Wrestling Thread May 24-30 | 5/27 TNA iMPACT! | Anderson vs Styles | Hardy vs Wolfe

@ that Carlito theme nsjakenfjsjd @ THATS NOT COOL!
Jim Ross announced in his latest blog that he will be staying with WWE. "I have worked out what we believe to be a win/win, employee agreement with WWE and will remain with the company that I have been with essentially since 1993 when I debuted at Wrestlemania 9 (To celebrate this occasion, as I'm writing this I'm wearing a toga.), Ross wrote on Friday.

"Going forward, I will be focusing on a variety of talent relations matters, essentially as a consultant, of which will not require weekly travel. I will be visiting FCW in Tampa on a regular basis to observe the development of the young men and women who, I hope, all want to headline Wrestlemania some day. This area of the company has always been of particular interest to me including when we opened developmental areas years ago in Louisville, Cincinnati, Memphis, and Southern California. Many of the WWE's biggest stars of this generation came from those areas." To read the full blog, visitJRsBarBQ.com.
stupid chrome won't let me quote
That's not cool, hombrelobo! You had my hopes up. You got a link to Freakzilla PR Championship match, I want to see if Scott Steiner cut a promo in Spanglish.  
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Told y'all J.R. wasn't leaving.

Damn fam, where you been? Good to see you back though, I was hoping for some pre-return promos, but the surprise pop-in will do I guess haha.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

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iLLoQuent aka DSK wrote:
Told y'all J.R. wasn't leaving.�

The BEST SHAPE tjis man has every been in (no %%%$). This dude HHH was huge when he returned. I guess when you can only work your upper body for a long period of time you can get this big.
- A fan was thrown out of the WWE RAW live event on Friday night in New Orleans. Chris Jericho, before his match with John Cena, cut a promo on the fans and said that Cena is going down like the city did after Hurricane Katrina. Obviously Jericho got some major heat for this comment. Jericho was thrown over the fan barrier and into the first row during the match and was touched by a fan, which upset him. A fan then threw ice into Jericho's eye and was escorted out of the building. The other fans who touched Jericho were also kicked out.

current fatal 4 way plans
Spoiler [+]
It should be noted that current plans call for Sheamus to win the WWE Championship, with the move expected to take place at WWE's upcoming Fatal 4-Way pay-per-view. WWE wants to book Sheamus as a strong champion heading into SummerSlam.

Creative is pitching an idea for Sheamus taking on a returning Triple H at the event. As always, plans can and always do change on a weekly basis
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