Wrestling Thread Mar 12-18 | 3/18 TNA Victory Road PPV - Roode vs Sting, Angle vs Hardy

i'm done...
The Rock's promos go too long. Rambling on and on and on. He can't even do the karaoke right.

Aside from Cena's empty arena mess, he's been money on everything he's done.
that was really bad overall by Rock...like terrible and corny...smh --- that's 3 weeks in a row Cena got the one up on Rocky
that was really bad overall by Rock...like terrible and corny...smh --- that's 3 weeks in a row Cena got the one up on Rocky
that segment was like a great horror movie building to the end then you find out the killer is who you expected it to be all along
Rock butchered the ending 
Some of ya'll must not laugh much at anything cause besides the horrible karaoke the concert was funny.
I'm so tired of jokes about genitalia.  This is supposed to be the biggest main event in WrestleMania history.  It's certainly not coming across that way.
^Word up until the karaoke it was solid, not old school Rock, but hey he was a heel doing those concerts and it's a totally different era and audience than back then. Don't know why guys are expecting him to go hard, because he isn't. Most people are just happy he's back in the ring and on TV period.
To me Cena is that guy in high school that delivered burns and everyone "ooo'd" and wondered if there was going to be a fight. Rock is that guy in high school that delivered burns everyone laughed and said "I'm just messin with you" or "We're just having fun."

When Cena delivers he strikes me as trying to get over first having fun second and Rocky the reverse of that. Not to mention Cena tends to deliver towards the camera and Rocky to the crowd. Guess it's just preference in the end since it's two brands of insult comedy right now. So, don't expect this to be a "BLOOD + DIE ROCKY DIE + CENA SUCKS" feud.

Because it's not.
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