Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

He's right man. WWE has been embarrassing of late. The bunny nonsense. How lame Survivor Series was. There's the potential to put on great shows each night, but they goof it up and run out there a ton of corny nonsense that turns fans off. It really is catered to kids man.
if punk was that concerned about his health, why didn't he see a personal doctor sooner???

not questioning his story but if i felt like i was dying and my job was neglecting my health i'd be at a doctor's office asap, even if it's just for a second opinion.
The Punk podcast won't play on stitcher and isn't on iTunes -_-
Thought it was just me that it wouldn't work for. :lol: but I found it funny I was trying to listen to it and after Colt started talking and before punk started the feed went out. And hasn't returned since.
Cena's the best at selling merchandise and getting Vince hard. Edge and Punk > him in overall talent
Man you know I am all about the actual science of the sport. But the main goal is to entertain. Cena has been the number 1 dude for ten years for a reason. 10 years man. Punk is up there but he is more.of a TMAC to Cenas Kobe.

I like Punk But be real nhere

I was about to give Cena props for that but after thinking about it for a few minutes, Cena's decade as the top guy explains exactly what's been wrong with the WWE. Cena is the epitome of Vince's ideal in that it's all about the same mundane thing day-in and day-out. It helps him not have to worry about putting in any effort to his product and can just coast by since it's "good enough" for him.

With no real competition, he's played it safe since 2003 and with these pissed off investors, I still see Vince blaming everybody except Cena being force-fed. That's all I'll say about that as I don't want to rant but it's funny listening to Caban's podcast and WWE 2k15 is sponsoring it :lol:
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There's a few things you can take from Punk's interview, the Rey Mysterio and Del Rio situation and Lucha Underground program.

One, they might not care about the physical welfare of their employees. The culture is to work even if you're hurt until you can't avoid surgery (Cena, Bryan, etc).

Two, it's a Carney Environment not a corporation. No way a billion corporation operates in the way they have. Despite Del Rio putting his hands on an employee, it was clearly racist behavior.

Their characterization of minorities and women is so out of touch with reality, pulling more on stereotypes and the deranged fantasies of a 70 year old.
I think a lot of it boils down to the industry / realm this happened in. If you take Punk's circumstances and apply them to any other corporate / office setting: overworked, underpaid, underappreciated despite bringing in profits and publicity for your company, constantly passed over for promotions, not allowed to take sick days... then wouldn't you walk away from that environment, too? Anybody who stays in that kind of a situation is a) an idiot, and b) bringing it on themselves.

There's this (oftentimes) misplaced sense of entitlement we feel as wrestling / celebrity / sports fans: you have to cater to our needs, in a way we prefer or choose. And now that Punk's not out there pandering to our desires a large portion of people are butthurt about it and calling him a "quieter" (whatever that is). It might be tough for some to wrap their heads around this but he doesn't owe us anything; like he pointed out we didn't buy his house, he bought his house. He didn't even owe us an explanation but gave us one anyway through this podcast, and I certainly appreciate it, both as a longtime fan of Punk's and of wrestling.
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I think a lot of it boils down to the industry / realm this happened in. If you take Punk's circumstances and apply them to any other corporate / office setting: overworked, underpaid, underappreciated despite bringing in profits and publicity for your company, constantly passed over for promotions, not allowed to take sick days... then wouldn't you walk away from that environment, too? Anybody who stays in that kind of a situation is a) an idiot, and b) bringing it on themselves.

There's this (oftentimes) misplaced sense of entitlement we feel as wrestling / celebrity / sports fans: you have to cater to our needs, in a way we prefer or choose. And now that Punk's not out there pandering to our desires a large portion of people are butthurt about it and calling him a "quieter" (whatever that is). It might be tough for some to wrap their heads around this but he doesn't owe us anything; like he pointed out we didn't buy his house, he bought his house. He didn't even owe us an explanation but gave us one anyway through this podcast, and I certainly appreciate it, both as a longtime fan of Punk's and of wrestling.
It's not WHY he left, it's HOW he left that's the problem.

@ he doesn't owe "us" anything.  Without the fans, he would be wrestling in backyards while AJ Lee was getting her back blown out by the other wrestlers in the locker room.  Not saying he owes me anything since I never supported him, but that's a slap in the face to his fans
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Vince completely dropped the ball by not havin a long drawn out rivalry between Bryan and Punk. Legitimitally could have been Bret/Shawn 2.0
It's not WHY he left, it's HOW he left that's the problem.

:lol: @ he doesn't owe "us" anything.  Without the fans, he would be wrestling in backyards while AJ Lee was getting her back blown out by the other wrestlers in the locker room.  Not saying he owes me anything since I never supported him, but that's a slap in the face to his fans :smh: .

Going back to the comparison I made with a corporate setting his approach is not something I personally would have used if I were in his shoes but that's precisely the point: I wasn't in his shoes, so I don't know just how frustrated or fed up he was at that time. Could he have handled it better than just walking away? Most probably, yes. But that's not how he's wired. Punk's always going to do things his way, and he knows his choices aren't going to sit well with everybody. All I'm saying is it's not my place to decide what was "right" and what was "wrong" about how he left because I wasn't there.

There's a clear distinction between owing someone and being appreciative of someone. I could be in the minority here, but I just don't think he owes his fans anything in the sense that we deserve something from him or "deserve better" from him simply because we supported him for all of those years... hence my point about entitlement. I'm not saying he shouldn't be grateful for all of the support his fans have given him and I don't think Punk discounts that or doesn't appreciate that at all; it's just where do you draw the line between being a fan and having unrealistic expectations of whomever / whatever it is you're a fan of?
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He doesn't owe us anything. It is entitlement to think you deserve a formal exit from an athlete. He can leave when he wants and how he wants. You will get over it eventually.

Same with the D. Roses situation. If b he decides ti retire tomorrow no fan can say nab D. Rose you owe us. You can't leave yet.

It is entitlement
Regal just finished a scouting trip in Asia (mainly India don't get your hopes up thinking he was looking at okada), South America(Mexico, Brazil) and the UK.
I think with sports, fans forgot that they are jobs and not just a game. Usually the first thing you hear out of a fans much when they complain about athletes is the fact that said athletes should feel so privileged to be able to "play a game" for a living. But they go through the same struggles and challenges as any man that works a 9 to 5. But because they are celebrities and making a load of money, that fact often escapes the mind of the average fan.
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