Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Not watching smackdown, but did rybotch beat Seth clean ? 1-2-3?

Yes :smh:
Ref stoped the heels from cheating cause he didn't see a tag yet let Rowan (ryback was the legal man) come in and clap slow. Big guy got up hit the shell shock for the 1-2-3 :smh: 20 years off seth's carrer just like that
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Ref stoped the heels from cheating cause he didn't see a tag yet let Rowan (ryback was the legal man) come in and clap slow. Big guy got up hit the shell shock for the 1-2-3
20 years off seth a carrer just like that
Vince finally caught on to Steph's crush on Rollins
Picked up more work at my job(Fri-Mon) that's closer to my home, all graveyard shifts so no more PPV/Raw discussion for me.

I'll def still be in here frequently tho...just needed the extra $$$ and wanted to be closer to home.
You will be with us in spirit Brother DFly.

Nothing wrong with making more money.

Do you pleighboi.
Least favorite move off the ropes double axe handle

Diving stomp pointless as well

Pretty good match here
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i've been watching a few matches a day. tryna get my money's worth :lol:

I've got a trip to costa rica at the end of april i'll probably spend 5 hours watch wrestling on my iPad
watching Liger vs Honaga '91

the way Liger is working Honaga's neck with his legs :x tossing him around the ring while maintaining the hold. Liger is a great mat wrestler man. really quick but he doesn't cheese it with his speed like the indies guys do.

Liger puts Honaga in a camel clutch and right away Honaga frees one arm and tries to break the hold. That's what I'm talking about.
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this dude ripped Liger's mask up that's not nice

Liger with a lil baseball slide to the outside more guys need to embrace the slide the diving over/through the ropes is becoming too common losing its luster
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watching Liger vs Honaga '91

the way Liger is working Honaga's neck with his legs :x tossing him around the ring while maintaining the hold. Liger is a great mat wrestler man. really quick but he doesn't cheese it with his speed like the indies guys do.

Liger puts Honaga in a camel clutch and right away Honaga frees one arm and tries to break the hold. That's what I'm talking about.
You hate that Camel Clutches man.

Honaga is very underrated man.

And technically Liger is as good as anyone in the world man. And he was young then. He really started getting tricky post 96. After his brain tumor
lot of reversals and near falls last 3 minutes of the match. solid match overall. good technical wrestling.

my beef with the camel clutch is either hook the arms or if you don't then the guy in the clutch needs to eventually free one of these arms at least and try to power out of the hold. blame rusev and his squash matches for ruining the hold for me. it's not logical seeing a dude with his arms just resting on some legs when the arms could be moved forward and used to break the hold.
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