Wrestling Thread Mar 15-21 | 3/21 TNA Destination X - Styles vs Abyss | Angle vs Anderson

What the hell was that cluster#$#$ of a match?
lol @ eric young's body going to be outlined on the mat for the rest of the PPV

generic wolfpack music smh
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

50 bucks Hall no shows?
50 bucks says hall shows, wrestles in a shirt, and nash swerves eric young so hall and waltman can have "tna contracts"
 its so predictable
Vince Russo and Hogan booking.

I don't care though...memories.
The "swerve" went down predictably as I and everyone else expected. They could have at least had Young "accidentally" hit Nash, and have Nash retaliate or something. I thought they would do another "finger poke of doom".
What the hell did I just watch? How did the ref allow EY to get double teamed the entire match and not dq anyone?

Pac forgetting where he put the spray paint can earlier in the day.
Oh yeah and Tenay + Taz's nonchalant reaction to the swerve had me
...dudes weren't trying to fool anyone.
Spoiler [+]
tna is setting up for a "super" heel stable...this might be it with a few more dudes joining
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Spoiler [+]
tna is setting up for a "super" heel stable...this might be it with a few more dudes joining
Holes I swear to G you are 13 at oldest.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

What the hell did I just watch? How did the ref allow EY to get double teamed the entire match and not dq anyone?

Pac forgetting where he put the spray paint can earlier in the day.
seriously what the #+%* was that green stuff on his face??? like did the ref think he went in the corner and put that on himself cuz he decided he wanted to be part of jeff hardy's click????smh

wth u talkin about....i read it from a source, dont believe then....13? na i been watchin wrestling since hogan/andre
Putting makeup on Moore's face right after Pac spraypainted Young's face? Uhhh. Think up some original stuff.
chino last i heard they are lookin for someone to plah the homicide character......kazarian used to be homicide
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

chino last i heard they are lookin for someone to plah the homicide character......kazarian used to be homicide
you mean suicide homicide was hernandez's partner and he aint been seen since hogan and co took over
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