Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Black Tiger is Guerrero?

did the Googles


so Edie is the second incarnation sweet i'll check those matches out in a few.

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You wasn't hip to Eddie being the Mask?..I remember the first time I saw him as Black Tiger..I had got a tape from one of my regular trading guys in 95, so it was after he gave up the mask and he'd already made his ECW debut..So I was watching a tape of Black Tiger and watching a tape of Eddie in ECW and had no clue they were the same guy..I didn't find out til I read a magazine that was a "shoot" style mag and it had an article about Guerrero in it..Needless to say my minds was blown..
nah never knew. i'm not really hip to much stuff outside of attitude era on tbh. i've only gotten into other stuff because of you marks.

watching pegasus vs black tiger '95. last match of the night for me.

tiger puts peg in a camel clutch lulz

damn peg won with a top rope tombstone piledriver :x :pimp:
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Yeah if brock is gonna sign with bellator they need to get the strap off him asap. Rumble is the next ppv he's working. Cena needs to go over clean but badly beaten then have scumbag seth cash in. Seth vs reigns vs ambrose would be a great main event for wm 31.
Yeah if brock is gonna sign with bellator they need to get the strap off him asap. Rumble is the next ppv he's working. Cena needs to go over clean but badly beaten then have scumbag seth cash in. Seth vs reigns vs ambrose would be a great main event for wm 31.

If they're going to give Cena a record tying 16th title reign (which he doesn't deserve and I hope he doesn't get) then it can't just be for a couple minutes..Bork and Cena need to beat the hell out of each other, Lazer wins, Seth cashes in, ppv goes off the air..Seth cashing in on Brock is better than cashing in on Cena..It just sounds more impressive to have won your 1st title from Brock than Cena..
You know I am big on lists. So I am putting together a sheet that will allow me to keep track what I have watched. So each tab will be used for different recommendation lists. So you can use it if you want.

Gonna hijack your list and watch these bro
Props. I need a list. Find myself wasting five minutes figuring out if I watched whatever AJ Styles matches before.
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