Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Honestly I don't think Punk was viewed on Randy or Cena's level. If he was he would've had his Wrestlemania main event. They always felt he was second tier a 1b at best. Randy is invincible there. He could get high and they'll change policy to keep him aboard. Punk got slighted with those I owe you ones that never came to fruition.

I'm more upset with the doctor stories though and how poorly these guys are treated overall. Like they're disposable. Once they don't need you they'll throw you aside.
Honestly I don't think Punk was viewed on Randy or Cena's level. If he was he would've had his Wrestlemania main event. They always felt he was second tier a 1b at best. Randy is invincible there. He could get high and they'll change policy to keep him aboard. Punk got slighted with those I owe you ones that never came to fruition.

I'm more upset with the doctor stories though and how poorly these guys are treated overall. Like they're disposable. Once they don't need you they'll throw you aside.

Yeah the doctor stuff got to me too..That dude needs his walking papers ASAP..

But for anyone, including Punk, to think he wasn't up in the elite level is fooling themselves..And this talk of a Mania main event is so tired..The dude got to hold the belt for a year and a half straight, was the focal point of countless Raw/SD/ppv's, and had more freedom with his character than pretty much anybody..It's a pretty well known fact that basically only Cena and Punk could tell Vince no and get away with it..Phil acting like he's living the life of a servant, but how many of his fellow wrestlers are rolling around in 1/2 million dollar RV's?..
Heard him call Joey Mercury a stooge.

Didn't he buy Mercury his house when it was about to be foreclosed?
I agree with you case but he shouldn't have been playing second fiddle to others while he held the belt. That might be more of a slap to the title's prestige though.
I posted this before, an by association, I think stuff like this will start to be put out there more. Her name will see some type of slander.

For the record if I quit for being fragile and insecure I would make up excuses too. Things didn't go my way for a long time and I kept
— The Big Guy (@Ryback22) November 28, 2014
Going day in and out. Slander is a powerful thing and to state complete made up nonsense for no reason shows his insecurities. I will
— The Big Guy (@Ryback22) November 28, 2014
Continue to bust my *** study matches every chance I get, cut promos when driving and push myself for hours on end even when hurt. Thank you
— The Big Guy (@Ryback22) November 28, 2014
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iOS 8 is fine for me with NT.

battery life for my 5 on the other hand :smh:

My main problem is when you try to highlight text to delete, copy, or cut and the blue highlight moves with the screen to other words :smh: .  There's a couple other things that annoy me, but that highlighting problem is a everyday annoyance.
yeah I actually have that issue as well every time I try to copy and paste savage's rules. That's my only qualm.

Rule number 8?... I think it's 8...

Don't commit to a girl who isn't bi... It assures you new ***** and threesomes...
- The live podcast with Steve Austin and Vince McMahon on the WWE Network after Monday’s RAW is scheduled to go one hour.

– It looks like the episode of Monday Night War on Sting and The Undertaker will be airing this coming Tuesday night on the WWE Network at 9pm EST. The description reads like this:

“In an era of shifting loyalties, WWE and WCW would each build a cornerstone in order to achieve stability.”
I agree with you case but he shouldn't have been playing second fiddle to others while he held the belt. That might be more of a slap to the title's prestige though.

But how was he playing second fiddle?..He was the champ for a well over a year, he was tops in merch, his segments were getting the highest ratings, he was basically getting to do what ever he wanted, was rolling around in a luxury RV, getting the biggest pops, and was all over tv and social media..So the hell what he didn't get Mania main event..Did he deserve it?..Abso-f**kn-lutely he did..Did any of his fans think less of him or not buy his merch cause he didn't get the M.E.?..Hell no..
Inspired by that good match from SS 1995.

Try something different. So Toyota was generally considered one of the best of the 90s, regardless of gender. 94-96, it was between her and Misawa. So yea, you can see how real women get the job done. -
But how was he playing second fiddle?..He was the champ for a well over a year, he was tops in merch, his segments were getting the highest ratings, he was basically getting to do what ever he wanted, was rolling around in a luxury RV, getting the biggest pops, and was all over tv and social media..So the hell what he didn't get Mania main event..Did he deserve it?..Abso-f**kn-lutely he did..Did any of his fans think less of him or not buy his merch cause he didn't get the M.E.?..Hell no..
Does it matter that he holds that WM Main Event so highly? I won't say he considers himself a partial failure since he never got it but we know how much it bothers him.
Inspired by that good match from SS 1995.

Try something different. So Toyota was generally considered one of the best of the 90s, regardless of gender. 94-96, it was between her and Misawa. So yea, you can see how real women get the job done. -

Watched some of her matches with aja kong the other night. Jesus was she good.
Watched some of her matches with aja kong the other night. Jesus was she good.
Yea she was. Sami Zayn and Amazing Red stole that sunset flip Powerbomb spot from her. Unless somebody else was hitting that before her. I loved her Top Rope Front Dropkick to the outside of the ring. She got SO much air on that thing man. Look below

Yea she was. Sami Zayn and Amazing Red stole that sunset flip Powerbomb spot from her. Unless somebody else was hitting that before her. I loved her Top Rope Front Dropkick to the outside of the ring. She got SO much air on that thing man. Look below

Tweet this video to bryan bell please. Her SECOND ROPE drop kick is laugh worthy
I enjoy Brie's dropkicks. Yall are too hard on her because of her piss poor Yes Chant Squats. Her dropkick game is on point man.
I think the Bellas have improved a lot since I first started back watching wrestling game..
I always feel he belt should close out shows when defended and a lot of those PPVs at the time he didn't close things. There was a link/list posted in a thread a while back outlining all of that.

Savage I think that's rule 10.
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