Wrestling Thread May 21-27 | 5/27 WWE Superstar® Brock Lesnar Appears at UFC 146, Meets w/ Dana

Oct 15, 2000


Last night was WWE's Over the Limit PPV.  Based on one match, I was ready to give this show a thumbs up, but then another match made me give this show a thumbs in the middle.  And I think thumbs in the middle is right because when you take away Punk v Bryan, this was a highly forgettable show.  Though actually I don't know if I'll ever forget how terrible Cena v Laurinaitis was.

  • Kane beat the woo woo guy on the Youtube preshow.  Don't worry guys, they're just building up his big run.
  • Christian won a Battle Royal to earn a shot at either the US or Intercontinental Title.  It was a typical WWE Battle Royal.  A bunch of jobbers with a few midcard names (Christian, Miz, Otunga).  Everyone was eliminated quickly.  Christian eliminated Miz to get the win.  He challenged Santino but later changed his mind to Cody Rhodes.
  • R-Truth and Kofi Kingston d Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles.  This was nothing more than a slightly extended Raw match.  The main point of the match was for Lawler to rip on Vickie unrelentingly.  It was quite disgusting.  Lawler definitely wasn't a star.
  • Layla d Beth Phoenix to retain the Divas Title.  Sloppy match.  I expected better.  Layla looks very hesitant in the ring since returning from her knee injury.  She shouldn't be champion right now.
  • Sheamus d Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, and Alberto Del Rio in a Fatal Fourway to retain the World Heavyweight Title.  I get annoyed by WWE multi-man matches because they always break down to two guys in the the ring and the other two guys playing dead on the outside.  However, things picked up at the end with a lot of finishers hit only to be broken up.  Sheamus pinned Jericho clean with a new finisher.  Crowd didn't seem overly into the Sheamus win.
  • Brodus Clay d The Miz.  The Miz danced.  Clay won the match.  No one in the crowd cared.
  • Christian d Cody Rhodes to win the Intercontinental Title.  Match was nothing special.  Cody Rhodes' IC Title Reign may go down as the worst title reign in WWE history.  I don't think he won a single match as champion.  It's unreal how he's been treated.  He was a legit rising star that had crowd support, and now he's nothing more than a jobber.  He tweeted today "Time off".  No idea what that means.  Hopefully he's quitting this awful company.
  • CM Punk d Daniel Bryan to retain the WWE Championship.  Awesome match.  They went 24 minutes and it never once dragged.  They told a story of Bryan working over Punk's injured ribs and then Punk working over Bryan's legs, including a Figure Four spot which got a huge pop (they were in North Carolina).  Tons of technical wrestling.  The finish saw Bryan have Punk in the YES Lock.  He was pulling back so hard that Punk was able to roll over and bridge to pin Bryan while still being in the Yes Lock.  A very clever finish that kept both guys looking strong and sets up perfectly for a rematch.  AJ interrupted Punk's interview before the match but never appeared during the match.  This is a Match of the Year candidate.  It was a very different match than HHH v Taker, but awesome in it's own way.  I still have not seen Davey Richard v Michael Elgin, but everyone still seems to think that is the hands down MOTY.
  • Ryback b Camacho.  A bad two minute squash match.  That's hard to do.  The crowd also was dead for this.
  • John Laurinaitis d John Cena.  This was 15 minutes of bad comedy.  Cena poured water down Luarinaitis's pants.  He sprayed him with a fire extinguisher.  He sat him in the announcer chair and the two pretended to do bad commentary.  In maybe the most inexplicable spot of the match. Cena told Laurinaitis that if he could survive the STF for 10 seconds, he would let him go.  Laurinaitis did.  Then Cena did it again.  Laurinaitis survived again.  So a 50 year old non-wrestler lasted 20 seconds in the STF when just about every other guy on the roster has tapped out in under 5 seconds.  Great way to sell a move.  Plus, why would Cena let Laurinaitis out when Cena is trying to get him fired?  The whole thing was so stupid.  Anyway, Laurinaitis tried to run away.  Big Show came through the crowd and brought him back.  He teased attacking Laurinaitis (actually teased it way too long to the point it was painfully obvious what was about to happen).  Cena lifted Laurinaitis into the AA, but Big Show hit Cena with the Knockout Punch allowing Laurinaitis to get the win.  Cena sold this one punch for at least 5 minutes.  Let's see how long he's down when he actually has a match with Show.
It hasn't been since WrestleMania 26 that we've had a show that had a potential Match of the Year and Worst Match of the Year on the same show (Taker/HBK and Vince/Bret), but this show definitely achieved it.  Punk vs Bryan may not win MOTY, but WWE will be hard pressed to put on a worse match than Cena and Laurinaitis.  The way that Cena acted throughout the entire match is the exact reason why so many people hate him.  He's a main event talent that doesn't take anything seriously and treats everything as comedy.

