Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

These part timers coming back and smashing the regular talent isn't a good look. If Goldberg wants the payday, he's gonna need to to do the job for Ryback. That'll stop the Goldberg chants, and that'll possibly get him back to where he was a year ago. If not, then he's just another wasted big guy.
It baffles me when they do this punishment thing on tv. These guys earn the company money because they are believable but when they put them in stupid storylines and squash then it's ultimately hurting their pockets?
So how do y'all like Cameron's new single "Bye Bye"? Apparently on Total Divas she's a singer
2 rumored TLC matches:

D Bry VS Bray Wyatt

CM Punk & The Rhodes Brothers VS The Shield
Summer, Emma, Paige, and Sasha are all better in the ring than the majority of the divas roster already. It's cool and sad at the same time.
Summer, Emma, Paige, and Sasha are all better in the ring than the majority of the divas roster already. It's cool and sad at the same time.
You forgot to add AJ to that list

Speaking of summer Rae

I found this gem on her Instagram page just now

:pimp: I find her and aj to be the baddest chicks on the roster. Always enjoy watching them in the ring
22stylez 22stylez I was just referring to the recent NXT chicks

Aside from aj and the recent nxt chicks. The rest are for looks or just horrible. I would mention Natalya but she's annoyed me since total divas came on. I hate it when she cheeses and puts on a fat smile while she's doing the sharpshooter. :smh:
:rofl: I don't like Nattie slander but you're right. It's also funny that they're pedaling all the Total Divas in the ring as face, when only 3 are appealing as far as you wanting to cheer them on. Eva, the Bellas, and Cameron can all go jump in a lake
I can't get past summer's forehead and nose.

Nice body though.

As much as it would be cool for the good female wrestlers to get called up, they would only get watered down.
Speaking of NXT, I was catching up on recent episodes and I heard Hunico's entrance music and got hyped. Turned out to be Camacho :smh:
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