Wrestling Thread Mar 19-25 | 3/26 - New Thread Coming, Once In A Lifetime Special 8pm Tonight USA

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The "Powers That Be" have received complaints that the NT Wrestling Threads have run off the rails.  Just as in sports threads, off topic discussion is not allowed, the same goes for the NT Wrestling Threads.  The NTWTF fantasy booking, promos, matches must temporarily stop.  If the threads do not stay on topic, the threads will be locked.

This is not the end of the NTWTF.  However, please take 24 hours off as we evaluate how it will be handled going forward.

Do not ignore this, or the thread will be locked.


how in god's name is a created thread about anything the creator wants it to be about going to be dictated and restricted.
i can understand profanity and inappropriate pictures but the topic and discussion that goes on?
just because a few kids cry about the thread having sub-topics?
tell them to go create a new thread then for "marks and casual watchers only".
what if i complained to method man about being tired of random guys coming in here with the same "i use to watch wrestling, not any more though" "yo! is shawn michaels or stone cold sill around. wrestling was the best with them!" comments.
this isn't even about the fact that we can't discuss ntwtf but more of the fact of principle.


Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

I come back from pumping iron for two hours to this? #AreYouSeriousBro 

is Pumping Iron a new chilli dog restaurant or something?
Listen here "come pinga" shut it before I find you and hit you with a Ric Flair style chair shot.

P.S. That was not in character so please don't report me.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I brought up Road Trip the other day in another thread.

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

This is like Road Trip. But in reverse. And No sex tape. And no Tom Green.

DAMN this isn't like Road Trip at all! Nevermind.
Do you guys remember that movie?


hombrelobo wrote:

Anyways, I'm sure you're asking by now what does this have to do with wrestling. Well..

Spoiler [+]

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Someone really Complained? Wow talk about Lame +%+$#. I found the whole fantasy wrestling thing amusing.

Ditto. The lol factor all of you dudes brought was awesome, something we wouldn't get if we went to usual "news sites." NTWTF was pretty damb good. Hombre, I feel for you man, so much work you put into it, to have it all tarnished by a few peeps who are anti-fun. I guess I'm gonna have to wait for that 4w vs. Fake 4w feud that was eventually bound to happen. It's kind of frustrating cause it seemed to = me that you guys went out of your way to keep the "e-feud" stuff separate, with the posting in different colors attempt, or even the usage of "spoilers." Smh. NTWTF = OG ECW. 
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

Rusty, you better show some respect to your elders..Or you'll wind up NTWT's very own Mass Transit..
the place you've been stuck in for the past your entire ntwt career.

imthatone wrote:

" those guys says i can't play... MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!! "


oh no..

I was gonna say something about your lame attempt to get at me..Then I was going to say something along the lines of, "If I'm so far down the card then why are you bothering to waste your time?"..Followed by, "Maybe your still bitter that you lost to me."..Then I was going to close with an "even though I've only had one win, which was over you, I'm still more valueable to this organization than you'll ever be..But I'm not going to say any of those things because apparently they don't belong in this thread..And now onto some news to prevent getting in trouble from the powers that be..

TNA news:
Earlier today on Twitter, Kurt Angle partly spoiled the ending to tonight's Impact Wrestling. Here's what he wrote.

"Big falling Out On #ImpactWrestling tonight on Spike TV 9/8c. Find Out Who the New G.M. Will Be, after Sting steps down to Wrestle full time"  
Originally Posted by casekicks

I was gonna say something about your lame attempt to get at me..Then I was going to say something along the lines of, "If I'm so far down the card then why are you bothering to waste your time?"..Followed by, "Maybe your still bitter that you lost to me."..Then I was going to close with an "even though I've only had one win, which was over you, I'm still more valueable to this organization than you'll ever be..But I'm not going to say any of those things because apparently they don't belong in this thread..And now onto some news to prevent getting in trouble from the powers that be..

TNA news:
Earlier today on Twitter, Kurt Angle partly spoiled the ending to tonight's Impact Wrestling. Here's what he wrote.

"Big falling Out On #ImpactWrestling tonight on Spike TV 9/8c. Find Out Who the New G.M. Will Be, after Sting steps down to Wrestle full time"  

Way to stick up for yourself bro.
You've really come up since being that naive mark just wanting some recognition and acceptance from the rest of NTWT community last fall.
Although you still have your ignorant mark moments, you've shown alot of promise as a contributor to the thread and might even one day make it to beta male status.
Just work on your News & Notes delivery, gif execution, and wrestling knowledge (and i'm sure just like everyone one else, except for maybe "Beta Omega ITO") and we'd all be glad to call you our equal.
Let's call it a truce, friend.

