Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Listening to Vince on Austin's podcast, I kinda agree with Vince about building up a storyline for matches.  I try to watch these matches you guys post, but unless I'm familiar with the wrestlers then it's kinda hard to enjoy it.
Just watched the austin and Vince podcast last night. It felt to me like Vince wanted to give the politically correct answers but austin wanted the truth no bs. He seemed abt frustrated by the answers he got. I hope they do a part two and go a little more in depth on things. I just felt that there was more that they could touch on but did not die to time constraints.
Listening to Vince on Austin's podcast, I kinda agree with Vince about building up a storyline for matches.  I try to watch these matches you guys post, but unless I'm familiar with the wrestlers then it's kinda hard to enjoy it.

Vince's build up suck tho

Yep, unless Vince is confusing on-screen storyline buildups for the promo vids, which have been awesome from day 1. If not, then Vince is once again being delusional. I can watch any NJPW/AJPW match without knowing who the guys are at all and enjoy it cause I'm already anticipating it being good/great. Seeing that it would be Devitt, AJ Styles, Shelton, or Okada is a bonus for me. Of course in a perfect world, storylines & great wrestling would mess well together, but the WWE in recent years has done half of both.
I don't understand how you could be a wrestling fan and not like ufc

Everybody's different though
I don't understand how you could be a wrestling fan and not like ufc

Everybody's different though
I got into UFC because of wrestling.

First UFC PPV I watched was when Brock Lesnar won the belt.

I had disappoint when he didn't F-5 his opponent.
Yep, unless Vince is confusing on-screen storyline buildups for the promo vids, which have been awesome from day 1. If not, then Vince is once again being delusional. I can watch any NJPW/AJPW match without knowing who the guys are at all and enjoy it cause I'm already anticipating it being good/great. Seeing that it would be Devitt, AJ Styles, Shelton, or Okada is a bonus for me. Of course in a perfect world, storylines & great wrestling would mess well together, but the WWE in recent years has done half of both.
I hate to admit it, but I guess the Attitude Era groomed me into a sports entertainment fan rather than a wrestling fan.  Don't get me wrong, I love the technical wrestlers, but I just need something to get me interested in the match.
- Regarding CM Punk’s comments about Ryback on the first podcast with Colt Cabana, there was a feeling within WWE that the comments were unprofessional and cheap. It was said that nobody believed Ryback really kicked Punk as hard as he could or intentionally broke Punk’s ribs.

On a related note, it was said that almost nobody within WWE had any sympathy for Punk’s situation with his various injuries. The feeling was that every top guy on the WWE roster that works a full schedule has a litany of injuries.
- Regarding CM Punk’s comments about Ryback on the first podcast with Colt Cabana, there was a feeling within WWE that the comments were unprofessional and cheap. It was said that nobody believed Ryback really kicked Punk as hard as he could or intentionally broke Punk’s ribs.

On a related note, it was said that almost nobody within WWE had any sympathy for Punk’s situation with his various injuries. The feeling was that every top guy on the WWE roster that works a full schedule has a litany of injuries.

It's the same ****. Dudes who aren't made will always take the corporate side and shameless *** kiss to get to the top.

Dudes who are at the top Will always complain
So funny he's taling to Kevin Kelly so nicely and a few years later he's calling him a hamapharadite(sp?). Used to love when he did it tho.
If anybody wants to watch a sjngle.match. Kidman. Juventud. Bash at the beach 1998. Kidman does a vicious top rope spine bomb
Yep, unless Vince is confusing on-screen storyline buildups for the promo vids, which have been awesome from day 1. If not, then Vince is once again being delusional. I can watch any NJPW/AJPW match without knowing who the guys are at all and enjoy it cause I'm already anticipating it being good/great. Seeing that it would be Devitt, AJ Styles, Shelton, or Okada is a bonus for me. Of course in a perfect world, storylines

I hate to admit it, but I guess the Attitude Era groomed me into a sports entertainment fan rather than a wrestling fan.  Don't get me wrong, I love the technical wrestlers, but I just need something to get me interested in the match.

That's the thing though, Attitude had everything, including legit wrestling (especially the latter half of it). The WWE has just been tragic at trying to recreate that. Having awful writers combined with Vince being completely out of touch and no competition, you get this :lol: a bunch of talented yet directionless guys
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The Wcw Cruiserweights MNW Documentary said it was weal but I really enjoyed the Wwf Light heavy weight division. Then you had Hardyz. Edge and Christian. There were some decent wrestlers in WWE during that time man
No clue TLC was on tonight :lol:

Hope Punk well Ill watch the first fight he does for sure.
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