Wrestling Thread Mar 15-21 | 3/21 TNA Destination X - Styles vs Abyss | Angle vs Anderson

Steiner's contract was some boss %!@#

from Marlon Wayan's twitter

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Money in the Bank match to stay at 9 competitors?

The original plan for Money in the Bank was reportedly to run it with 8 men. They changed it to 9 in order to accommodate the Drew McIntyre storyline, and on Superstars Michael Cole said the match would have 10 superstars in it. Now there has been talk again of leaving it at nine men.

Just so we're clear, Drew McIntyre will be in the match. He was never dropped from it.


However, if I am Kofi Kingston, I am heated. No offense to those who are fans of these guys, but how can you tell me that: Dolph Ziggler, Matt Hardy, Kane, maybe even Jack Swagger, and you could make an arguement for Drew McIntyre, ALL deserve to be on the Wrestlemania card over him? If there is any news on him being in the doghouse please shed some light, because toward the end of 2009 and spilling into 2010, Kofi was BIG TIME over.

I'm just sayin' *shrugs*

iLL I AM wrote:

TNA officials confident Hardy will beat charges.

TNAofficials seem to be confident Jeff Hardy will be found "not guilty" onfelony drug charges later this month as they have signed him to acontract. Hardy worked the January 4th Impact on a per-show deal butworked last week's TVs under a contract. [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The terms of thedeal have not been disclosed, but TNA officials are asking for roughly100 dates over 12 months.
Hardy was telling people how happy he was to be in TNA last night andhis significant other Beth Britt has formed a good friendship with TNApresident Dixie Carter.

Furthermore Hardy is happy to be working with his good friend ShannonMoore (who signed a contract earlier this month with TNA as well). [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It’s believedthat they will appear on most of the same shows together. There was talk of pairing the two as a tag team, but the company seems to begoing in a different direction. [/font]Thefeeling is Shane Helms will join them in TNA once his 90-day noncompete clause expires from his WWE contract.

Hardy will stand today on trial on drug charges in his home state of North Carolina.

I really think Hardy is gonna get convicted, but on the off chance he beats the case I'd love to see a stable of Hardy(heavyweight), Helms and Moore(tag team).

Intersting seedings on that bracket, Ill admite I never heard of many of those guys. Also watch out for Benoit, he has been murdering people as of late.
g.W.o.- DreamStreet

g.W.o.-  C.M. Punk Is My Savior

g.W.o.-  Straight Edge

Shawn Michaels may retire after 'Mania:
Shawn Michaels has been telling friends as of late he plans on retiring at WrestleMania. His contract is set to expire soon and he has talked about wanting to spend more time with his children as they grow up.

Michaels himself has made noise about retiring in recent years, to the point that WWE actually scripted jokes about it on Raw. After taking time off in 2008, he made noise about deciding not to come back. Like previous times he'd taken time off, WWE would call him back to return and he would. He also said in a radio interview last year that he had told the company his retirement date (which at the time was this year's WrestleMania). On the other hand, he's brought up the idea of wrestling well into his fifties, though only a match or two per year.

Michaels is not advertised for any shows past the night after WrestleMania when RAW emanates from the US Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona.
Jim Ross to work play-by-play at 'Mania:
While Jim Ross is not yet returning to television on a regular basis, he will be conducting play-by-play at WrestleMania.

Wrestlers were told this past week at television that Ross, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler would be calling WrestleMania with Matt Striker, Todd Grisham and Josh Matthews handling interviews backstage.

Ross signed a short-term extension this past week, believed to be one month. His former contract expired this week.
^those were already posted, makes it pretty much a guarantee that hbk/taker will be the final match at mania
Originally Posted by chino905

well it's been known that Lance Storm has always hated on TNA. and although hes a great wrestler, he should be the last person to talk about entertaining promos.

yup dude is just mad tna wont offer a job to him. that email just shows what a loser he is. That whole chair shot thing is the definition of nitpicking. that type of stuff happend every week on ecw... just depends on the character.

and i agree with what tommy dreamer said that tna should have just stayed on thursday and there was no need to challenge wwe and get crushed
I hope he proves me wrong, but I highly doubt it.

