Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

Ashley was sexy as hell man. Her nose/mouth combination always did it for me. ANd how she wore her shirt over her ******* and that baseball cap. Man.

Oh yea, her > The Miami Heat former dancer.
Gotta agree with you. I always found Ashley to be really attractive and cute.
I always had a thing for Ashley. Didn't she have a profile up on some escort website?
She had some lips for a white girl. ALways had them glossed up too. But yea, I heard she was part of an escort service before she was in WWE.
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Sct Hall is a wild dude. He posts some wild stuff "after hours." Girls be sending him naked and everything and then he RT's this. LOL

I'm just going off of previous history with Eve, she got engaged and shortly after left to start a family.

I highly doubt she would wanna be on the road 300+ days a year when she gets married.
RT @TheRealDre41caw: Starting my ECW project. Hopefully i can get 50 caws done in 2 weeks. Shout out to my homie Keith majors for helping me make this happen

For any of you that still play the game.
Just a portion of an interview from Dolph Ziggler, as he continues his 'I Don't Give A Damn' World Tour

Dolph Zigger Lists The Most Underutilized Stars in WWE

Plus his thoughts on his past gimmicks and more...

- Dolph Ziggler recently did an interview with WOIO-TV CBS-19 Cleveland. Check out the video and some highlights below:

On the most underutilized Superstar in WWE: "Tyson Kidd, Heath Slater, Alex Riley I'm a big fan of his work. There's a million guys that don't always get the spotlight… I've worked 100 jobs in my life and I've never been with more hard working people that aren't just in it for themselves, they're in it for the fans and for the respect of their peers. There's one or two probably that got under my radar that aren't the hardest workers in the world, everybody else wants what's best for the company. They want what's best for themselves. We're there to help the company and there's so many other names on that list, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder those guys that have been fans since they were 5-years old."

On whether Nicky of The Spirit Squad or Kerwin White's caddy was a better gimmick: "It depends, because they both kinda sucked. Let's see, which one was more heartbreaking to hear about? Actually, the Kerwin White caddy thing was pretty cool... you're going off with Chavo Guerrero, this name that's synonymous with awesome history for years. We don't have too many Attitude era guys that are still around, or before that, who can take people under their wing, and I got that chance. That was amazing. But also in the Spirit Squad, losing every night - which is kinda my thing anyway - but sharing the spotlight with 5 guys... I had a blast with those guys by the way, working with DX, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, everybody you could possibly name and we had a blast. So both ended up being pretty cool."

- Vince McMahon is said to still be open to doing Goldberg vs. Ryback at WrestleMania XXX but apparently Goldberg is very set on returning as a babyface, if he returns at all.

Word from backstage is that Ryback wants the match “really bad.” He knows that it would be a big match and figures he would be the one going over. Ryback has been doing all he can for months to stir up interest in addition to lobbying for the match behind-the-scenes.

Regarding WWE officials being upset at Ryback for using Goldberg’s moves, a deal isn’t done with Goldberg and WWE is going back and forth on whether they want to do the match or not. Officials felt like Ryback was going into business for himself by trying to build interest in a match that may not happen. Furthermore, the feeling is that Ryback knows Goldberg at WrestleMania is a match he would be booked to win and wouldn’t be so eager to see the match happen if he was the one who would be on the losing end.

The reason Ryback has been “pinned to death” in recent weeks is a humbling of sorts as WrestleMania XXX plans hang in the balance.
Is Ryback really willing to lose in the match, though? Because I read before that Goldberg would not come back just to lose.
- Vince McMahon is said to still be open to doing Goldberg vs. Ryback at WrestleMania XXX but apparently Goldberg is very set on returning as a babyface, if he returns at all.

Word from backstage is that Ryback wants the match “really bad.” He knows that it would be a big match and figures he would be the one going over. Ryback has been doing all he can for months to stir up interest in addition to lobbying for the match behind-the-scenes.

Regarding WWE officials being upset at Ryback for using Goldberg’s moves, a deal isn’t done with Goldberg and WWE is going back and forth on whether they want to do the match or not. Officials felt like Ryback was going into business for himself by trying to build interest in a match that may not happen. Furthermore, the feeling is that Ryback knows Goldberg at WrestleMania is a match he would be booked to win and wouldn’t be so eager to see the match happen if he was the one who would be on the losing end.

The reason Ryback has been “pinned to death” in recent weeks is a humbling of sorts as WrestleMania XXX plans hang in the balance.

Good stuff. But I don't see this as a gain for either men. What's Goldberg have to offer to be just a face. :smh: also would do nothing for Ryback going over as he'll just go back to being a jobber afterwards
It's nothing more than a payday for either side with no lasting effects at all. Sounds like the McMahon way to me
I don't see the harm of having Goldberg come in for a brief storyline..It might help buyrates/ratings for small time and it's good to see the stars of the not so distant past back in the spotlight..I wouldn't want him being in the title picture or main event, but a short stint would be fun..Kinda like having 3 or 4 of the the older guys come in for the Rumble just for the pop/fun factor..Then have them come out on Raw the next night..Pure fun and great memories..Nothing wrong with that at all..
For Goldberg to comeback he's gonna want The Rock/Brock Lesnar money. As in a rumored $350,000 a match. Would Wwe seriously bring him in to lose to Ryback at mania? Also have to consider how much this would elevate Ryback being that he is getting jobbed to death.
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