Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I didn't know it at the time, but it Wrestlemania 29 ended up being my last Wrestlemania with the company. How appropriate then, that it was held in New York, my home state. Backstage there were all types of celebrities, with musicians, artists, and athletes among them. Wrestlemania usually draws that type of crowd, and the fact that it was in New York made it even more accessible to celebrities. There were also representatives from different companies promoting their brands and products. One such company was Beats by Dre.

Throughout the day I noticed numerous colleagues of mines walking around with brand new unopened boxes of Beats Headphones. I, for one, did not own a pair of Beats by Dre and was very tired of getting teased by my buddy Kofi for my Korean knockoff headphones that he referred to as "Heats by Jay." So that day I went on a mission.

I sought out the Beats rep. There was no way that free Beats headphones were going to be given out and I wasn't going to get a pair. That was not going to happen!

When I finally tracked the Beats rep down, he was a very cool guy. He informed me that he had run out of headphones that day but would be at RAW the next day with another limited amount. He told me to look for him then.

The following day at RAW, I didn't see him, and I started to loose hope. Then my buddy Ezekiel walked into the room with brand new headphones and told me on the low, "Your boy is here. He's down by the loading dock and he only has a few more left." I gave Zeke a quick hug for informing me, and sprinted out of the locker room very quickly.

I got to the loading dock and there he was. I gave him some dap (a cool high five) and told him thank you very much. I finally had my own Beats by Dre.

At that moment I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. As I walked back to the locker room I had the biggest most awkward smile on my face. My smile was so obvious that a particular Superstar I walked past asked me, "What the hell are you smiling for?" He looked down and noticed that I was holding a brand new box of Beats by Dre. He then said, "What you doing with those? You got that from the Beats guy? Where is he? I didn't get a pair. You should give those to someone who is more over." Then he walked away.

His words roundhouse kicked the **** out my confidence. My self esteem went from a hundred to zero real quick. I didn't even want the headphones anymore. What I wanted to do was to check his big ***.

:lol: :lol:

Last one I swear. Book is worth the $2 man and I'm a cop the next one too.
I wonder who it was?... :lol:
Let me break it down for you guys- some Superstars have no identity outside of wrestling and feel empowered by their status in the company. They feel that since they have years invested in the company and they are considered to be "Top Guys," (in the locker room, not on TV) that everyone should kiss their ***. They have a superiority complex and get off on treating anyone lower then them on the card like ****. I once overheard that same guy say, "The guys lower on the totem pole need to wait until the top guys are taken care of first before they go running to go get free headphones. Once we're taken care of then they can take whatever is left over. That's how it used to be."
(That type of mentality is exactly why there will never be a WWE union. Because in order to create one you would need the "Top Guys" to agree and stand in solidarity with the rest of the roster. But that would create equality, and hence the "Top Guys" would lose their perceived status. But, I digress...)
Gonna watch now thanks

Summerslam 06 has a really good card! Watching Foley and Flair.

Flair stay crimson
The thumb tacks :x
Foley died
I'm really hoping they book Rusev v Cena (I quit) like Flair v Foley (I quit)

I want Rusev to threatened Lana and forced Cena to say I quit like when Flair force Foley to said I quit to protect Melina..
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