Wrestling Thread May27-June9 | 6/6 Impact LIVE - Quinton RAMPAGE Jackson Appears Tonight

I hope they keep the Wyatt Family and The Shield as far from each other as possible. Hope they let both stables get their shine on first though.
Well knowing the WWE, they will tease the Wyatt Family debut for months, right on cue for the Shield's split, with Rollins having awesome matches on Superstars and Saturday Morning Slam, Ambrose tapping out to the Miz, and Reigns taking a Khali brain chop as 457,000 viewers are lost.

Bray gets booked to face John Cena at the PPV after next

"I remember you, you're Husky Harris!"

View media item 431555
"Looks like you ate too many twinkies, twinkie butt!"


"Twinkie Butt is now trending worldwide on twitter!"

And the Wyatt family is dead.
I only skim though RAW since there's so much crap to skip on that show. So, as a thread, I'm glad to see so many people saying they're catching NXT.

NXT is the best show WWE has on at the moment. So many interesting characters, great wrestling and no messing about with storylines, just pure wrestling.

The commentators pretty much take care of any exposition, and at the same time commentate the match. Seems that the main show team can only choose to do one at a time.
Bray gets booked to face John Cena at the PPV after next

"I remember you, you're Husky Harris!"

"Looks like you ate too many twinkies, twinkie butt!"


"Twinkie Butt is now trending worldwide on twitter!"

And the Wyatt family is dead.
 its like you see into the not so distant future 
Bray gets booked to face John Cena at the PPV after next

"I remember you, you're Husky Harris!"

View media item 431555

"Looks like you ate too many twinkies, twinkie butt!"
"Twinkie Butt is now trending worldwide on twitter!"

And the Wyatt family is dead.
:wow:  its like you see into the not so distant future 

Man......your posts are never not on point....:rofl:

I see that the DDP Yoga is working...

:wow: :wow: :wow:

View media item 431641
View media item 431637
View media item 431638
My face needs to be where Cameron's is. Layla just don't know :smh: :smh: i dont care if Cody Rhodes hit nor if Diddy's baggage handler did. Feed me some.

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- A source in the WWE locker room notes that officials are worried Fandango is getting a bit of an ego backstage. They are impressed with his in-ring work but are worried that the ego may become a problem. However, word is that they continue to be impressed with his commitment to his character and feel he is in better shape each week.

- Chris Jericho continues to make it known that he’s open to putting over some of WWE’s younger talents, such as Fandango. He has expressed interest in working with Curtis Axel.

- WWE officials are now interested in recruiting more international talents. This is another Triple H change.

Officials have had discussions about whether or not it would be in WWE’s best interest to try and reach a developmental deal with an overseas wrestling promotion or if it would be better to just scout some of the bigger companies in Japan and Mexico.
- TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bully Ray spoke with CBS out of Boston this week to promote the upcoming Slammiversary pay-per-view, and was greeted by a very disrespectful host in Jimmy Stewart. While the majority of the interview seems to feature Bully "in character", and they very well could have scripted their altercation ahead of time, you can check out the short interview and decide for yourself (LINK:smh:http://boston.cbslocal.com/2013/05/...gers-wrestler-bully-ray-in-interview/#respond). 

Stewart began the interview in a controversial manner, saying he was not excited to be interviewing his guest, and had to "deal with the hand you're dealt". After claiming to be a major Jeff Hardy fan, and praising the Charismatic Enigma's work ethic and athletic ability, Stewart offended the champ by calling him an "average athlete". Bully responded, saying - 

"I'm a much better athlete than you. I've been doing this a lot longer than Jeff Hardy has, and I've been a lot more successful than Jeff Hardy has. So that must make me a better athlete. I've never taken time off; he has, because of his 'athletic deficiencies'. I've never take time off. I'm a warrior of the ring, and I'm instantly offended that you would even - for real, in real life, right now - totally offended that would call me a 'mediocre athlete' ... I will walk out this door if you're going to start off this interview by questioning my athletic ability. After all my success you're going to question my athletic ability? There's not a damn thing in the wrestling ring that I can't do, and I bet there's not one thing you can do." 

- Footage of the fight that broke out in the crowd during the main event of this week’s WWE Raw has leaked online.
Cool follow

RT @ObserverQuotes: WCW has pretended two white wrestlres are black, so I guess there's nothing that weird about pretending Scott Hall is Hispanic. [6/92]
^Speaking of hall, May 27th 1996, he made his debut in WCW. Nash followed a week or 2 later. Great times.
This Waylon Mercy talk reminds me of this match when Savio Vega was dancing salsa to his theme music :rofl:

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SmackDown Spoilers For 5/31/2013

* Kane defeated Seth Rollins with a chokeslam.

* Roman Reigns beat Daniel Bryan by DQ when Kane hit Reigns. Kane and Bryan argued after the match.

* Damien Sandow did another mental challenge segment in the ring. He ripped Edmonton and went to explain the rules but was interrupted by Sheamus. Sandow cheated in the challenge and Sheamus laid him out with a Brogue Kick.

* Ryback came out in an ambulance before squashing Kofi Kingston. After the match, Ryback stacked three tables and put Kofi through them. Kofi was taken out on a stretcher.

* Big E Langston defeated Alberto Del Rio by pinfall. AJ Lee interfered towards the end and got in a cheap shot.

* Curtis Axel beat Sin Cara in a quick match. Axel cut a promo before the match and talked about beating Triple H and John Cena. Axel won with a Perfectplex.

* Chris Jericho came out and cut a promo on CM Punk and WWE Payback. Jericho then defeated Cody Rhodes with the Walls of Jericho.

* Randy Orton beat Dean Ambrose by DQ when Reigns and Rollins interfered and attacked Orton. Kane and Bryan came out for the save to end SmackDown.
as I think about it...this is like the first time in a while that the MITB winners are hard to predict.

Would've said Cesaro a few months ago, but that ship has sailed. :smh:
Kind of funny how Jericho STILL hasn't won the match he (kayfabe) created. :lol:
SmackDown Spoilers For 5/31/2013
* Kane defeated Seth Rollins with a chokeslam.

* Roman Reigns beat Daniel Bryan by DQ when Kane hit Reigns. Kane and Bryan argued after the match.

* Damien Sandow did another mental challenge segment in the ring. He ripped Edmonton and went to explain the rules but was interrupted by Sheamus. Sandow cheated in the challenge and Sheamus laid him out with a Brogue Kick.

* Ryback came out in an ambulance before squashing Kofi Kingston. After the match, Ryback stacked three tables and put Kofi through them. Kofi was taken out on a stretcher.

* Big E Langston defeated Alberto Del Rio by pinfall. AJ Lee interfered towards the end and got in a cheap shot.

* Curtis Axel beat Sin Cara in a quick match. Axel cut a promo before the match and talked about beating Triple H and John Cena. Axel won with a Perfectplex.

* Chris Jericho came out and cut a promo on CM Punk and WWE Payback. Jericho then defeated Cody Rhodes with the Walls of Jericho.

* Randy Orton beat Dean Ambrose by DQ when Reigns and Rollins interfered and attacked Orton. Kane and Bryan came out for the save to end SmackDown.
i feel like i've already seen this episode of smackdown...
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