Nothing has been officially announced for tonight.  WWE.com is reporting that Laurinaitis has a laundry list of injuries from last night (he doesn't actually), so I expect more great comedy of him coming out in a full body cast tonight.

We'll get the explanation of The Big Show helping Laurinaitis win last night.  It better be that it was the plan all along and last week's firing was just a ruse, because if not, Big Show crying for his job makes him look like a really big @**!%.

The Revolution videos will probably be played a few times tonight.  Whatever the end result is going to be is supposed to be revealed next week.  Great idea to make a big debut or announcement on the Memorial Day show.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

apparently Flair is done in TNA...
So you mean we won't be blessed with any more of this?
"a nearly nude" old man covored in blood...

A number of readers have asked why Ric Flair has disappeared from television and missed several TNA house shows since appearing in a Gutcheck segment on Impact Wrestling, judging Alex Silva.
Sources close to Flair and TNA have confirmed that the two sides are at a major impasse as there is a ton of heat on Flair for conduct outside the ring. It was described to me by one TNA source as, "being at the point it's not worth keeping Flair around."

There have been a number of incidents involving Flair at local establishments and bars in Orlando since coming to the company. At one point, sources indicate Flair was banned from drinking at the Hard Rock Cafe in Citiwalk due to an incident with him "acting inappropriate", according to one source, leading to venue management banishing him.

There are also stories aplenty within the company of Flair not being able to cover bar tabs and company management getting a call from the hotel and/or bar seeking payment. Most recently something similar went down at the hotel TNA utilizes for their wrestlersand staff, which the company has had a great relationship with for years, that was the final tipping point. At that point, Flair was pulled from several Louisiana house shows and the final TV Tapings before Impact Wrestling goes live on 5/31.

A similar issue led to Flair's meltdown last year on the European tour, where TNA's Craig Jenkins, after several days of fronting Flair money to cover a bar tab, refused to do so again. This led to Flair screaming at Jenkins in front of the entire crew and refusing to get on the TNA tour bus to head to the next date. Flair was left behind, missed a show and then returned to the tour the next day, apologizing to the locker room when he arrived. Publicly, Flair blamed the matter on the company not giving him "advances" like he would get when touring for WWE, citing that he was "used" to that treatment. Those comments upset people within the company because of the perception that the company "wasn't taking care of talents."

There have been a number of forces within TNA that have been against having him as a regular since he came into the company, noting that while he carries a high price tag, he hasn't translated into drawing money or ratings for the company - and now, his work in the ring isn't "Ric Flair level" anymore, but "Ric Flair level behavior" remains.

There are also some in the company that feel that Flair and WWE put them in a "no win situation" when Flair was announced for the WWE Hall of Fame, noting that the company had no choice but to allow him to go in, or else they would look like they were denying Flair and the fans. To be fair, Flair didn't know in advance he was getting inducted but he publicly told fans he would be there "on stage" before a deal was signed that would allow him to appear at Wrestlemania and the Hall of Fame.

