sin cara
So they're gonna go with a Chavo/Sin Cara angle?..And it's going to be based on SC "stealing" Chavos' moves?..LAME..And why the hell was this match under yellow lights?
So they're gonna go with a Chavo/Sin Cara angle?..And it's going to be based on SC "stealing" Chavos' moves?..LAME..And why the hell was this match under yellow lights?
Originally Posted by theDEEK

I'm actually pretty excited to see a chavo/cara feud. not job to hornswoggle.
That title match was damn good. I really hope this turns into an angle because I haven't been this emotionally involved with anything wrestling related in a long time.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

I'm actually pretty excited to see a chavo/cara feud. not job to hornswoggle.
That title match was damn good. I really hope this turns into an angle because I haven't been this emotionally involved with anything wrestling related in a long time.
Oh I don't mind an angle with Chavo, I just think him sitting at ringside talkin' about stealing his moves is a little corny..But Chavo is a vet and will probably work well in the ring with Sin Cara..
Oh I don't mind an angle with Chavo, I just think him sitting at ringside talkin' about stealing his moves is a little corny..But Chavo is a vet and will probably work well in the ring with Sin Cara..
BTW I'm not going to over look Tyson Kidd tonight. He looked great. Nice to see dragon get some ring time too.
BTW I'm not going to over look Tyson Kidd tonight. He looked great. Nice to see dragon get some ring time too.
Fan reaction to Smackdown via No DQ:

[/td][td] [/td][td]NoDQ.com > Features > Fan feedback to the big Smackdown spoiler
Posted by Lassen Balboa on 05/03/2011 at 10:17 PM

The Internet Wrestling Community is not happy about Christian losing the World Title to Randy Orton which airs on Smackdown this Friday...

CMPunkSays: I hope @WWE bought @Christian4Peeps a nice dinner, because you should buy a person dinner BEFORE YOU f*** THEM.

Jacob Burman: WOW. Guess that explains the move with Orton. He wasn't next in line on Raw, let him bury Punk and then go on and bury Christian. I used to love Orton, but the man has been stale for a LONG time. He should have put over Punk and there is no... reason at all to take the title off of Christian, especially considering the pop he got when he won it. And Vince wonders why he is losing money. He simply doesn't listen to the crowd reaction. You could have at least seen if Christian gave SD a ratings jump or something.

Austin Schantz: What the f*** WWE. This just proves once again that WWE has there guys for the main event position and to hold the belts and that when someone new and deserving comes into the picture they say this ain't gonna happen and put the belt right ...back on the Guy they want at the top even though he has been there for 7 years to do the same stuff again. Cena, Orton, taker, hunter the same people doing the same #@$* over and over again. Total *#*%%$@%!

CoLD_KiLL: f*** the WWE and f*** Smackdown. I'm not gonna watch for 2 - 3 months now. f*** you guys suck.

Derek D'Go Goins: I don't mind Orton winning the title,(I expected it) but it makes Christian look like a chump and it even makes Del Rio look weak. Christian's win now looks like a total fluke. It's poor booking in my opinion.

RAWFShowtime: And @WWE wonders why they can't make new main event stars. Its REALLY hard to be a fan of either company right now. Sickening...

Jonah Harry Weinman: f***ing *#*%%$@%, everyone wants Christian and yet they give us Orton again. We don't want f***ing Orton as champion, we want Christian, Bryan, people that haven't been World Heavyweight Champion.

AyeshasFriend: Cena and Orton. Champions at the same time............I'm going to start watching only ROH now.

Mike Brilhart: Correction. WWE taped something major. MAJOR *#*%%$@%! Super Orton is as Bad as Super Cena, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm done with the WWE. I waste money to see things happen that won't last. f*** you Vince MacMahon and your goofy $@@ product. I'm not giving you any more views or any more money.

Eric Chism: I am not going to get that upset about it, but I do wish he would have kept the title at least into the next PPV. I'll bet it is a heck of a match though. Christian is no longer the WHC, but hopefully he will be in the main event for a few weeks.

Michael Betancourt: I was at Universal Studios today and they literally couldn't give tickets away to TNA. People just completely ignored the promoters

Matthew Thomas: how disrespectful have wwe been to christian doing that to him giving him an emotinal first long fought championship after so many years then oh couple days later randy orton has to have it i agree with this guy they should have waited till like summerslam or somin

Milo Bautista: Christian should of at least stayed champion for two months. WWE have no respect for Christian what so ever. He been in the company longer than Cena and Orton. Its sad to see Christian treated like #@$*. >-[

Matt Giberson: christian just had the match of his life on sunday, just shows you how much mcmahon appreciates him total bs, orton has become just as stale as cena has become yet they both got the titles, hopefully christian gets another reign down the road

Adrian Cade: That is such *#*%%$@%. I knew Randy would take the title but I thougth Christian would at least get until Summer Slam. WWE couldn't hold the ball if it were surgically attached to their goddamned hands

James Ward: Wow... Randy Orton is amazing, but geez let Christian have his time while he's still got time left, he'll be gone soon too probably.

Shawn DiIorio: I'm suprised, but not angry about it. What makes me mad is now I have to listen to the IWC Cry and whine about it. I wish they would all just %$#$. If you don't like it, go watch something else.

Jb Incredibizzle: I don't know why people are surprised, christian couldn't even get a match@mania and ya'll think he was gonna have a long title reign. I like christian but if Edge didn't unfortunately retire, christian should've never even wore that title. Christian should've stayed n TNA

Brian Chandler-Bing Bradshaw: News just in, I am officially done with WWE. Will continue to watch TNA, which is bad most of the time but will get to see Kofi Kingston and John Morrison there when they're future endeavoured/get fed up.[/td][/tr][/table]
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