Wrestling Thread May 24-30 | 5/27 TNA iMPACT! | Anderson vs Styles | Hardy vs Wolfe

From PW Torch:

Post-match: Suddenly, a new team and female valet hit the ring. It's the Uso Brothers, Jimmy and Jules. All three members of Hart Dynasty were KO'ed in the ring, then the Usos and their manager went up top and paused before hitting a triple simultaneous flying splash. They stood tall in the ring over the tag champs to close the segment without being named by name.
So is Orton really hurt? Im guessing Jericho takes his spot. That is good for the 4 way match, as Jericho is a MUCH better worker than the armbar of doom.
- Word going around WWE on the reason for CM Punk losing last night and getting his head shaved is because Rey Mysterio is expected to take a bit of time off following tomorrow night's SmackDown tapings. It's unknown yet if Rey is taking time off for knee surgery or just to spend time with his family and rest up.

- The woman who attacked Natalya on tonight's RAW was Sarona Snuka, daughter of Jimmy Snuka. Sarona is known as Tamina in WWE developmental. The male wrestlers with her were Jimmy and Jules Uso, the sons of former WWE star Rikishi.

The three have worked with G-Rilla as a Samoan stable in WWE developmental for some time now and have received rave reviews, particularly the Uso brothers tag team. It looks like they are now on the RAW roster.
The trio was called up to the main roster to replace The Colons, who were initially set to feud with the Harts. Carlito was released last Friday after refusing to enter a company-mandated rehabilitation program, putting an end to those plans.

The trio are relatively new to the wrestling scene, having just made their professional debuts last year.
Hart as GM is good for Raw. I like it. And Eff the haters I like the R-Truth push
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Hart as GM is good for Raw. I like it. And Eff the haters I like the R-Truth push

Truth should have been US/IC champ ages ago. Dude is one of the most over faces on the roster and he's entertaining in the ring(although the Lie Detector does suck as a finisher, let him do the Corkscrew Axe Kick again...his >> Booker T's)
agreed. lie detector is weeeeaaak for a finisher

and edge's spears tonight were br00talz. and i mean that in the WORST way possible. awful...
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Hart as GM is good for Raw. I like it. And Eff the haters I like the R-Truth push

Truth should have been US/IC champ ages ago. Dude is one of the most over faces on the roster and he's entertaining in the ring(although the Lie Detector does suck as a finisher, let him do the Corkscrew Axe Kick again...his >> Booker T's)
I agree with both of you guys . R-Truth is just a much more exciting and different in-ring wrestler than McIntyre, Dibiase, MVP, and Miz. Not going lie, he gets me chanting "What's Up?" at the live shows.
By Mike Johnson on 2010-05-24 22:30:24
As I reported earlier this evening in the PWInsider.com, the debuting team attacking the Hart Dynasty were Jimmy and Jules Uso, the sons of former WWE star Rikishi. They are currently the Tag Team champions in WWE developmental Florida Championship Wrestling.

As I noted earlier this evening, they were brought up to the main roster to replace The Colons, who were set for a program with the Harts. That storyline was scuttled when Carlito was released this past Friday for refusing to go to a company-mandated rehabilitation program.

The female star with the Usos is Tamina, the daughter of WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Snuka.
There was talk this weekend of holding a four-way match for the WWE Unified Tag Team Titles at WWE's Fatal 4 Way pay-per-view in June. If it happens, two of the teams would be the defending Hart Dynasty and The Miz & Chris Jericho.

- Kofi Kingston won the WWE Intercontinental Title on Sunday and R-Truth won the WWE United States Title last night largely because of the company directive to find a new Black star.

