Wrestling Thread Mar 15-21 | 3/21 TNA Destination X - Styles vs Abyss | Angle vs Anderson

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

chino last i heard they are lookin for someone to plah the homicide character......kazarian used to be homicide
That's Suicide, not Homicide. Homicide is Hernandez former tag partner.

Chino, he's been wrestling in Mexico here and there since TNA ain't really using him. He's not really happy with them right now.
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

chino last i heard they are lookin for someone to plah the homicide character......kazarian used to be homicide
That's Suicide, not Homicide. Homicide is Hernandez former tag partner.

Chino, he's been wrestling in Mexico here and there since TNA ain't really using him. He's not really happy with them right now.
They shoulda had him attack morgan just now and reform LAX
 @ mixing up Suicide and Homicide, I was confused for a second then I realized who made the post.

 @ NobleKane calling the Nash swerve.
toine2983 wrote:
 @ mixing up Suicide and Homicide, I was confused for a second then I realized who made the post.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I hate Anderson.

yeah I've been disappointed with him since he came to tna.  That was hilarious when he dressed up as Kurt tho.
That black outline on the mat is distracting as hell. Not a good look having it there for the rest of these matches.
seems like theres alot of perfect ppl on here who seem to never make mistakes....i envy yall

On Twitter, when asked whether he watches TNA Wrestling, Steve Austin replied: "yes i do watch TNA. lots of friends there. they have some good talent."He also said last week that "they will never catch WWE" and felt they needed to be different than them. However, he also wished them luck and said competition is good.--

It's worth noting that Orlando Jordan has not appeared on TNA programming in over a month — not since the Feb. 18th edition of iMPACT!when he garnered a shocking victory over Samoa Joe. Though his character has not been featured since, he continues to tell people that he will play a bisexual character on television. Furthermore, the decision to not air footage of Jordan and his male companion groping one another during his Feb. 18 ring entrance was actually made while it was happening live, according to a company source. (source: www.pwtorch.com
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I would have much rather seen a straight wrestling match. TNA is getting blood happy.
A lot of people have been saying this recently. It's like they're trying so hard to be anti-WWE that they're forcing the blood in a lot of these matches. Doesn't have the same effect when you see it that much.

What the $#@@ is the point of this promo?!
I was LMAO at the "Anderson" with the camera up close to his bloody face.
did AJ botch that interview?

and he needs to change back to his hoodie and get rid of flair's thing.
Yo this PPV is dragging, they were hitting on all cylinders right up until scott hall and x-pax ever since then its been down hill.
i remember wwe offered aj a contract n e turned it down

lets say tna doesnt survive and he is left without a job how bad he eould feel

u guys think he woulda been a main eventer or would the omega one kill his push?
oh wow please let it not be ANOTHER swerve as ric flair is faking the wheel chair and help aj win....smh...
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