Wrestling Thread May 24-30 | 5/27 TNA iMPACT! | Anderson vs Styles | Hardy vs Wolfe

Oct 15, 2000


I won't mince words.  Last night's Over the Limit pay-per-view was garbage.  No other way around it.  I haven't seen a single review of last night's show even giving the show a thumbs in the middle.  Every review has been a stinking thumbs down.  With that said, here is a very brief review of last night's show:

~Kofi Kingston d Drew McIntyre to become the new Intercontinental Champion.  Drew may have been the chosen one a few months ago, but he is deep, deep in the dog house now.  He has done nothing of significance in months.  And not only was he beat by Kofi, but he was then laid out by the eternal midcard jobber Matt Hardy.
~R-Truth d Ted Dibiase.  Virgil played no role in this match.  Dibiase was another deemed as a chosen one, and he jobbed cleanly in a lackluster match to another eternal midcarder.  Makes no sense to me.
~Rey Mysterio d CM Punk.  This was probably the best match of the show, but that's not saying much because this wasn't a great match.  The WWE needs to drop the no blood policy because it absolutely killed the pace of this match.  Mysterio won with a rollup which seems like a crappy, indecisive way to end this program.  Mysterio shaved Punk's head as he hid his face due to his forehead being busted open.
~The Hart Dynasty d Miz and Jericho to retain the Unified Tag Team Titles.  Another match that underperformed.  The finish came out of nowhere, and the Hart's retained to the disinterest of the crowd.
~Edge and Randy Orton ended in a double count out.  The match started slowly and never had a chance to build due to an injury to Orton.  I don't know where the match was headed, but the first 7 minutes were not good.
~Big Show d Jack Swagger via DQ to have Swagger retain the World Championship.  A non-match with a complete crap finish.  After the non finish to the previous match, they needed to re-write the finish for this match to give us a finish.  These two matches completely killed the crowd.
~Eve d Maryse to retain the Divas Title.  A third straight match to kill the crowd.
~John Cena d Batista in an I Quit match to retain the WWE Title.  The match was fine but the finish pissed me off to no end along with a few other things.  Batista passed out after being in the STF for 30 seconds.  When Batista attempted to run over Cena, you could clearly see Cena crawling out of the way.  And having Batista get completely punked out by quitting because he didn't want to get slammed off the car was so weak.

What an awful way for Dave to go out if that really is his last moment in the WWE.  If you missed the show, there is absolutely no reason to catch the replay.

There are a few things for tonight's show.

A new Raw General Manager will be announced tonight.  Many names have been floated around... Bret Hart, Jim Ross, Michael Cole, Steve Austin.  However, WrestlingObserver.com is reporting the front runner is Abraham Washington.  Interesting.  From what I've read, Washington is actually very good in FCW.  He was given a bad role in ECW.  So I'm open to giving him a shot.  But how many people even have any idea who Abraham Washington is?

Last night during the PPV they mentioned in passing that there would be qualifying matches for the Fatal Fourway PPV which is only 20 days away.  With the short time line, I would assume the qualifying matches will take place tonight.  The original plan was Cena vs Sheamus vs Edge vs Orton.  We can scratch Orton out of that match.  I don't know who will take his spot, but I would guess either R-Truth or John Morrison.

Bret Hart became the United States Champion last week defeating The Miz with the help of The Hart Dynasty.  I would assume Bret will vacate the title allowing for a fourway match for the championship at the PPV.  Again assuming that The Miz will be involved in a match for the tag belts, the four I would say would be involved are Ted Dibiase, Bryan Danielson, Evan Bourne, and either Truth or Morrison.

And then for the tag title fatal fourway, it will be The Hart Dynasty, Miz/Jericho, and then I have no idea.  The Dudebusters?  Kozlov/Regal?  I don't even know what other tag teams there are.  Not that they even matter.

Jon Lovitz hosts tonight.
Yeah, Over The Limit definitely wasn't that good. I will say this though: For all of his in-ring shortcomings, The Big Show probably has more charisma than 95% of the roster. I don't know where this DiBiase angle is going, but it's not a good look for them to basically try to turn him into his dad. And Cena... ugh. I'm more than tired of that guy. I hope Batista isn't done yet, b/c this heel run is the ONLY time I've ever been a fan.

And if Abe is the new GM,
Here's a good little piece on blood and other injuries during matches:

By Mike Johnson on 2010-05-24 16:30:56
The WWE locker room looks like walking wounded today.  CM Punk suffered a gash requiring 13 staples.  Ted DiBiase suffered a concussion.  Randy Orton suffered a separated shoulder, the severity of which still wasn't confirmed as I write this.  John Cena was busted open.  Undoubtedly, there are other bumps and bruises.
Professional wrestling is a tough, physical business, on any level.  On a PPV for the biggest company in the world, it's grueling physically as well as mentally.  Today's WWE may be presented as "family entertainment" but the actual physical artform is as dangerous as ever, which is why WWE has moved forward with many different experiments designed to help protect their performers, even from themselves.

However, there's a double standard that the company will have to address at some point going forward.

Last night, we saw not one, but two instances of medical staff and officials stopping the flow of matches to patch up bloody performers. 

In one case, CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio, they became dangerously close to losing the crowd.  Indeed, there was a loud "Boring" chant rising when Punk snapped and decided to ignore the staff, attacking Mysterio and brutally throwing him around ringside.  In doing so, Punk did save the match, a bout that looking back was one of the two best matches of the night and easily, the best on an emotional and memorable level.

