Wrestling Thread Mar 5-11 | 3/9 Smackdown - A Night of Craziness

john "morgan freeman" cena
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

ryder bout to get the bunz

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]naw man...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ryder = 4W.... No Bunz bro. WWWYKI.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]wrestlemania 28 was mention 476 times, and more cliche sayings were used in that promo then ever before. [/color]
Who thought this was a good idea

Now if Clint Eastwood did the monologue then it'd be epic
Cena went from a solid promo last week to that...WHO IS THE BRAINS OF THIS OPERATION...unbearable
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by im that one

Most successful superstar...........?

Burial and Disrespect toward SCSA.

I though the same thing..But then I thought that that line would be the seeds planted for SCSA to wrestle at next years mania vs. Cena..  

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]IF SCSA comes back, it will be Punk. not Cena. mark my words.[/color]
Actually everyone remembers the 18-0 Patriots losing the Superbowl.
And you're saying the Patriots losing the Superbowl was the biggest letdown in the city of Boston?  After they already won 3 Superbowls?  Um.  The multiple Red Sox failures were FAR bigger than the Patriots failing to win a FOURTH Superbowl.

Cena was great last week.  This week, he sucked.
Since there are gonna be more Rock History lessons, I hope there wont be anymore Cena rants.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

He would have been booed out of the building if that was live.

Yes, even in his hometown

Part of that seemed like Austin's "I need to beat you Rock. I need more than anything you could ever imagine", but not nearly as epic.
SERIOUSLY?!?!!? Again with this nonsense...why is CMPunk the WWE Champ coming out first in a match..he's suppose to come out last! jesus
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And you're saying the Patriots losing the Superbowl was the biggest letdown in the city of Boston?  After they already won 3 Superbowls?  Um.  The multiple Red Sox failures were FAR bigger than the Patriots failing to win a FOURTH Superbowl.
Eh, I live here, from here, and I agree with him.  It depends on your age.  Its a Patriots city now.
What sucks though is that he will probably come out and do fine with the rock later tonight even if the rock gets the best of him tonight.

I hate when the wwe okays these segments for cena.
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