Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Because of the Uso documentary, I wanted t watch some Roman Reigns matches. Yea I know. But I remember this being a solid match and Roman missing his Marafuji Apron Dropkick for the first time.

But what I wanted to highlight was how focused JBL and Cole were during this match. They stayed on topic and called what they saw. They spoke about Del Rio's history, hell even mentioned Dos Caras Sr. They did a damn good job.

So during Roman's matches, this should be the formula that is used. He should get pounded on early, make the comeback. You know, typical super babyface stuff. This was a good match man.

Thanks for posting this. Enjoyed this match. Smackdown has put on waaaayyyy better matches than RAW has. This. Seth Rollins when he was still with shield vs chena. That triple threat rvd vs orton vs christian for #1 contenders. The recent IC title triple threat match. All RAW has are DQ finishes. :smh:
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Nikki only got those opportunities because of Cena, just like AJ got those opportunities because of Punk.

She's no different :lol: if we're talking hard workers, Naomi should be Diva's champ and it isn't even a question
i had a dream the other night that i tried to convince yes bella to have a 3some with me and titty bella. kept telling her its wincest. she didn't care for the idea too much.
The fact that Nikki Bella wears flea market nikes and Boardwalk spray painted hats makes her less attractive to me
Titty Bella and B-Cup Bella.
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Really interested in hearing that Vince/SCSA podcast tonight. RAW itself, meh.. only checking in for the chants. Is Tulsa ever a good crowd?
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