Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

anyone have a podcast to recomend for my plane ride home? a specific one would be great. thanks
He's been Punk since like 2003 or whenever the hell he broke onto the indie circuit. It's who he is.

I believe he owns the rights to the CM Punk name so if anything, they should call him that.

He may have "made" it in WWE but he wasn't created there

Not the point...

CM Punk was his wrestling name. He's now a UFC fighter...time to use your real name. It's fine in the commentators refer to his old profession and mention the name but during his UFC career he should be Phil Brooks
Not the point...

CM Punk was his wrestling name. He's now a UFC fighter...time to use your real name. It's fine in the commentators refer to his old profession and mention the name but during his UFC career he should be Phil Brooks

But this whole thing is more about the $$$ than Punk actually wanting to do MMA.

Having the name CM Punk on the card will have more buyrates than Phil Brooks
one thing i love that flair did was the way he held the belt during. folded the straps back and kind of cradled it. couple that with the suit he always wore :pimp: :pimp:
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CM Punk was his wrestling name. He's now a UFC fighter...time to use your real name. It's fine in the commentators refer to his old profession and mention the name but during his UFC career he should be Phil Brooks
Oh come on like there's no nicknames in UFC. Less than 10 years ago they had a guy who went by "Cabbage"
they'll probably refer to him as Phil "CM Punk" Brooks like they did last night. Satisfy the realness of UFC as well as the marks who wouldnt know what Phil Brooks vs John Doe at UFC 185 really is.
Not the point...

CM Punk was his wrestling name. He's now a UFC fighter...time to use your real name. It's fine in the commentators refer to his old profession and mention the name but during his UFC career he should be Phil Brooks

He's even "CM Punk" at Marvel too
Phil's gonna get his wish and come back to wrestling wearing fight shorts with sponsors and a no house shows contract.
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