Spike TV sources also note that there have also been a number of requests from the network end to keep Flair dressed and not have him "near nude" (i.e., in his wrestling gear) and bleeding at his age on TV.

Flair debuted for TNA on 1/4/10, the first episode of the Hulk Hogan/Eric Bischoff regime. He was made the mentor to AJ Styles and manager of Fortune with the idea of creating a modern day Four Horsemen style group. That led to Flair being part of Immortal and until the Gutcheck Judging role, he had most recently been managing Gunner and running with Eric Bischoff in their feud designed to get Garett Bischoff over.

Since departing WWE, there have been a number of issues with Flair. He signed for a number of appearances with Ring of Honor, then pulled out of them, citing his relationship with WWE (although it was more likely that he realized they weren't going to use Reid Flair following a drug arrest). When Flair didn't pay back an advance given to him, ROH filed a lawsuit against him. Flair also landed in court over money lent to him by Highspots.com and at one point, there was an order of arrest out for him if Flair did not pay the agreed settlement by a certain date. That order was issued because Flair had missed several agreed dates for payment of the settlement. The money was eventually paid and the NWA World title belt, which Highspots.com was holding as collateral, was seen displayed at WWE AXXESS this year, potentially pointing to WWE as having paid the debt and acquiring the title for their own archive.

There was word making rounds over the weekend that Flair was done with TNA, but we have not been able to confirm that.
When contacted today, TNA declined comment on the Flair matter, citing that he was still officially on their roster.
I wasn't home for OTL, and based on 4W's review, I'm glad I didn't waste my time tuning in.

What a %+$* show the product has been the past few months.
@bkmac Watch Punk/Bryan though if you can. Really good match.

Just watched that today

I can't believe there's about to be ANOTHER damn Show/Cena feud.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

  • CM Punk d Daniel Bryan to retain the WWE Championship.  Awesome match.  They went 24 minutes and it never once dragged.  They told a story of Bryan working over Punk's injured ribs and then Punk working over Bryan's legs, including a Figure Four spot which got a huge pop (they were in North Carolina).  Tons of technical wrestling.  The finish saw Bryan have Punk in the YES Lock.  He was pulling back so hard that Punk was able to roll over and bridge to pin Bryan while still being in the Yes Lock.  A very clever finish that kept both guys looking strong and sets up perfectly for a rematch.  AJ interrupted Punk's interview before the match but never appeared during the match.  This is a Match of the Year candidate.  It was a very different match than HHH v Taker, but awesome in it's own way.  I still have not seen Davey Richard v Michael Elgin, but everyone still seems to think that is the hands down MOTY.
You should. It and Triple H/Taker are still the top two candidates for MOTY. I'd describe it like 90s AJPW + Angle/Benoit + Davey & Elgin doing their own thing to elevate it even further. Kevin Kelly and especially Nigel McGuinness did a great job calling the match.

Mind you, Punk v. Bryan last night was still fantastic.
Just got through watching Punk/Bryan, awesome stuff. Punk pulling out the Curb Stomp and the Perfectplex was
Hopefully we get a nice summer series out of theem since I don't really see anyone else stepping up to challenge Punk.
well good thing I didn't pay for last night's crap and I expect more of the same tonight
just got a $125 ticket for 60 in 50 from the awesome DC camera police...BS 
@ sting being #1 on that list, even though 4w thinks he should be #49 or something
- As noted before, WWE has been airing videos part of a new viral marketing campaign for a “Revolutionâ€
- Eric Goldman of IGN.com spoke with Stephanie McMahon at the USA Upfronts last week where RAW going three-hours permanently was announced.

Stephanie told IGN that WWE is excited about the challenges of filling an extra hour of content each week:

“It’s going to be the first-ever regularly scheduled three-hour program on television and I think we’ve got a pretty good handle on it thus far! You know, we do a three hour show called a Pay-Per-View almost every month and Monday Night RAW, we’ve done three hours before, so we feel great about it.â€
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