- Ric Flair is telling people he is having more fun working in TNA than he has had in years because he loves being a top heel. Flair still thinks he can have one more world-class match, with Kurt Angle.
I doubt Storm was ever looking for a job with TNA and I personally don't have a problem with his nit-picking at TNA. I agree with about 95% of what he has to say about their problems.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

I hope he proves me wrong, but I highly doubt it.

- Ric Flair is telling people he is having more fun working in TNA than he has had in years because he loves being a top heel. Flair still thinks he can have one more world-class match, with Kurt Angle.

Not a chance.
tna needs to just focus on the x division and tag team division

stop with these old dudes that are past their prime

we loved them growing up but yhese dudews nee to be home wit their families

if they still waan be involved with wrestling, take a job as a commentator or do something backstage
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I doubt Storm was ever looking for a job with TNA and I personally don't have a problem with his nit-picking at TNA. I agree with about 95% of what he has to say about their problems.

a few years back he stated he was interested in signing to tna. When they gave him the cold shoulder and never tried signing him he went anti tna. seriously the dude is butt hurt.

jeff jarrett must have not liked dude because tna was signing EVERYBODY ecw  back then except for storm. even road kill, a fat saturn and cyrus the virus showed up in tna...guy is the only og ecw guy not to be in a tna ring
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I doubt Storm was ever looking for a job with TNA and I personally don't have a problem with his nit-picking at TNA. I agree with about 95% of what he has to say about their problems.

a few years back he stated he was interested in signing to tna. When they gave him the cold shoulder and never tried signing him he went anti tna. seriously the dude is butt hurt.

jeff jarrett must have not liked dude because tna was signing EVERYBODY ecw  back then except for storm. even road kill, a fat saturn and cyrus the virus showed up in tna...guy is the only og ecw guy not to be in a tna ring
Jeff missed out on Storm. Not much on the flashy side but dude could wrestle like non other.

WWE dropped the ball to. You push HORSWOGGLE (SP? EH WHO CARES?) but not Storm? He could have gotten far being Anti American.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I doubt Storm was ever looking for a job with TNA and I personally don't have a problem with his nit-picking at TNA. I agree with about 95% of what he has to say about their problems.

a few years back he stated he was interested in signing to tna. When they gave him the cold shoulder and never tried signing him he went anti tna. seriously the dude is butt hurt.

jeff jarrett must have not liked dude because tna was signing EVERYBODY ecw  back then except for storm. even road kill, a fat saturn and cyrus the virus showed up in tna...guy is the only og ecw guy not to be in a tna ring
Jeff missed out on Storm. Not much on the flashy side but dude could wrestle like non other.

WWE dropped the ball to. You push HORSWOGGLE (SP? EH WHO CARES?) but not Storm? He could have gotten far being Anti American.
i dunno. the anti american thing doesnt work nowadays...

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I doubt Storm was ever looking for a job with TNA and I personally don't have a problem with his nit-picking at TNA. I agree with about 95% of what he has to say about their problems.

a few years back he stated he was interested in signing to tna. When they gave him the cold shoulder and never tried signing him he went anti tna. seriously the dude is butt hurt.

jeff jarrett must have not liked dude because tna was signing EVERYBODY ecw  back then except for storm. even road kill, a fat saturn and cyrus the virus showed up in tna...guy is the only og ecw guy not to be in a tna ring
Jeff missed out on Storm. Not much on the flashy side but dude could wrestle like non other.

WWE dropped the ball to. You push HORSWOGGLE (SP? EH WHO CARES?) but not Storm? He could have gotten far being Anti American.
i dunno. the anti american thing doesnt work nowadays...

Good point. Well if He were anti Cena, that would def work.
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