-- The decision to make Bret Hart the new general manager of RAW was made earlier in the day on Monday prior to RAW. This was a last-minute decision obviously. As of last week, Abraham Washington was scheduled to be the permanent RAW general manager. He was even told that the role was his. WWE also would have never put the U.S title on Bret if they had plans for him to be full-time RAW GM. As always, WWE plans are always changing and this is a classic example of that.

orton may have been injured before over the limit, at the raw super show in cincinnati.....heres the video
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

-- The decision to make Bret Hart the new general manager of RAW was made earlier in the day on Monday prior to RAW. This was a last-minute decision obviously. As of last week, Abraham Washington was scheduled to be the permanent RAW general manager. He was even told that the role was his. WWE also would have never put the U.S title on Bret if they had plans for him to be full-time RAW GM. As always, WWE plans are always changing and this is a classic example of that.
This seems like a classic WWE case where news gets out ahead of time, Vince flips out, and they make a change at the last second.
I was thinking about Dibiase's gimmick. I think he should watch and read American Psycho and lean more towards a Patrick Bateman character. Young, successful, comes from a well to do family, but should show spurts of lunacy and violence especially in ring. Get rid of virgil.
Wait..why are we even talking about the WWE anymore? Arn't we forgetting it's going bankrupt?
Spoiler [+]
The Undertaker will return full-time at tonight's Smackdown taping from the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. As Ryan reported earlier, he is advertised in a dark match main event against World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger.

Undertaker has been on a post-Wrestlemania hiatus although he has made a couple of special appearances on Raw. Expect him to work as a babyface in the top of the card on Smackdown going into the summer months. He is once again seen as "the face" of Smackdown.

On last night's edition of Raw, Bret Hart was announced as the new General Manager. Apparently it looks like he's reached a new deal with WWE, however after last week's angle with Vickie Guerrero the placement could be temporary.

Though it has yet to be officially announced, the Unified Tag Team Championship will be on the line at Fatal 4-Wayin a match pitting The Hart Dynasty against the unidentified tag team that debuted last night on Raw, as well as Chris Jericho & The Miz, and a tag team from SmackDown.

– Mike Jones, who was brought back to WWE to reprise his “Virgil
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

I was thinking about Dibiase's gimmick. I think he should watch and read American Psycho and lean more towards a Patrick Bateman character. Young, successful, comes from a well to do family, but should show spurts of lunacy and violence especially in ring. Get rid of virgil.


As you may or may not know, WWE has been trying real hard to avoid internet leaks, which has been getting under Mr. McMahon's skin for years. Word is that they are working harder than ever to eliminate the leaks.

- John Morrison was not on RAW this week because he is dealing with an ankle injury that he suffered on the live event tour last week. No word yet on when Morrison will be able to get back in the ring.

Monday’s episode of WWE RAW featuring John Lovitz as guest host drew a 3.11 cable rating, down from last week’s 3.4.

The show averaged 4.5 million viewers, with a 3.07 in hour one and a 3.15 in hour two.

Considering the fact that WWE put on a pretty loaded show with Bret Hart being named the new RAW GM, Batista’s official farewell and the Fatal 4 Way qualifying matches, a 3.1 has to be considered disappointing.

More call-ups from developmental are expected as it believed that one or two more FCW workers will be summoned to the main roster in the near future.

- As seen last Friday on Smackdown, Dolph Ziggler attacked Christian from behind on the "Peep Show," green-lighting a program between the two. According to F4WOnline.com, the feud is being seen as a demotion for Christian, but a promotion for Ziggler. Furthermore, advertised house show line-ups have Christian teaming up with Hornswoggle to take on Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero.

-- Eric Bischoff made the hasty decision to turn Mr. Anderson babyface as he was impressed with his crowd reactions in recent weeks. Long-term plans called for Anderson to remain heel, but the crowd reaction was too much to ignore.

-- Jim Ross wrote the following on Twitter this weekend in response to fans wanting him back on TV: "An emailer says he misses me on the air. I miss it 2 but there's no way in hell I'm going back on the air unless it's the right opportunity."

-- WWE is not 100% sure that Randy Orton will be able to wrestle at the Fatal Four Way PPV. If he can't, the WWE is likely to shoot an angle where someone takes him out of action and then takes his spot at the PPV. The likely candidates would be HHH or Chris Jericho.
for those who wanna know who gets eliminated tonight its
Spoiler [+]
heath slater

weird, still no smackdown spoilers
Serious question, why does Mysterio ALWAYS seem to go over at ppvs? His percentage has to be comperable to cena's for the past 12 months.
I really wish Bryan Danielson was feuding with The Miz instead of Michael Cole.

Miz's face when Danielson said he was the worst pro
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