Wrestling Thread May 24-30 | 5/27 TNA iMPACT! | Anderson vs Styles | Hardy vs Wolfe

Cole yelling 'apologize' reminded me of South Park
I literally LOL'ed when Danielson straight stole on Miz.

And LMAO @ Jericho.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- As seen last Friday on Smackdown, Dolph Ziggler attacked Christian from behind on the "Peep Show," green-lighting a program between the two. According to F4WOnline.com, the feud is being seen as a demotion for Christian, but a promotion for Ziggler. Furthermore, advertised house show line-ups have Christian teaming up with Hornswoggle to take on Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero.

screw WWE, bring Christian back to TNA and make him a face. Tired of WWE misusing Captain Charisma. Dude deserves some sort of push...
Just got back in from the Smackdown taping which was a straight botchamania fest tonight... wanna see how they will edit some of that stuff out for Friday
smackdown spoilers
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* It's announced that Kane will take on CM Punk and Rey Mysterio will take on The Undertaker. Both of the winners will face Big Show and Jack Swagger in a Fatal Four Way Match for the World Heavyweight Championship at WWE Fatal Four Way next month

* Drew McIntyre gives Teddy Long a letter from Vince McMahon, announcing that Matt Hardy is being suspended without pay.

* WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston & Big Show b. World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger & Drew McIntyre after Show hit the knockout punch on McIntyre.

* Christian & Hornswoggle vs. Dolph Ziggler & Chavo Guerrero is announced for later tonight.

* CM Punk b. Kane after hitting GTS. I'm told Punk botched GTS badly two times and he received a lot of heat from the crowd not because of being over but because he couldn't properly execute his finisher. Kane completely flopped out of it after the second attempt which was followed by a pinfall.

* Christian & Hornswoggle b. Chavo Guerrero & Dolph Ziggler after Christian hit the Kill Switch on Chavo.

* The Undertaker b. Rey Mysterio. I'm told Undertaker displayed some ring rust and both were off. After the match, Jack Swagger came out and starting beating up on Mysterio. R-Truth, MVP, Christian, JTG and Matt Hardy came out and beat up on Swagger to end the show.

sounds like a horrible show
Originally Posted by FilthyMcnasty

Just got back in from the Smackdown taping which was a straight botchamania fest tonight... wanna see how they will edit some of that stuff out for Friday

where were u seated?
Ouch that does sound like a painful Smackdown

Spoiler [+]
Gettting Kane set up for the GTS must of been tough, but botched it twice? Yiiikes.
does anybody else wonder if we could see a reproliferation of regional territories again.. especially if TNA goes out of business? i realize no one can realistically compete with vince, so why not try to corner a local market.. especially with things like facebook and twitter.. you could do most promotion through those, and if you made enough money you could get a local tv deal, then expand that way.
Originally Posted by DimondJ15

does anybody else wonder if we could see a reproliferation of regional territories again.. especially if TNA goes out of business? i realize no one can realistically compete with vince, so why not try to corner a local market.. especially with things like facebook and twitter.. you could do most promotion through those, and if you made enough money you could get a local tv deal, then expand that way.

I just don't know if the market is there for that anymore. When regional territories were prominent pro-wrestling wasn't "wrasslin'". It was something taken somewhat seriously and with the "sports entertainment" that goes on today I don't know if outside of hardcore fans that there will be enough support for this system to flourish again.
DVR'ed Raw ... Thank God. I dunnow what's worse. John Lovitz or the botched fugazi splash from one of the Usos. Good Lord.

I hope the creative team and management reads this because I am suggesting the WWE take out another Bichoff related project. That ****** wrestling show could be tough competition
. The WWE needs to have a weekly program showcasing their talented celebrity guests and have them wrestle. The show could be complete utter crap but I'd pay to see Buzz Aldrin and Bob Barker go at it...

As for NXT... Wade Barret needs to win it already. The man is a future star... why you ask? Because Jericho keeps on yelling at Josh Mattews every Tuesday night
. Barret needs to win because if he doesn't we have David "green" Otunga to look forward to every Monday night.

and lastly... The Dragon needs to apply the cattle mutilation on the Colester or.... Matt Striker, straight up annoying. Saving Miz tapping out to the hold on Raw.
So if Dave's actually gone then I'm a bit dissapointed, his heel mic work was great. A bit like heel Rock from '03. Shame he leaves when he found his best role...
Originally Posted by DimondJ15

does anybody else wonder if we could see a reproliferation of regional territories again.. especially if TNA goes out of business? i realize no one can realistically compete with vince, so why not try to corner a local market.. especially with things like facebook and twitter.. you could do most promotion through those, and if you made enough money you could get a local tv deal, then expand that way.

To an extent there already are some. PWG has a pretty good following in Cali, from what I head, ROH is mainly an east coast opperation, and FCW, given owned by WWE, has some damn good wrestling there. Now theres just the 3000 mile between.

And Punk in a mask can be gold, remember Vince after his head got shaved
 That stuff was classic, VKM earing a du-rag

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Ouch that does sound like a painful Smackdown

Spoiler [+]
Gettting Kane set up for the GTS must of been tough, but botched it twice? Yiiikes.
It was dumb for him to even attempt it. 
He ain't Superman Hogan Cena 
Originally Posted by CelticsPride

Punk in a mask can be gold, remember Vince after his head got shaved
That stuff was classic, VKM earing a du-rag
Yo I search for this stuff online almost daily, especially Vince doing the "swag walk" to the ring in the purple suit X du-rag
Looks like batista is done wrestliing. Though not official, he is said to be entering the MMA scene.
Originally Posted by hellaones

Originally Posted by CelticsPride

Punk in a mask can be gold, remember Vince after his head got shaved
That stuff was classic, VKM earing a du-rag
Yo I search for this stuff online almost daily, especially Vince doing the "swag walk" to the ring in the purple suit X du-rag
I need to see this.
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