Wrestling Thread Mar 22-28 | 3/23 WWE NXT - Bryan/Tarver vs Young/Otunga

Nevermind I got it

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^how did the beef with flair start?

matt hardy says hes gonna reinvent himself, most likely hes gettin a push
link to vid http://www.sescoops.com/w...y-reinvent-himself-video
ABOUT TIME. This dude has held himself back.

Him 15 pounds or so lighter with some new moves and etc would be
. He moves like Mick Foley now.



this N' R Truth jiggin in slow mo lookin happy as hell he gets to dance

On Monday I said dude BEEN waiting to do that in slow motion. You can tell by his smile. He got that entrance on his phone probably 
- Otunga's entrance is the stupidest thing ever, even CM Punk's entrance music couldn't save this dude's entrance. Dude comes out stands on the stage and rips his pants off c'mon now, pause.
- Heath Slater has to be the most annoying NXT rookie
- Heeltista owns Cena. "You're a corporate creation!" Get 'em Heeltista!
- Orton should forever be a tweener, just RKO the hell out of faces and heels
- This stupid Spear, Spear, Spear angle is crap. Goldberg spear > Edge spear, Rhyno Gore > Edge spear, spearmint gum > Edge spear
- Lastly, Darren Young sometimes looks like a brown-skinned Cena
As good as the Edge vs Jericho match will be at Wrestlemania, they've had as sh*tty a build up as the Legacy Angle had.
Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

- Otunga's entrance is the stupidest thing ever, even CM Punk's entrance music couldn't save this dude's entrance. Dude comes out stands on the stage and rips his pants off c'mon now, pause.
- Heath Slater has to be the most annoying NXT rookie
- Heeltista owns Cena. "You're a corporate creation!" Get 'em Heeltista!
- Orton should forever be a tweener, just RKO the hell out of faces and heels
- This stupid Spear, Spear, Spear angle is crap. Goldberg spear > Edge spear, Rhyno Gore > Edge spear, spearmint gum > Edge spear
- Lastly, Darren Young sometimes looks like a brown-skinned Cena
- I can't stand him. Son is a cornball. That dumb $+% dance he does makes me want to change the channel.

- I think Orton is better suited as a straight up heel in this era...his peak so far was his "Legend Killer" persona (from late '07 to when HHH buried him at Wrestlemania 25). But if Orton would have been around during the Attitude Era (
just thinking about it)...and they used him as a Stone Cold-like tweener, it would have been CRAZY. A tweener now just isn't the same, IMO.

- I thought I was the only one who thought that.
When they showed that video package of him yesterday, I saw the Cena resemblance big time...
Originally Posted by theDEEK

As good as the Edge vs Jericho match will be at Wrestlemania, they've had as sh*tty a build up as the Legacy Angle had.
The angle could have definitely been better. I don't like how it's centered on Edge's spear like it's as epic as a Stunner or w/e.
With Edge coming back early from his injury, I think out of all the main event matches that one will be the shortest. Hopefully it's good though.

N&N later on today.
Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

- Lastly, Darren Young sometimes looks like a brown-skinned Cena

He will be released because he looks like what Cena wishes he looked like.

At last word, approximately 15,000 tickets remain for Sunday's WrestleManiapay-per-view at the University of Phoenix Stadium.

-- WWE developmental wrestler Richie Steamboat suffered the first major injury of his career last week, a torn PCL. The second generation performer will be out of action for the next several months and likely need surgery.
In his new book Rope Opera: How WCW Killed Vince Russo, TNA writer vince Russo claims that he personally reached out to Paul Heyman and tried getting him to join TNA. Russo wrote, "Oh, and one last thing, for the record: I called Paul E personally to ask him to join TNA. He declined."There's no time line given as to when Heyman was allegedly offered a job with TNA, but the book was published on January 22nd, 2010.It's also worth noting that a great deal has transpired in TNA since Vince Russo would have reached out to Paul Heyman. Just last week, Taz and Tommy Dreamer noted on Twitter that they had dinner with Paul Heyman and Brother Ray of Team 3D in New York.With the strong presence of ECW originals in TNA and the shaky power structure at the top of TNA, one has to wonder if guys like Taz, Brother Ray and RVD will make a stronger push to get Heyman into TNA.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

In his new book Rope Opera: How WCW Killed Vince Russo, TNA writer vince Russo claims that he personally reached out to Paul Heyman and tried getting him to join TNA. Russo wrote, "Oh, and one last thing, for the record: I called Paul E personally to ask him to join TNA. He declined."There's no time line given as to when Heyman was allegedly offered a job with TNA, but the book was published on January 22nd, 2010.It's also worth noting that a great deal has transpired in TNA since Vince Russo would have reached out to Paul Heyman. Just last week, Taz and Tommy Dreamer noted on Twitter that they had dinner with Paul Heyman and Brother Ray of Team 3D in New York.With the strong presence of ECW originals in TNA and the shaky power structure at the top of TNA, one has to wonder if guys like Taz, Brother Ray and RVD will make a stronger push to get Heyman into TNA.
I want to start watching TNA again and that may do it.
Thanks for posting the Bret Hart vids. Gonna have to check them out when I get home. Anyone watch the Shaw Micheals dvd? My Journey, is it any good? I have been searching for it online.

