Wrestling Thread Mar 1-7 | 3/5 Smackdown - Edge vs Show, McIntyre vs Hardy

Vince is that dude.
hbk heel turn coming up

man, sheamus no show this week, wwe must be really concerned, unless he comes out to attack the omega one
Originally Posted by hellaones

heels >

WWE Heels>>>>>>>WWE Faces

I can't really think of any faces off the top of my head I really like or that I mark out for except for Orton's "tweener" role
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

hbk heel turn coming up

man, sheamus no show this week, wwe must be really concerned, unless he comes out to attack the omega one
i gotta feeling that will happen tonight
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Mr. McMahon is seriously the God of all heels.
There's no one better on the mic than Vince.
Originally Posted by hellaones

heels >


Criss Angel next week
Hopefully he can make the Bella Twins disappear...for good.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I'm really starting to wonder what is going to happen with Orton at Mania.

Yeah I think you need Orton at Mania.
I wonder who is going to pop in this match taker or sheamus (don't care if I spelled his name right)
damn, what they gona do with orton for mania.......guess the wwe has no faith in legacy......so whats next......interpromotional ic title match vs mcintyre? lol
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

Whats good ?

I scored 2nd row tickets to RAW the show before wrestlemania and it looks like I wont be able to go. It's the night before a huge test for my future. Either way tonights show should be good. I honestly see Christian winning this MITB.

How did you get them? Screw your future man.

You should sell it
I bought them from ticketmaster. I am trying to sell but I kinda want to go. I just want face value. WIll see what happens though.
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