Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

That's the thing though, Attitude had everything, including legit wrestling (especially the latter half of it). The WWE has just been tragic at trying to recreate that. Having awful writers combined with Vince being completely out of touch and no competition, you get this
a bunch of talented yet directionless guys
Was the wrestling in the Attitude Era as glorious as we make it out to be?  WCW definitely had legit wrestling, but the E?  I remember the story lines being more memorable than the wrestling in the WWF, though the cruiserweight division was legit.  Of course, we did get some of the greatest matches during that era, but it was mostly with the top guys.
The ladder matches with Hardys, E&C, Dudleys
Cold Stone vs The Rock feud
Cactus Jack vs Shovel feud

Those were great matches. Can't remember much else off the top of my head.
There was a nice balance in the Attitude Era. Good combo of story lines, characters and enough good matches to make it an awesome experience.
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