Wrestling Thread Mar 5-11 | 3/9 Smackdown - A Night of Craziness

4th dimension of hell 
Anyone else think we're gonna hear tomorrow how some Little Person Organization is gonna be demanding an apology for the Rock's promo?
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

HBK is so great on the mic

But I didn't like how he sprung that on us, I feel like it could have been done so much better.

And it seems like it's inevitable, now that Shawn is the ref, there is no way this goes over clean.

I see it HBK screwing HHH, Taker pins for a 1-2-3 and they automatically set up a grand finale with HBK vs HHH for WM 29

What about this scenario....
Both HHH and Taker are hurt and both starting to get to their feet.  HBK is between the two of them.  HBK shocks everyone and superkicks The Undertaker.  HHH makes the cover, BUT TAKER KICKS OUT.  Taker comes back and gets the win.

HHH then blames HBK for motivating Taker to the win, thus setting up the tension between HHH and HBK.

I really don't think you can give Taker a screwjob victory at this point.  Especially at 20-0.
Rock just comes with a random line that should not be funny but just is. Possum piss
"what forth dimension of hell did this come from"

"transvestite wonder woman fighting crime"

"This smells like fear, fruity pebbles and possum piss"
Were we all really supposed to believe Ryder had a broken back and is walking about right now? 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]had me a good laugh at The Rock promo...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]que the Cena boston accent coming up.[/color]
yoooo I need gifs of everytime Zack Ryder has tried to walk while 'injured'...especially from that PPV
son is terrible
Guessing they didnt want Cena to get boo'd out the building for this upcoming promo so they filmed it while it was empty...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

HBK is so great on the mic

But I didn't like how he sprung that on us, I feel like it could have been done so much better.

And it seems like it's inevitable, now that Shawn is the ref, there is no way this goes over clean.

I see it HBK screwing HHH, Taker pins for a 1-2-3 and they automatically set up a grand finale with HBK vs HHH for WM 29

What about this scenario....
Both HHH and Taker are hurt and both starting to get to their feet.  HBK is between the two of them.  HBK shocks everyone and superkicks The Undertaker.  HHH makes the cover, BUT TAKER KICKS OUT.  Taker comes back and gets the win.

HHH then blames HBK for motivating Taker to the win, thus setting up the tension between HHH and HBK.

I really don't think you can give Taker a screwjob victory at this point.  Especially at 20-0.

There doesn't seem to be enough juice in your suggestion to play out over a whole year, like it's not extreme enough. The "motivating taker" thing isn't strong enough. If HBK delivers the SCM to HHH and costs him the match it'll go over better. But I agree if you give Taker an unclean win he won't take too kindly to it. 
Something will happen, let's hope the writers just lets HBK, HHH and Taker plan it
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