- As noted earlier, the WWE NXT Rookies will be evaluated by the Pros on next Tuesday night’s show based on the criteria of win/loss records, strength of opponent, work ethic and “it
Dave Meltzer is reporting that the reason why WWE decided against doing a CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio "hair vs. mask" match was because the company felt it would be too predictable. According to Meltzer, the creative team felt that fans wouldn't believe Mysterio could lose his mask. Apparently, WWE doesn't feel people would want to see the match "knowing" that CM Punk would get his head shaved.

The idea for Mysterio's daughter Alliyah to be involved in the storyline was not WWE's idea, but rather from another wrestler.

A couple of ideas for Alliyah ended up being shot down. One idea was similar to Raven/Sandman storyline in ECW where CM Punk would slowly try to turn Alliyah against her father. Another idea that was nixed was where CM Punk would cut Alliyah's hair short.

The feud is expected to continue past Wrestlemania, depending on how long Mysterio holds out on getting knee surgery that he needs.
  This would have been absolutely epic.
Goldberg in talks with WWE:

Former World Heavyweight Champion Bill Goldberg announced on his Twitter account this evening that he's negotiating with WWE regarding a possible return to the company.

"YES.. I am in negotiations with the WWE," Goldberg wrote. "Looks like 'ole Hogan and TNA missed the boat. Shame for the fans they didn't even try."

While Goldberg has been critical of WWE since his departure from the organization in 2004 and repeatedly said he had no interest in returning to wrestle, he acknowledged a change in heart.

"Truth is I never thought I'd even consider it...then came my son," Goldberg said. "No one said I'd wrestle but the door is open again."

He also added that if he ever steps foot inside a ring again, it will be alongside San Diego Chargers outside linebacker Shawne Merriman. The three-time Pro Bowler is a huge WWE fan to say the least, so much so that he asked their Twitter account on Monday if he could participate in the live chat on WWE.com.

"Also.... If I ever did step in the ring again, I have a new tag partner. He goes by the name of "Lights Out!!!! the one and only Shawn Merriman.....updating the old Goldberg/Kevin Greene duo," Goldberg wrote.
that would be an absolute trainwreck.

And I love how CM Punk is the only character on WWE tv who is not blatantly PG. Dude is borderline PG-13

I really want that CM PUNK HARDCORE shirt but I know i'd rarely wear it haha
The following is a recent tweet from the official Twitter page of Bill Goldberg:

"Yes, I am in negotiations with the WWE.  Looks like ole Hogan and TNA missed the boat.  Shame for the fans they didn't even try.  Anyone got any issues on the TNA side I suggest you bring it up with them.  Truth is I never thought I'd even consider it...then came my son.  No one said I'd wrestle but the door is open to again."

TNA Moving Impact To 8-10PM On Monday's?
The official website for Spike TV lists the April 5th edition of TNA Impact as airing on Monday from 8-10PM, instead of the 9-11PM timeslot they've been using on Monday's. This will give them an hour unopposed to RAW, which to date has been their best hour on Monday back on January 4th when they went from 8-11PM 

NXT Star Breaks His Nose
Insider.com is reporting that WWE NXT rookie Wade Barrett broke his nose during the NXT taping this past Monday night in San Jose, CA.

4dub, we using this thread for the big show or you making an official one?
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

The following is a recent tweet from the official Twitter page of Bill Goldberg:

"Yes, I am in negotiations with the WWE.  Looks like ole Hogan and TNA missed the boat.  Shame for the fans they didn't even try.  Anyone got any issues on the TNA side I suggest you bring it up with them.  Truth is I never thought I'd even consider it...then came my son.  No one said I'd wrestle but the door is open to again."

Dumb. At least he admits he needs the money.
Originally Posted by hellaones

4dub, we using this thread for the big show or you making an official one?
I think he always makes a new thread for Wrestlemania. 4w, we better see a long %#* preview with a match-by-match breakdown.

Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

Dave Meltzer is reporting that the reason why WWE decided against doing a CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio "hair vs. mask" match was because the company felt it would be too predictable. According to Meltzer, the creative team felt that fans wouldn't believe Mysterio could lose his mask. Apparently, WWE doesn't feel people would want to see the match "knowing" that CM Punk would get his head shaved.

The idea for Mysterio's daughter Alliyah to be involved in the storyline was not WWE's idea, but rather from another wrestler.

A couple of ideas for Alliyah ended up being shot down. One idea was similar to Raven/Sandman storyline in ECW where CM Punk would slowly try to turn Alliyah against her father. Another idea that was nixed was where CM Punk would cut Alliyah's hair short.

The feud is expected to continue past Wrestlemania, depending on how long Mysterio holds out on getting knee surgery that he needs.
  This would have been absolutely epic.
Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

And I love how CM Punk is the only character on WWE tv who is not blatantly PG. Dude is borderline PG-13

I really want that CM PUNK HARDCORE shirt but I know i'd rarely wear it haha
@ that storyline. I hadn't read that. That @!%$ would have been crazy. Mysterio must have shot those down 'cuz I don't see why he'd want to heavily involve his daughter like that...imagine how much heat Punk would have gotten for it though.

I did read about the feud continuing past Wrestlemania. So Mysterio having some injury angle is not an option...at least, not yet.

WORD @ Naija. He's another guy that would have excelled in the Attitude Era. Punk has taken Jericho's spot as the 'E's top heel.
^ I'm not sure about Rey shooting those down, I remember reading the whole angle about his son really being Eddie's was his idea.
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