Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

I always feel he belt should close out shows when defended and a lot of those PPVs at the time he didn't close things. There was a link/list posted in a thread a while back outlining all of that.

Savage I think that's rule 10.

I'm old school so I feel no feud or program should ever be above the World belt..But it seems like since I got back into wrestling about 4 yrs ago (shout out to my NTWT brothers for getting me addicted again) that the belt is not too often thought of as that big of a deal..Which absolutely makes my blood boil..It's stuff like that that makes me always talk about how great things were in NWA/WCW..Cause in those promotions the person holding the belt was treated like a king..Now it's like "Hey look I'm World Champ" which gets a reply of "So what?"..
I really don't understand how/why the belts have lost so much prestige. The whole point of wrestling is to win the damn belt lol
SCSA should sneak a punk question in this monday night. The look on Vince's face would be worth the network alone.
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I'll take Punk's word over Ryback's anyday. Ryback hurt Bryan when he dropped him and powerbombed him on the outside. That was when he started getting buried.

I don't care how hard Ryback works. His physique and his improvement on the mic shows it. But the #1 rule in wrestling is to protect the people you work with. By all means and any cost.

Also, I couldn't care less how much of a douche Punk is. He's just like Kobe to me. I don't watch them for what type of people they are when they're off my TV. Because when they are on my TV, they are entertaining as all hell. And that's all that matters to me.
What's happening with the Ryback?
Punk said his program with the big guy took 20 years off his life n Ryback is upset. He said Ryback broke his ribs, gave him a concussion. Basically thinks the big guy is dumb as **** or he injured punk on purpose.
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Punk said his program with the big guy took 20 years off his life n Ryback is upset. He said Ryback broke his ribs, gave him a concussion. Basically thinks the big guy is dumb as **** or he injured punk on purpose.

The Ryback must just not know his own strength. He's basicslly Lennie from Of Mice and Men
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It's so eerie watching any Dynamite match..It's basically like looking at an early version of Benoit..
Were there any other wrestlers in history that were that identical?

Shoot, they even looked similar.

Maybe Hogan/Graham, Flair/Rogers?
Man you know I am all about the actual science of the sport. But the main goal is to entertain. Cena has been the number 1 dude for ten years for a reason. 10 years man. Punk is up there but he is more.of a TMAC to Cenas Kobe.

I like Punk But be real nhere

I'll take your analogy one step forward and say Punk is more Timmy D (outside of the humble part) than TMac. Duncan was the GOAT of his era but the media/ESPN/LA will have you believe that Kobe was.

Or nt will have you believe that. I remember posting about how I thought Duncan and shaq were the top 2 superstars of the early 2000s and some kobe buttboy stan got mad. That boy needed to chill.
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