Wrestling Thread May2-9/ The NEW ERA/WWE Black Friday/ Hornswoggle, Cameron, Santino, Zeb Colter, Al

Pretty much..Counting you 5 is enough to keep WCW/NWA's memory alive on NTWT..These youngins have no idea about the elite level of wrestling that was taking place in the mid-80's-mid 90's NWA/WCW..Best era of wrestling ever..
Shane Douglas is severely underrated..One of the best pure wrestlers and promo men of the 90's..

Count me in with the NWA crew. I think I even saw the Dynamic Dudes fight in the Philly Civic Center. Shane needed a better move than the belly to belly though.

Gonna check the Monsoon Classic channel at work, gonna be slow today.

Whats good my NT peeps on a Monday?
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You can group me in with the dudes that mainly focus on WWE....Accessibility definitely has a lot to do with it. In order to watch New Japan/Lucha Underground/ROH/etc I have to go out of my way. I can't just turn on USA on Monday nights, or the network on my XB1 once a month. Between my work schedule and my desire to watch other stuff (mostly basketball and a few TV shows), I really don't have the time to watch more and more wrestling.
Hoping Ticketmaster/Barclay's box office take care of my Summer Fest tix situation.

With my dad's sudden passing last week, I have 2 ADA seats that were intended for us to go and so I called yesterday to explain the situation, and tried to get the tix swapped to regular seats. The rep told me the event was sold out on their end, but that he contacted the venue box office to see about letting me use those same seats without issue.

I think I still want to go, I know pops would want me to.
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Where we lived before I was able to watch LU/NJPW/ROH but tv provider now doesn't carry those channels.

So I'm limited to WWE. I halfway watch RAW each week. Read spoilers for SD but never watch it.

I miss watching the other wrestling shows but it does take a good bit of time each week to try to keep current with all of them.
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