Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results


it's toss up as to who has more neck fat
TNA issued the following statement to Prowrestling.net on Thursday.

It has come to our attention that several internet news sources have falsely attributed statements to TNA, its executives and broadcasting partner. These false statements constitute defamation and if necessary we will seek all legal remedies available to us.

Powell's POV: At least I assume this statement is in response to the cancellation report that Dave Meltzer reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. After all, TNA doesn't mention anything about the cancellation report specifically in this statement. Is this TNA's way of disputing the story without actually saying which story they are disputing.

honestly, this little intro/promo is the best i've heard roman on the mic

he lacks the usual awkwardness
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forgot smackfest was on. oh well not watching. ill try and catch nxt tonight after i record my podcast.

22 when we doing the next episode, papi?
I hope this was a good indicator of the EC match. This was just non-stop action, very good for a straight up TV match
Gotta turn in to Smackdown I see.

Glad to see my love Sasha cooking.

Seeing Joseph Manumaleuna being affiliated with the E in anyway is :wow: to me. Never thought I'd see the day.
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