Spoiler [+]
I was reading the top 10 streaks on WWE.com and they placed Goldberg at #1, what I found interesting was the coincidence that the article pointed out of when Goldberg finally lost it was because of Hall and Nash, now the Undertaker could lose the streak because of Michaels and HHH and all four of them were in the Kliq.
I never really saw it in that light but pretty cool nonetheless.
I've aired my beef with the fantasy stuff in this thread before, but then guys started using spoilers and different colours/fonts - so it's all good, I support keeping the fantasy stuff in cause it does bring the lulz.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

[Miz] Really? REALLY? [/Miz]


Y'all know by now I don't really +!%% with the NTWT fantasy stuff. Sometimes it gets overbearing in here with that #*$% and, IMO, y'all take this stuff too seriously. But if that's what y'all want to do, so be it...I don't own the thread and who the +!%% am I to keep you guys from having your fun or whatever. I try to keep the balance in here with N&N (when I do them once every 2 years) and only engage in pro wrestling discussion.

All that being said...
It's absolutely +%!%@+$ LAME that some cornball(s) went and cried to Meth about it.
Such a sleazy thing to do. "Waaaaah I want them to only talk about what I like and they should be restricted from everything else. Principal Method Man...do something about it!". Yeah it's gotten me in trouble numerous times on here but I've never been one to hold back how I really feel about something so let me be clear...it's a ho move, snake #%% +#!*@.

What gets me about this #*$% is I bet the person or people who complained do NOTHING to contribute to the thread. No N&N, no videos, no sharing stories, never post. You don't even have to be a regular...I could sort of give a pass to those who try to involve themselves and know what goes on. But it's probably some !$#%+# leeching off others' opinions and N&N while saying absolutely nothing and THEN wanting the thread to cater to them...+%!%@+$ ridiculous.

It's real easy to do what I do...ignore it and keep it moving. Or find another spot besides NT that talks about wrestling if it bothers you so much.

Grow a pair +#%#!.

I don't understand how the RP works but you know what, 4W and others put a lot into this thread on a DAILY basis. I may not like sifting through the NTWWE stuff because it doesn't apply to me but I prefer reading this thread rather than sifting through twitter, lordsofpain, wrestlezone, the BB forums, or whatever else.

This thread is a community within the community. No one is forcing you to be in this thread or for you to get your news here. I can't understand why anyone would take it to Dirty/Meth and complain. It's not like dudes in here are "in character" 24/7 or during Raw/Smackdown/PPV's

I'm sure that I$$ has some kind of B.S. wrestling thread. If ya'll don't like it, go there rather than undermine the place where I like to converse and get my news from.

If they don't like it...let them m'e their own threads
Originally Posted by solidsnake

What does everyone think are the most undervalued WWE PPVs? I've got Extreme Rules 2011...

Hell in a Cell

Use to be Fatal 4 Way but looks like they got rid of that
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

Rusty, you better show some respect to your elders..Or you'll wind up NTWT's very own Mass Transit..
the place you've been stuck in for the past your entire ntwt career.

imthatone wrote:

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]" those guys says i can't play... MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!! "[/color]


oh no..

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

[Miz] Really? REALLY? [/Miz]


Y'all know by now I don't really +!%% with the NTWT fantasy stuff. Sometimes it gets overbearing in here with that #*$% and, IMO, y'all take this stuff too seriously. But if that's what y'all want to do, so be it...I don't own the thread and who the +!%% am I to keep you guys from having your fun or whatever. I try to keep the balance in here with N&N (when I do them once every 2 years) and only engage in pro wrestling discussion.

All that being said...
It's absolutely +%!%@+$ LAME that some cornball(s) went and cried to Meth about it.
Such a sleazy thing to do. "Waaaaah I want them to only talk about what I like and they should be restricted from everything else. Principal Method Man...do something about it!". Yeah it's gotten me in trouble numerous times on here but I've never been one to hold back how I really feel about something so let me be clear...it's a ho move, snake #%% +#!*@.

What gets me about this #*$% is I bet the person or people who complained do NOTHING to contribute to the thread. No N&N, no videos, no sharing stories, never post. You don't even have to be a regular...I could sort of give a pass to those who try to involve themselves and know what goes on. But it's probably some !$#%+# leeching off others' opinions and N&N while saying absolutely nothing and THEN wanting the thread to cater to them...+%!%@+$ ridiculous.

It's real easy to do what I do...ignore it and keep it moving. Or find another spot besides NT that talks about wrestling if it bothers you so much.

Grow a pair +#%#!.

All of this.

I saw the updated title and was like, the *@!+?

Dudes who contribute the least, complaining the most.


Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Could this have been the result of the long awaited, overdue and purported invasion?

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