBenjamin is now a member of Smackdown as his profile has been moved tothe Smackdown superstars page on the official WWE website.

Gail Kim injured on last night's RAW.

Gail Kim was injured during last night'sPajama Pillow fight match. She had to be helped from the ring to theback after the match. The latest word is that she either hurt her footor back. We hope to have more shortly.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Gail Kim gets injured every other week.
How you get hurt in a pillow fight though?

Chavo Guerrero injured.

ChavoGuerrero suffered a cut above his left eye during a match against KofiKingston taped for this week's WWE Superstars prior to last night's Rawtaping from the Ford Center in Oklahoma City. The cut took six stitchesto close. Chavo posted a picture of the injury on Twitter at this http://twitpic.com/165deg]link[/url].

The injury didn't put Chavo in bad spirits as he still http://tweetphoto.com/12996410]got a shoe shine[/url] after last night's TVs.

Charlie Haas released.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The following is from WWE.com:

WWEhas come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Charlie Haas as oftoday. We wish Charlie Haas the best in all future endeavors.

Maria comments on her release.

Maria Kanellis was on Special Delivery on XM satellite radio for her first interview since being released from WWE. Sheconfirmed what many had surmised, in that she feels WWE let her gobecause she wanted to try her hand at outside projects (like Celebrity Apprentice and a music career) while WWE wanted to have control over her career.

Mariasaid that WWE was "not intentionally but intentionally" holding herback from some of the projects she wanted to take on, and she wouldn'tdo some of the things WWE wanted her to do. She reaffirmed that she didnot ask for her release, but she knows she has her future ahead of herand is interested to see what happens "when the bad relationship isover and you move on." She didn't understand the logic behind releasingher right before Celebrity Apprentice debuted, and pointed out that the release came the day after her 28th birthday.

Y2J takes a jab at Daniel Bryan.

After WWE NXT star Daniel Bryan wrote onTwitter that his ribs are still banged up from his match with ChrisJericho but he hopes to wrestle tonight, Jericho posted a reply onTwitter saying, "Stop whining. That was a week ago already..."

This week's RAW rating.

Lastnight's edition of WWE Raw did a 3.7 cable rating off hours of 3.56 and3.78 on the USA Network. The show averaged 5,320,000 viewers.

This week's SmackDown (03/05) Spoilers.

Spoiler [+]
WWE Smackdown (Airing Friday on MyNetworkTV):

* A video is shown recapping Edge and Chris Jericho from last week.Edge comes out to open the show. He says he's worried about Jerichobecause he keeps getting Speared. Big Show comes out. Edge says She isgoing to get Speared later. Show says his luck will run out and he willknock him out. Edge throws him out of the ring to end the segment.

* Backstage, Teddy Long is with Drew McIntyre. Drew says he didn't loselast week. Drew demands a Money in the Bank qualifying match againstMatt Hardy.

* WWE Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre vs. Matt Hardy in a Moneyin the Bank ladder match qualifying match. Matt Hardy b. Drew McIntyreto qualify. After the match Drew goes crazy and tears up the announcetable and yells at Mike Striker.

* Shelton Benjamin b. Dolph Ziggler

* John Morrison & R-Truth vs. Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty in anumber one contender match for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship isannounced for later in the night.

* Ezekiel Jackson b. Jimmy Wang Yang

* Backstage, Rey Mysterio has Tiffany (who he welcomes to Smackdown) watch his daughter.

* Luke Gallows vs. Rey Mysterio. CM Punk says he wants Luke to make Reypay for his sins for beating him last week. Rey Mysterio b. LukeGallows. Punks comes in after the match and goes for GTS but Reyreverses it.

* Backstage, Chris Jericho says he wants Big Show to destroy Edge. BigShow says its all about him and that he's doing it for himself.

* The Raw Rebound is regarding Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker.

* John Morrison & R-Truth b. Cryme Tyme & The Hart Dynasty tobecome the number one contenders for the Unified WWE Tag TeamChampionship at Wrestlemania.

* Backstage, Michelle McCool and Layla give Vickie Guerrero a simplyflawless shirt. Beth Phoenix comes in and Vickie tells her she willnever get a title shot.

* Edge b. Big Show with a Spear. Teddy Long announces Edge must nowface Chris Jericho for the belt. This will likely be a dark match mainevent.

Dark Match Main Event:

* World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. Edge ends in disqualification after run-ins from Big Show and Kane.
Hm, if they move Kong to wwe, who besides beth could she possibly feud with? She's too much of a beast...
^A Beth Phoenix/Awesome Kong program would be interesting though.

Based on those Smackdown Spoilers

Spoiler [+]
It looks like Morrison won't be in MITB this year and will team up with R-Truth to fight ShowMiz @ Mania.
dbagtista is pretty awesome. everyone who wears a leather vest (see Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, etc) is usually pretty awesome.
am i the only one suprised at the lack of push given to the Hart Dynasty since bret's return? I figured they would get a little more rub..
Giving the Hart Dynasty a push because of Bret's return makes too much sense. That's why WWE didn't do it.

LOL @ Fail Kim getting hurt in the pillow fight. I knew she would botch it.
^^ I remember that shoot on Flair, it was great. There is alot of bad blood between Steiner and Flair/HHH.
Scott is so awful. Dude could never wrestle and could never cut a promo correctly haha. I dont know how he lasted so long in wrestling
MBlackmon wrote:
Nice avy

I�remember that shoot on Flair, it was great. There is alot of bad blood between Steiner and Flair/HHH.
was that a legit shoot on flair though?
Storm mentions the heat between Nature Boy#2 and Big Poppa Pump. Cant remember when so just watch it. Wish I could find the whole interview


you actually just Steiner'd yourself on that, about Goldberg. 
I believe Steiner and other wrestlers hate Ric over the way he used to have the matches booked, something quite similar to the way HHH is viewed now by other wrestlers.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

I believe Steiner and other wrestlers hate Ric over the way he used to have the matches booked, something quite similar to the way HHH is viewed now by other wrestlers.

Details. MORE!
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

I believe Steiner and other wrestlers hate Ric over the way he used to have the matches booked, something quite similar to the way HHH is viewed now by other wrestlers.

Details. MORE!
if what iv'e read is true, flair used to have his friends book the matches in his favor. his NWA buddies did him the favor of making him a 16378-time champion. it's still crazy for me to think that HHH is a 16 (or whatever it is now) time champ. oh, let me post a Bam Bam shoot.

wasn't embedding for some reason. and yuku is being pupu
you actually just Steiner'd yourself on that, about Goldberg.
He didn't just say that. I KNOW YOU DIDN'T JUST SAY THAT
. Yup, I botched it. Wrong vid. THIS VID is where he mentions the heat with Naitch#2. As I said before, watch it all cuz its pretty good and I wish I could find the rest of the interview. 
hogan also did a shoot on flair

it was when hogan whipped flairs son on nitro....hogan repeatedly kept whipping him n that pissed flair, and till this day he doesnt forgive him for it
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