In the second, John Cena's forehead was bloodied with a small stream of blood after taking a high-impact bump through a shattering announcer's table....in an I Quit match.  In a bout where the object is to beat someone until they voice their submission, Cena's opponent "The Animal" Batista was neutered into standing around while someone glued and wiped the cut clean. 

Again, the momentum and flow of the match was lost, but with good reason, which brings us to the double standard at play. 

Why is it OK for performers with injuries to continue wrestling (and even finish matches) but even the slightest trickle of blood results in the momentary shutdown of a match? 

Randy Orton continued on after suffering a shoulder injury.  He's someone with a long-standing history of issues and injuries, some that have put him out of action for months on end.  Ted DiBiase suffered a concussion in his first PPV singles bout and obviously wasn't "really there" for the rest of his match against R-Truth.

So, why weren't those matches stopped, even momentarily to check out the competitors and make sure they are good to go?

Professional wrestling has always been a unique art form unto itself where the show, truly, absolutely "must go on."  Wrestlers fight on with bruises, bumps, hell, broken bones.  It's been done since the dawn of time and it's "always been that way."  Well, so has the long standing tradition of double juice brawls and blood being used for sympathy, even if its accidental and hardway.

In recent months, whether it's for a PG rating, for the safety of their wrestlers or because a certain former company executive has political aspirations, WWE has stopped matches for blood.  Fans don't like it and quite frankly, I don't care for it on a personal level - it's the wrestling equivalent of the movie reel breaking halfway through the new release in the cinema - but one cannot argue that it's not for the greater good.

It's time for WWE to take that next step and have officials step in at the first sign of legitimate injuries.

If blood in matches is good enough for a shutdown and stoppage, certainly concussions and broken bones are, as well. They may not be as visually appalling to some viewers, but they are certainly as dangerous - likely more dangerous to the long-term health and quality of life to the roster.

All WWE referees wear headsets in order to receive instructions and cues from backstage. It would take all of three seconds to create a system to inform the backstage personnel that something has gone wrong.

Obviously, fans won't like it. They don't like the blood stoppages, but they will learn in time it's going to be a part of life.

But if blood stoppages are, shouldn't injuries and concussion fears be as well?

And, if they aren't, well, then that's certainly one hell of a double standard WWE is creating for themselves.
God, "Over the Limit" was brutal to watch.

A few things:

CM Punk losing to Rey Mysterio was just terrible, absolutely terrible. Mysterio really gains nothing from this and Punk loses A TON. What makes this SES angle so great is partly because of Punk's apperance. This 'Christ-Like figure' saving souls was a stroke of genius, and now it'll just look dumb. What was so wrong about having Rey lose at Wrestlemania, join the SES be tormented for a few weeks, then win his freedom back? It makes the program go on longer and makes your "face" character much more beloved. Somebody said it on another message board I visit and I think it is perfectly worded. "WWE does not know what they have in CM Punk."

I have never really been one to "HATE" John Cena, I've always been sort of indifferent about the guy, but even I am SICK of this "Never Give Up, Never Surrender, CenaNation" crap. I mean come on, it is really starting to get out of hand, It's getting to the point where I give absolutely NOBODY any chance whatsoever in "cleanly" beating John Cena. Yeah, I knew Batista would lose cause of his situation, but like 4w said, why make him look like a punk? Batista was threatening him and just punishing him all night and Cena would even no sell saying "No." Dude sounded like Batista wasn't really hurting him, whereas Batista would seem like dude was thriving in pain and it still hurt to say "No." Little things like that really annoy me when it comes to Cena.

I'm actually glad Miz lost last night, I am tired of him in tag teams. It helped shoot him to stardom with Morrison, it cemented him as a legitimate Superstar with Big Show, and when they split I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity for him to start a good singles run, but no, instead he loses his singles title to Bret Hart (Really? REALLY?), then they put him right back on a team with Jericho. Personally, I kinda hope they have Miz/Jericho blame each other for the loss and start a feud with them, but they won't.

Randy Orton out, is HUGE for Raw in a bad way. Somebody needs to fill his spot ASAP, perhaps, a loophole to bring CM Punk or Drew McIntyre over from SD, but those are huge reaches, personally I'd wish that Miz or Ted Dibiase or hell even John Morrison would step into Randy's on screen time, but that's probably an even bigger reach.

And I like the idea of Abe as GM, but if he is named the full time GM, then what the hell will the guest hosts do? And where is my man 'retrogearsolid' at? If Abraham Washington is named Raw GM then that means Raw and SmackDown! will both have black GMs, "BlackDown!" May be a reality after all!
I would buy a DVD of just Batista's heel run on RAW this year. He killed it every time in the spotlight.
Originally Posted by BunkIV

I would buy a DVD of just Batista's heel run on RAW this year. He killed it every time in the spotlight.

The spotlight on the wheelchair was a great way to end Swag-tista's run. Shame he had to go out when he finally struck gold with his character.
This is still not the matchup of absolute opposite skin colors that I've been waiting for in Sheamus v. R-Truth. We're getting there though..
It's quite funny that they showed live action of the Batista/Cena match, but only stills of the Eve/Maryse match. Yeah, people are really going to buy the replay to check out the divas match.

Eve and Gail should be named Team Botchamania.
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