Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Totally forgot there was a ppv tonight..But from the sound of it I'm glad I spent my time having a cook out and watching the Throne of Games..
tonight was so meh, tag match again was match of the night for me, ive never been so un interested in a main event in a while, until the match started it didnt hit me that dean ambrose was in the main event for the main title
Not sure if that was good selling, looks like she took the full on kick and died in mid fall
Pretty sure Tamina knocked out Titty's tooth a few years ago with the kick.

She needs to calm down.
Fatal 4Way and New Day were the only good things about tonight. Had some pretty funny people sitting around me too. PPV was garbage otherwise...
Saw a chick at the bar beforehand dressed as Seth Rollins with a sharpied-on beard. Unfortunately I couldn't get a good pic. Was hilarious though :lol:
PPV was meh

Tag team match was solid and the main event exceeded expectations.

I'm really intrigued with the tag team chamber match in two weeks tho :pimp:
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you guys think its building to naomi/tamina vs sasha/charlotte, they kept talking these are the new faces of the divas division (referencing naomi/tamina)
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