Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I'm glad they finally thought of this (after I already did) but yea it's better off with Sandow as opposed to Bo Dallas as Macho
alexa's new ring gear with blake and murphy

One more:
she got nice cheeks

ya actually like this megapowers bs ? its pretty weak and sandow has fallen off hard once again 
 Well the original Shining Wizard, he does a step-up and just knees the person in the nose. This was slightly more dangerous of course as it was straight on contact. Then he switched it to what he has been doing the last 13 years, which is more of a leg swing with (in theory) his leg connecting with the side of his opponent's head. Which misses about 25% of the time but is certainly a safer move. This would be the original:
 And a well-connected version of what he does now: So one is just a straight knee to the face, while the other is more of a swinging knee aiming at the side of his opponent's head. He only did that original version for a few months, so I don't know if it was harder to do, if he hurt someone, or what. But it didn't last long. He MIGHT have busted it out sometime in All Japan as a 'super special' at some point but my memory is hazy on that.
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She has on boy shorts man. Anybody can have nice cheeks in boy shorts.
i said she has nice cheeks,not she has crazy mass,u can have nice cheeks without crazy mass,but thats just me i like em in almost all shapes and colors.no offense honey 
Byron low key went for Lawler's throat saying he never won mega dad of the year in his life :rollin :{.
in one years time who is who on the main roster? let's get some late night ntwt goin.
One year from now...

WWE Champ- Reigns
IC Champ- Owens
US Champ- Balor
Tag Champ- Usos
Diva Champ- Charlotte

Owens, Balor, Zayn and Itami will all be up from NXT as far as guys.
Charlotte and Sasha will be up from NXT as far as women.
Bray still doing Bray things.
Cena and Orton putting people over.
Dolph with no direction :(
Daniel Bryan done.
Rollins and Ambrose flourishing.
Rusev in the IC picture.
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I'm just glad my Samoa Joe prediction from every year since 2011 has finally come to fruition :lol
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